如何在Waterline ORM中设置数据库连接字符串

时间:2022-03-17 11:52:10

I just downloaded Waterline from npm. I got some folders, but cant find where can i set the host/user/password etc. to connect my postgress database. I watched all files in the waterline folder and nothing. Can anyone tell me where set it ?


1 个解决方案



Waterline is in its current state a sub project of the Sails framework.


What you are searching for is the conventional place to put your database configuration. When using Waterline as part of Sails this convention would be defined by the way Sails auto-requires configuration files into the global sails object.


When using Waterline on its own you'll have to take care of this part for yourself: You want to bootstrap and pass your configuration explicitly into waterline. What you'll have to do step by step:


  1. Require Waterline and the correct Waterline adapter, in your case: sails-postgresql
  2. 在你的情况下需要Waterline和正确的Waterline适配器:sails-postgresql
  3. Specify adapters config
  4. 指定适配器配置
  5. Specify connections config, this will take the config in question
  6. 指定连接配置,这将采用有问题的配置
  7. Define and load your collections
  8. 定义并加载您的集合
  9. Initialize Waterline
  10. 初始化水线

An example how to do all this, derived from these Waterline examples: https://github.com/balderdashy/waterline/blob/master/example/


// 1. Require Waterline and the correct Waterline adapter
Waterline = require('waterline'),
postgreAdapter = require('sails-postgresql');

var config = {
  // 2. Specify `adapters` config
  adapters: {
    postgre: postgreAdapter

  // 3. Specify `connections` config
  postgreDev: {
    adapter: 'postgre',
    host: 'localhost',
    database: 'development',
    user: 'developer',
    password: 'somethingsupersecret'

// 4. Define and load your collections
var User = Waterline.Collection.extend({
  // collection.identity and collection.connection
  // have to be specified explicitly when using Waterline without Sails
  identity: 'user',
  connection: 'postgreDev',

  attributes: {

var waterline = new Waterline();

// 5. Initialize Waterline
waterline.initialize(config, function(err, models) {
  if (err) throw err;

  // Expose your models for further use



Waterline is in its current state a sub project of the Sails framework.


What you are searching for is the conventional place to put your database configuration. When using Waterline as part of Sails this convention would be defined by the way Sails auto-requires configuration files into the global sails object.


When using Waterline on its own you'll have to take care of this part for yourself: You want to bootstrap and pass your configuration explicitly into waterline. What you'll have to do step by step:


  1. Require Waterline and the correct Waterline adapter, in your case: sails-postgresql
  2. 在你的情况下需要Waterline和正确的Waterline适配器:sails-postgresql
  3. Specify adapters config
  4. 指定适配器配置
  5. Specify connections config, this will take the config in question
  6. 指定连接配置,这将采用有问题的配置
  7. Define and load your collections
  8. 定义并加载您的集合
  9. Initialize Waterline
  10. 初始化水线

An example how to do all this, derived from these Waterline examples: https://github.com/balderdashy/waterline/blob/master/example/


// 1. Require Waterline and the correct Waterline adapter
Waterline = require('waterline'),
postgreAdapter = require('sails-postgresql');

var config = {
  // 2. Specify `adapters` config
  adapters: {
    postgre: postgreAdapter

  // 3. Specify `connections` config
  postgreDev: {
    adapter: 'postgre',
    host: 'localhost',
    database: 'development',
    user: 'developer',
    password: 'somethingsupersecret'

// 4. Define and load your collections
var User = Waterline.Collection.extend({
  // collection.identity and collection.connection
  // have to be specified explicitly when using Waterline without Sails
  identity: 'user',
  connection: 'postgreDev',

  attributes: {

var waterline = new Waterline();

// 5. Initialize Waterline
waterline.initialize(config, function(err, models) {
  if (err) throw err;

  // Expose your models for further use