
时间:2021-07-11 12:49:51

I am using the latest version of JqueryUI autocomplete(1.8.23). I am using autoFocus : true property and this is giving me a big problem.


When I start typing text in my input box at a somewhat quick pace, the autoFocus : true causes the text to be replaced with value from previous matches.


eg: when I type "foot", this fires a request to the server and the first selection in the autocomplete dropdown becomes "foot", whereas I would have quickly continued to type "football". This replaces the letters ball as I type them.


Anybody faced this and found a solution?



This is a bug raised on the jquery ui site. Though it has been closed as fixed, it is not available in their latest stable version available for download. http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/7555

这是jquery ui网站上提出的错误。虽然它已经被修复关闭,但它没有最新的稳定版本可供下载。 http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/7555

If someone has found a workaround for this solution, would be great if you can share it.


1 个解决方案



Though the bug has been closed as "fixed" by the JQueryUI team, the fix is shown to be available only in 1.9.0 release. So until then, this is a workaround to the problem. The blur event is the cause of this problem.


Add the following piece of code to your page's javascript:


$('.ui-autocomplete-input').each(function (idx, elem) {
      var autocomplete = $(elem).data('autocomplete');
      if ('undefined' !== typeof autocomplete) {
            var blur = autocomplete.menu.options.blur;
            autocomplete.menu.options.blur = function (evt, ui) {
                  if (autocomplete.pending === 0) {
                        blur.apply(this,  arguments);

Credit goes to these folks




Though the bug has been closed as "fixed" by the JQueryUI team, the fix is shown to be available only in 1.9.0 release. So until then, this is a workaround to the problem. The blur event is the cause of this problem.


Add the following piece of code to your page's javascript:


$('.ui-autocomplete-input').each(function (idx, elem) {
      var autocomplete = $(elem).data('autocomplete');
      if ('undefined' !== typeof autocomplete) {
            var blur = autocomplete.menu.options.blur;
            autocomplete.menu.options.blur = function (evt, ui) {
                  if (autocomplete.pending === 0) {
                        blur.apply(this,  arguments);

Credit goes to these folks
