Angular2:如果img src无效,则显示占位符图像

时间:2022-06-07 12:07:08

Goal: Load an image with a dynamic source. If no image is found, then load a placeholder image instead.


This should demonstrate what I'm trying to do, but I don't know how to conditionally set validImage based on whether the first img src is valid.

这应该展示我正在尝试做什么,但我不知道如何根据第一个img src是否有效来有条件地设置validImage。

<img *ngif="validImage" class="thumbnail-image" src="./app/assets/images/{{image.ID}}.jpg" alt="...">
<img *ngif="!validImage" class="thumbnail-image" src="./app/assets/images/placeholder.jpg" alt="...">

validImage should be true if src="./app/assets/images/{{image.ID}}.jpg" returns an image. Otherwise it would return false and only the second img tag should show.

如果src =“./ app / assets / images / {{image.ID}},则validImage应该为true.jpg”返回图像。否则它将返回false并且只显示第二个img标记。

There are obvious work arounds like storing a list of all valid image sources, but I'm thinking there is a better way to accomplish this.


Any suggestions on the best way to implement this in Angular2 would be greatly appreciated.


8 个解决方案



The best way to handle broken image links is the use the onError event for the <img> tag:

处理损坏的图像链接的最佳方法是使用Angular2:如果img src无效,则显示占位符图像标记的onError事件:

<img  class="thumbnail-image" src="./app/assets/images/{{image.ID}}.jpg"
      onError="this.src='./app/assets/images/placeholder.jpg';"  alt="..." />



I ran into a similar need. I wanted to default to a 1X1 transparent pixel if an img url was null or returned an error (404 etc).

我遇到了类似的需求。如果img url为null或返回错误(404等),我想默认为1X1透明像素。

import { Directive, Input } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'img[src]',
    host: {
        '[src]': 'checkPath(src)',
        '(error)': 'onError()'
export class DefaultImage { 
    @Input() src: string;
    public defaultImg: string = '{YOUR_DEFAULT_IMG}';
    public onError() {
        return this.defaultImg;
    public checkPath(src) {
        return src ? src : this.defaultImg;



<img [src]="pic" (error)="setDefaultPic()">

And somewhere in your component class:


setDefaultPic() {
  this.pic = "assets/images/my-image.png";



<img class="thumbnail-image" src="getImage()" alt="...">

getImage():string{  //I don't know how would you handle your situation here. But you can think of it.

  if (this.validImage) // I don't know how would you manage validImage here.
     return this.validImagePath;

   return this.placeholderImagePath;



src="validImage ? validImageUrl : placeHolderImgUrl"



There is a non-Angular2 way by pure CSS: Styling Broken Images

纯CSS有一种非Angular2方式:Styling Broken Images

But please note the browser support metrics in the article.




I've created a custom component that uses a placeholder image if the image is still not loaded or if an error occurs when loading it:



import { Component, Input, OnChanges } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'my-img',
    templateUrl: 'img.component.html',
export class ImgComponent implements OnChanges {
    public src: string;
    public default: string;
    public alt: string;
    public cached = false;
    public loaded = false;
    public error = false;

    private lastSrc: string;

    constructor() { }

    public ngOnChanges() {
        if (this.src !== this.lastSrc) {
            this.lastSrc = this.src;
            this.loaded = false;
            this.error = false;
            this.cached = this.isCached(this.src);

        if (!this.src) {
            this.error = true;

    public onLoad() {
        this.loaded = true;

    public onError() {
        this.error = true;

    private isCached(url: string): boolean {
        if (!url) {
            return false;

        let image = new Image();
        image.src = url;
        let complete = image.complete;

        // console.log('isCached', complete, url);

        return complete;


<ng-container *ngIf="!cached">
        *ngIf="default && (error || !loaded)" 

<ng-container *ngIf="cached">
        *ngIf="default && error" 

Then you can use it like:


<my-img [src]="src" [alt]="alt" [default]="DEFAULT_IMAGE"></my-img>

PS: I verify beforehand if the image is cached to avoid the image blinking (normally when a component that has the image inside is re-rendered) between the placeholder and the image (if it is cached, I show the image even before the loaded flag be set to true). You can uncomment the log in the isCached function to see if your images are cached or not.




