
时间:2022-01-13 11:59:12

I need to know what += does in python. It's that simple. I also would appreciate links to definitions of other short hand tools in python.


10 个解决方案



In Python, += is sugar coating for the __iadd__ special method, or __add__ or __radd__ if __iadd__ isn't present. The __iadd__ method of a class can do anything it wants. The list object implements it and uses it to iterate over an iterable object appending each element to itself in the same way that the list's extend method does.


Here's a simple custom class that implements the __iadd__ special method. You initialize the object with an int, then can use the += operator to add a number. I've added a print statement in __iadd__ to show that it gets called. Also, __iadd__ is expected to return an object, so I returned the addition of itself plus the other number which makes sense in this case.


>>> class Adder(object):
        def __init__(self, num=0):
            self.num = num

        def __iadd__(self, other):
            print 'in __iadd__', other
            self.num = self.num + other
            return self.num

>>> a = Adder(2)
>>> a += 3
in __iadd__ 3
>>> a

Hope this helps.




+= adds another value with the variable's value and assigns the new value to the variable.


>>> x = 3
>>> x += 2
>>> print x

-=, *=, /= does similar for subtraction, multiplication and division.




+= adds a number to a variable, changing the variable itself in the process (whereas + would not). Similar to this, there are the following that also modifies the variable:


  • -=, subtracts a value from variable, setting the variable to the result
  • -=,从变量中减去一个值,将变量设置为结果
  • *=, multiplies the variable and a value, making the outcome the variable
  • *=,将变量和值相乘,使结果为变量
  • /=, divides the variable by the value, making the outcome the variable
  • /=,将变量除以值,使结果为变量
  • %=, performs modulus on the variable, with the variable then being set to the result of it
  • %=,对变量执行模量,然后将变量设置为其结果

There may be others. I am not a Python programmer.




It adds the right operand to the left. x += 2 means x = x + 2

它在左边添加右操作数。x += 2表示x = x + 2

It can also add elements to a list -- see this SO thread.

它还可以向列表添加元素——请参见SO thread。



It is not a mere syntactic shortcut. Try this:


x=[]                   # empty list
x += "something"       # iterates over the string and appends to list
print(x)               # ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e', 't', 'h', 'i', 'n', 'g']


x=[]                   # empty list
x = x + "something"    # TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

This illustrates that += invokes the iadd list method but + invokes add, which do different things with lists.

这说明了+=调用iadd list方法,但是+调用add,它对列表做不同的事情。



x += 5 is not exactly same as saying x = x + 5 in Python.

x += 5与Python中的x = x + 5并不完全相同。

Note here:


In [1]: x = [2,3,4]    
In [2]: y = x    
In [3]: x += 7,8,9    
In [4]: x
Out[4]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]    
In [5]: y
Out[5]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]    
In [6]: x += [44,55]    
In [7]: x
Out[7]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55]    
In [8]: y
Out[8]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55]    
In [9]: x = x + [33,22]    
In [10]: x
Out[10]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55, 33, 22]    
In [11]: y
Out[11]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55]

See for reference: Why does += behave unexpectedly on lists?





is just a shortcut for writing


numbers = 1
numbers = numbers + 1
print (numbers)   ## 2

So instead you would write


numbers = 1
numbers += 1
print (numbers)   ## 2

Both ways are correct but example two helps you write a little less code




Notionally a += b "adds" b to a storing the result in a. This simplistic description would describe the += operator in many languages.

在概念上,a += b将b添加到a中存储结果。这个简单的描述将在许多语言中描述+=运算符。

However the simplistic description raises a couple of questions.


  1. What exactly do we mean by "adding"?
  2. “添加”到底是什么意思?
  3. What exactly do we mean by "storing the result in a"? python variables don't store values directly they store references to objects.
  4. “将结果存储在a中”到底是什么意思?python变量不直接存储值,而是直接存储对对象的引用。

In python the answers to both of these questions depend on the data type of a.


So what exactly does "adding" mean?


