
时间:2021-12-19 11:22:42

Let's say I have the following 3 Angular UI Router states:


    .state('adminCompanies', {
        abstract: true,
        url: "/admin/companies",
        template: '<div ui-view class="viewContainer" autoscroll="false" />'
    .state('adminCompanies.list', {
        url: "",
        templateUrl: 'app/admin/companies/companies.list.html',
        controller: 'AdminCompaniesController'
    .state('adminCompanies.detail', {
        url: "/:companyId",
        templateUrl: 'app/admin/companies/companies.detail.html',
        resolve: {
            company: function(Model, $stateParams) {
                return Model.get("/admin/companies", $stateParams.companyId);
        controller: 'AdminCompanyDetailController'

If the adminCompanies is transitioned to directly, how can I tell Angular UI Router to go to the adminCompanies.list state instead?


Ideally, what I'd like to is something like:


$stateProvider.when('adminCompanies', 'adminCompanies.list');

In my code, I then want $state.go('adminCompanies') to be equivalent to $state.go('adminCompanies.list')


3 个解决方案



As your application is currently set up, you should not need any explicit logic for this. When a sub-state has an empty url property, it becomes active at the same time its parent state becomes active. Any template for the sub-state is inserted into the ui-view directive provided by the parent state's template. The Angular UI sample application addresses this type of architecture: when the contacts state is navigated to, its template provides the navigation layout as well as a distinct ui-view for its sub-states; because the contacts.list state has a url property of "", it is automatically loaded when its parent state, contacts is navigated to. This is documented in the application's comments:


Using an empty url means that this child state will become active when its parent's url is navigated to. Urls of child states are automatically appended to the urls of their parent. So this state's url is '/contacts' (because '/contacts' + '').

使用空url意味着在导航到其父url时该子状态将变为活动状态。子状态的url会自动附加到其父url。所以这个状态的url是'/contacts'(因为'/contacts' + ")。

Now, assuming for one reason or another that you never wanted your parent adminCompanies state to become active. In this case, you can make that state an abstract state like so:

现在,假设出于某种原因,您从未希望您的父adminCompanies state变得活跃。在这种情况下,您可以使该状态成为这样的抽象状态:

    .state('adminCompanies', {
        abstract: true,
        url: "/admin/companies",
        template: '<div ui-view class="viewContainer" autoscroll="false" />'
    .state('adminCompanies.list', {
        url: "/list",
        templateUrl: 'app/admin/companies/companies.list.html',
        controller: 'AdminCompaniesController'
    .state('adminCompanies.detail', {
        url: "/:companyId",
        templateUrl: 'app/admin/companies/companies.detail.html',
        resolve: {
            company: function(Model, $stateParams) {
                return Model.get("/admin/companies", $stateParams.companyId);
        controller: 'AdminCompanyDetailController'

Note the addition of the abstract: true addition on the 3rd line and the explicit state url of /list for adminCompanies.list

请注意第3行添加的摘要:true add以及admin .list的显式状态url /list

This tells Angular-UI that it should treat this state as if doesn't exist for URL navigation purposes. It will still become active when you navigate to sub-states though, so it will still use the URL you provide to prefix the URL of sub-states. But if you try navigating to it from another state, it will act as if the state doesn't exist. For this reason, you will also need to add handling for unmatched URLs using $urlRouteProvider.


A basic use of $urlRouteProvider might look like this:



That just redirects all calls to non-existent states to the state with the URL of "/". This assumes you have one. However, because someone might be trying to navigate to the list view but they are navigating to /admin/companies directly, you should probably have a handler like this:


$urlRouterProvider.when("/admin/companies", "/admin/companies/list");

Which one you use depends on the architecture of your application, but it seems that for your current needs you shouldn't have to do anything. If your specifications change, the abstract state might come in handy.




You can also use ui-router-default - a module where default child states are defined in the parent state by setting abstract: ".defaultChild".

您还可以使用ui-router-default——通过设置抽象“. defaultchild”,在父状态中定义默认子状态。

This has the benefit of being able to use ui-sref="parent" and $state.go("parent"); (which was important for me when dynamically creating a navbar).


NB: Both this and David's solution only work if the parent state is abstract - i.e. the parent cannot be active without a child being active - which should be the case when we want to have a "default" child view.


(See also the ui-router team's relevant discussion here.)




In version 1.0.0alpha0 they finally make it possible! Not child for abstract states, new $transitionsProvider, in which you could define onBefore hook. You can change the behaviour depends on state options.

