Angular ui.router默认页眉

时间:2021-08-24 10:08:24

When it comes to ui.router modules I can think of three different ways to set a default header and footer for every view:



1. ng-include - attaching your header / footer into your initial .html file (index.html).

<div ng-include src="'header.html'"></div>
<div id="content" ui-view></div>

1.1. Pasting code into index.html


<div><!-- my header code here --></div>
<div id="content" ui-view></div>

2. Using directives to parse the header and footer.


<!-- content -->
<!-- /content -->


module.directive('footer', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        templateUrl: "footer.html",
        controller: ['$scope', '$filter', function ($scope, $filter) {

3. Creating an extra state on ui.router with no url.

State wrapper would then contain the header and footer and won't be callable.


.state('wrapper', {
    templateUrl: 'wrapper.html', // contains html of header and footer
    controller: 'WrapperCtrl'
.state('wrapper.home', {
    url: '/',
    templateUrl: 'home.html',
    controller: 'HomeCtrl'

Which one is preferred? Or, is there a more desirable way to do it with Angular 1.x?

哪一个更受欢迎?或者,使用Angular 1.x有更好的方法吗?

1 个解决方案



There is also another way where you take advantage of the state's views property. It enables one to define multiple named views for a certain state. UI docs.

您还可以通过另一种方式利用州的景观资产。它使人们能够为某个状态定义多个命名视图。 UI文档。

Consider the below example where state myapp has three named views, where the content view will be the view with dynamic content.


    .state('myapp', {
        views: {
          'header': {
            template:'header <hr />',
            controller:'mainController as main'
          'content': {
            template:'<div ui-view></div>'
          'footer': {
            template:'<hr /> footer',
            controller:'mainController as main'
  //States below will live in content view
  .state('', {
    template:'View 1 <button ui-sref="myapp.two">next page</button>',
    controller:'firstController as first',
  .state('myapp.two', {
    template:'Another page <button ui-sref=""> Go back</button>',
    controller:'secondController as second',

And the HTML will look like this:


<div ui-view="header"></div>
<div ui-view="content"><!-- Where your content will live --></div>
<div ui-view="footer"></div>

Jsbin example



There is also another way where you take advantage of the state's views property. It enables one to define multiple named views for a certain state. UI docs.

您还可以通过另一种方式利用州的景观资产。它使人们能够为某个状态定义多个命名视图。 UI文档。

Consider the below example where state myapp has three named views, where the content view will be the view with dynamic content.


    .state('myapp', {
        views: {
          'header': {
            template:'header <hr />',
            controller:'mainController as main'
          'content': {
            template:'<div ui-view></div>'
          'footer': {
            template:'<hr /> footer',
            controller:'mainController as main'
  //States below will live in content view
  .state('', {
    template:'View 1 <button ui-sref="myapp.two">next page</button>',
    controller:'firstController as first',
  .state('myapp.two', {
    template:'Another page <button ui-sref=""> Go back</button>',
    controller:'secondController as second',

And the HTML will look like this:


<div ui-view="header"></div>
<div ui-view="content"><!-- Where your content will live --></div>
<div ui-view="footer"></div>

Jsbin example