I Just did this :


In my HTML FILE wrote this


   *ngFor="let movie of (results | key:'10')" 
    class="card" style="margin-top:7%;">
 <img [src]="getImage(results[movie])" alt="" class="card-img-top pointer"></div>

I called a function that is in my component.ts and pass the object wheres my url as a parameter


  return this.imageURL+(result.poster_path);
}else return "./assets/noFound.jpg"

Heres my function , first I verify if the object image url is different from null if is true then I return the image url else i return my default "noFound" image that is in my app assets.
Hope it helps!




The best way to handle broken image links is the use the onError event for the <img> tag:

处理损坏的图像链接的最佳方法是使用Angular2:如果img src无效,则显示占位符图像标记的onError事件:

<img  class="thumbnail-image" src="./app/assets/images/{{image.ID}}.jpg"
      onError="this.src='./app/assets/images/placeholder.jpg';"  alt="..." />



I ran into a similar need. I wanted to default to a 1X1 transparent pixel if an img url was null or returned an error (404 etc).

我遇到了类似的需求。如果img url为null或返回错误(404等),我想默认为1X1透明像素。

import { Directive, Input } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'img[src]',
    host: {
        '[src]': 'checkPath(src)',
        '(error)': 'onError()'
export class DefaultImage { 
    @Input() src: string;
    public defaultImg: string = '{YOUR_DEFAULT_IMG}';
    public onError() {
        return this.defaultImg;
    public checkPath(src) {
        return src ? src : this.defaultImg;



<img [src]="pic" (error)="setDefaultPic()">

And somewhere in your component class:


setDefaultPic() {
  this.pic = "assets/images/my-image.png";



<img class="thumbnail-image" src="getImage()" alt="...">

getImage():string{  //I don't know how would you handle your situation here. But you can think of it.

  if (this.validImage) // I don't know how would you manage validImage here.
     return this.validImagePath;

   return this.placeholderImagePath;



src="validImage ? validImageUrl : placeHolderImgUrl"



There is a non-Angular2 way by pure CSS: Styling Broken Images

纯CSS有一种非Angular2方式:Styling Broken Images

But please note the browser support metrics in the article.




I've created a custom component that uses a placeholder image if the image is still not loaded or if an error occurs when loading it:



import { Component, Input, OnChanges } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'my-img',
    templateUrl: 'img.component.html',
export class ImgComponent implements OnChanges {
    public src: string;
    public default: string;
    public alt: string;
    public cached = false;
    public loaded = false;
    public error = false;

    private lastSrc: string;

    constructor() { }

    public ngOnChanges() {
        if (this.src !== this.lastSrc) {
            this.lastSrc = this.src;
            this.loaded = false;
            this.error = false;
            this.cached = this.isCached(this.src);

        if (!this.src) {
            this.error = true;

    public onLoad() {
        this.loaded = true;

    public onError() {
        this.error = true;

    private isCached(url: string): boolean {
        if (!url) {
            return false;

        let image = new Image();
        image.src = url;
        let complete = image.complete;

        // console.log('isCached', complete, url);

        return complete;


<ng-container *ngIf="!cached">
        *ngIf="default && (error || !loaded)" 

<ng-container *ngIf="cached">
        *ngIf="default && error" 

Then you can use it like:


<my-img [src]="src" [alt]="alt" [default]="DEFAULT_IMAGE"></my-img>

PS: I verify beforehand if the image is cached to avoid the image blinking (normally when a component that has the image inside is re-rendered) between the placeholder and the image (if it is cached, I show the image even before the loaded flag be set to true). You can uncomment the log in the isCached function to see if your images are cached or not.




I Just did this :


In my HTML FILE wrote this


   *ngFor="let movie of (results | key:'10')" 
    class="card" style="margin-top:7%;">
 <img [src]="getImage(results[movie])" alt="" class="card-img-top pointer"></div>

I called a function that is in my component.ts and pass the object wheres my url as a parameter


  return this.imageURL+(result.poster_path);
}else return "./assets/noFound.jpg"

Heres my function , first I verify if the object image url is different from null if is true then I return the image url else i return my default "noFound" image that is in my app assets.
Hope it helps!