在1.0.0alpha0版本中,他们终于让这一切成为可能!不是抽象状态的子元素,而是新的$transitionsProvider,您可以在其中定义onBefore hook。您可以根据状态选项更改行为。

For example you can change "abstract" param behaviour:


    to: state => !!state.abstract
  }, ($transition$, $state) => {
    if (angular.isString($transition.to().abstract)) {
      return $state.target($transition.to().abstract);

and use it like so:


  abstract: 'abstract2.foo',  //use not boolean but exact child state

code example


was taken from: ui-router: Default child for abstract state




As your application is currently set up, you should not need any explicit logic for this. When a sub-state has an empty url property, it becomes active at the same time its parent state becomes active. Any template for the sub-state is inserted into the ui-view directive provided by the parent state's template. The Angular UI sample application addresses this type of architecture: when the contacts state is navigated to, its template provides the navigation layout as well as a distinct ui-view for its sub-states; because the contacts.list state has a url property of "", it is automatically loaded when its parent state, contacts is navigated to. This is documented in the application's comments:


Using an empty url means that this child state will become active when its parent's url is navigated to. Urls of child states are automatically appended to the urls of their parent. So this state's url is '/contacts' (because '/contacts' + '').

使用空url意味着在导航到其父url时该子状态将变为活动状态。子状态的url会自动附加到其父url。所以这个状态的url是'/contacts'(因为'/contacts' + ")。

Now, assuming for one reason or another that you never wanted your parent adminCompanies state to become active. In this case, you can make that state an abstract state like so:

现在,假设出于某种原因,您从未希望您的父adminCompanies state变得活跃。在这种情况下,您可以使该状态成为这样的抽象状态:

    .state('adminCompanies', {
        abstract: true,
        url: "/admin/companies",
        template: '<div ui-view class="viewContainer" autoscroll="false" />'
    .state('adminCompanies.list', {
        url: "/list",
        templateUrl: 'app/admin/companies/companies.list.html',
        controller: 'AdminCompaniesController'
    .state('adminCompanies.detail', {
        url: "/:companyId",
        templateUrl: 'app/admin/companies/companies.detail.html',
        resolve: {
            company: function(Model, $stateParams) {
                return Model.get("/admin/companies", $stateParams.companyId);
        controller: 'AdminCompanyDetailController'

Note the addition of the abstract: true addition on the 3rd line and the explicit state url of /list for adminCompanies.list

请注意第3行添加的摘要:true add以及admin .list的显式状态url /list

This tells Angular-UI that it should treat this state as if doesn't exist for URL navigation purposes. It will still become active when you navigate to sub-states though, so it will still use the URL you provide to prefix the URL of sub-states. But if you try navigating to it from another state, it will act as if the state doesn't exist. For this reason, you will also need to add handling for unmatched URLs using $urlRouteProvider.


A basic use of $urlRouteProvider might look like this:



That just redirects all calls to non-existent states to the state with the URL of "/". This assumes you have one. However, because someone might be trying to navigate to the list view but they are navigating to /admin/companies directly, you should probably have a handler like this:


$urlRouterProvider.when("/admin/companies", "/admin/companies/list");

Which one you use depends on the architecture of your application, but it seems that for your current needs you shouldn't have to do anything. If your specifications change, the abstract state might come in handy.




You can also use ui-router-default - a module where default child states are defined in the parent state by setting abstract: ".defaultChild".

您还可以使用ui-router-default——通过设置抽象“. defaultchild”,在父状态中定义默认子状态。

This has the benefit of being able to use ui-sref="parent" and $state.go("parent"); (which was important for me when dynamically creating a navbar).


NB: Both this and David's solution only work if the parent state is abstract - i.e. the parent cannot be active without a child being active - which should be the case when we want to have a "default" child view.


(See also the ui-router team's relevant discussion here.)




In version 1.0.0alpha0 they finally make it possible! Not child for abstract states, new $transitionsProvider, in which you could define onBefore hook. You can change the behaviour depends on state options.

在1.0.0alpha0版本中,他们终于让这一切成为可能!不是抽象状态的子元素,而是新的$transitionsProvider,您可以在其中定义onBefore hook。您可以根据状态选项更改行为。

For example you can change "abstract" param behaviour:


    to: state => !!state.abstract
  }, ($transition$, $state) => {
    if (angular.isString($transition.to().abstract)) {
      return $state.target($transition.to().abstract);

and use it like so:


  abstract: 'abstract2.foo',  //use not boolean but exact child state

code example


was taken from: ui-router: Default child for abstract state