  • For numbers it means numeric addition.
  • 对于数字,它意味着数字的加法。
  • For lists, tuples, strings etc it means concatenation.
  • 对于列表、元组、字符串等等,它意味着连接。

Note that for lists += is more flexible than +, the + operator on a list requires another list, but the += operator will accept any iterable.


So what does "storing the value in a" mean?


If the object is mutable then it is encouraged (but not required) to perform the modification in-place. So a points to the same object it did before but that object now has different content.


If the object is immutable then it obviously can't perform the modification in-place. Some mutable objects may also not have an implementation of an in-place "add" operation . In this case the variable "a" will be updated to point to a new object containing the result of an addition operation.


Technically this is implemented by looking for __IADD__ first, if that is not implemented then __ADD__ is tried and finally __RADD__.


Care is required when using += in python on variables where we are not certain of the exact type and in particular where we are not certain if the type is mutable or not. For example consider the following code.


def dostuff(a):
    b = a
    a += (3,4)
    print(repr(a)+' '+repr(b))


When we invoke dostuff with a tuple then the tuple is copied as part of the += operation and so b is unaffected. However when we invoke it with a list the list is modified in place, so both a and b are affected.


In python 3, similar behaviour is observed with the "bytes" and "bytearray" types.

在python 3中,“字节”和“bytearray”类型也有类似的行为。

Finally note that reassignment happens even if the object is not replaced. This doesn't matter much if the left hand side is simply a variable but it can cause confusing behaviour when you have an immutable collection referring to mutable collections for example:


a = ([1,2],[3,4])
a[0] += [5]

In this case [5] will successfully be added to the list referred to by a[0] but then afterwards an exception will be raised when the code tries and fails to reassign a[0].




As others also said, the += operator is a shortcut. An example:


var = 1;
var = var + 1;
#var = 2

It could also be written like so:


var = 1;
var += 1;
#var = 2

So instead of writing the first example, you can just write the second one, which would work just fine.




Remember when you used to sum, for example 2 & 3, in your old calculator and every time you hit the = you see 3 added to the total, the += does similar job. Example:


>>> orange = 2
>>> orange += 3
>>> print(orange)
>>> orange +=3
>>> print(orange)



In Python, += is sugar coating for the __iadd__ special method, or __add__ or __radd__ if __iadd__ isn't present. The __iadd__ method of a class can do anything it wants. The list object implements it and uses it to iterate over an iterable object appending each element to itself in the same way that the list's extend method does.


Here's a simple custom class that implements the __iadd__ special method. You initialize the object with an int, then can use the += operator to add a number. I've added a print statement in __iadd__ to show that it gets called. Also, __iadd__ is expected to return an object, so I returned the addition of itself plus the other number which makes sense in this case.


>>> class Adder(object):
        def __init__(self, num=0):
            self.num = num

        def __iadd__(self, other):
            print 'in __iadd__', other
            self.num = self.num + other
            return self.num

>>> a = Adder(2)
>>> a += 3
in __iadd__ 3
>>> a

Hope this helps.




+= adds another value with the variable's value and assigns the new value to the variable.


>>> x = 3
>>> x += 2
>>> print x

-=, *=, /= does similar for subtraction, multiplication and division.




+= adds a number to a variable, changing the variable itself in the process (whereas + would not). Similar to this, there are the following that also modifies the variable:


  • -=, subtracts a value from variable, setting the variable to the result
  • -=,从变量中减去一个值,将变量设置为结果
  • *=, multiplies the variable and a value, making the outcome the variable
  • *=,将变量和值相乘,使结果为变量
  • /=, divides the variable by the value, making the outcome the variable
  • /=,将变量除以值,使结果为变量
  • %=, performs modulus on the variable, with the variable then being set to the result of it
  • %=,对变量执行模量,然后将变量设置为其结果

There may be others. I am not a Python programmer.




It adds the right operand to the left. x += 2 means x = x + 2

它在左边添加右操作数。x += 2表示x = x + 2

It can also add elements to a list -- see this SO thread.

它还可以向列表添加元素——请参见SO thread。



It is not a mere syntactic shortcut. Try this:


x=[]                   # empty list
x += "something"       # iterates over the string and appends to list
print(x)               # ['s', 'o', 'm', 'e', 't', 'h', 'i', 'n', 'g']


x=[]                   # empty list
x = x + "something"    # TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

This illustrates that += invokes the iadd list method but + invokes add, which do different things with lists.

这说明了+=调用iadd list方法,但是+调用add,它对列表做不同的事情。



x += 5 is not exactly same as saying x = x + 5 in Python.

x += 5与Python中的x = x + 5并不完全相同。

Note here:


In [1]: x = [2,3,4]    
In [2]: y = x    
In [3]: x += 7,8,9    
In [4]: x
Out[4]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]    
In [5]: y
Out[5]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]    
In [6]: x += [44,55]    
In [7]: x
Out[7]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55]    
In [8]: y
Out[8]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55]    
In [9]: x = x + [33,22]    
In [10]: x
Out[10]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55, 33, 22]    
In [11]: y
Out[11]: [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 44, 55]

See for reference: Why does += behave unexpectedly on lists?





is just a shortcut for writing


numbers = 1
numbers = numbers + 1
print (numbers)   ## 2

So instead you would write


numbers = 1
numbers += 1
print (numbers)   ## 2

Both ways are correct but example two helps you write a little less code




Notionally a += b "adds" b to a storing the result in a. This simplistic description would describe the += operator in many languages.

在概念上,a += b将b添加到a中存储结果。这个简单的描述将在许多语言中描述+=运算符。

However the simplistic description raises a couple of questions.


  1. What exactly do we mean by "adding"?
  2. “添加”到底是什么意思?
  3. What exactly do we mean by "storing the result in a"? python variables don't store values directly they store references to objects.
  4. “将结果存储在a中”到底是什么意思?python变量不直接存储值,而是直接存储对对象的引用。

In python the answers to both of these questions depend on the data type of a.


So what exactly does "adding" mean?


  • For numbers it means numeric addition.
  • 对于数字,它意味着数字的加法。
  • For lists, tuples, strings etc it means concatenation.
  • 对于列表、元组、字符串等等,它意味着连接。

Note that for lists += is more flexible than +, the + operator on a list requires another list, but the += operator will accept any iterable.


So what does "storing the value in a" mean?


If the object is mutable then it is encouraged (but not required) to perform the modification in-place. So a points to the same object it did before but that object now has different content.


If the object is immutable then it obviously can't perform the modification in-place. Some mutable objects may also not have an implementation of an in-place "add" operation . In this case the variable "a" will be updated to point to a new object containing the result of an addition operation.


Technically this is implemented by looking for __IADD__ first, if that is not implemented then __ADD__ is tried and finally __RADD__.


Care is required when using += in python on variables where we are not certain of the exact type and in particular where we are not certain if the type is mutable or not. For example consider the following code.


def dostuff(a):
    b = a
    a += (3,4)
    print(repr(a)+' '+repr(b))


When we invoke dostuff with a tuple then the tuple is copied as part of the += operation and so b is unaffected. However when we invoke it with a list the list is modified in place, so both a and b are affected.


In python 3, similar behaviour is observed with the "bytes" and "bytearray" types.

在python 3中,“字节”和“bytearray”类型也有类似的行为。

Finally note that reassignment happens even if the object is not replaced. This doesn't matter much if the left hand side is simply a variable but it can cause confusing behaviour when you have an immutable collection referring to mutable collections for example:


a = ([1,2],[3,4])
a[0] += [5]

In this case [5] will successfully be added to the list referred to by a[0] but then afterwards an exception will be raised when the code tries and fails to reassign a[0].




As others also said, the += operator is a shortcut. An example:


var = 1;
var = var + 1;
#var = 2

It could also be written like so:


var = 1;
var += 1;
#var = 2

So instead of writing the first example, you can just write the second one, which would work just fine.




Remember when you used to sum, for example 2 & 3, in your old calculator and every time you hit the = you see 3 added to the total, the += does similar job. Example:


>>> orange = 2
>>> orange += 3
>>> print(orange)
>>> orange +=3
>>> print(orange)