
时间:2021-07-30 09:35:12

How can I improve the look and feel of my Linux desktop to suit my programming needs?


I found Compiz and it makes switching between my workspaces (which is something I do all the time to make the most of my 13.3" screen laptop) easy and look great - so what else don't I know about that make my programming environment more productive/pleasing?

我找到了Compiz,它可以在我的工作空间之间切换(这是我一直在做的事情,以便充分利用我的13.3“屏幕笔记本电脑)轻松而且看起来很棒 - 所以还有什么我不知道的那样让我的编程环境更多生产/赏心悦目?

@Rob Cooper - thanks for the heads-up, hope this reword addresses the issues

@Rob Cooper - 感谢单挑,希望这个改革能够解决这些问题

3 个解决方案



I've used by Ubuntu desktop for some coding sessions. I haven't settled on an IDE, but if I'm not using gedit, I'll use emacs as my editor. Sometimes I need to ssh to a remote server and edit from there, in which case emacs is preferred. I'm just not the vi(m) type.


Maybe I'll try out Eclipse one day...

也许有一天我会尝试Eclipse ...

I love Compiz, but it does nothing for my coding experience. It's just eye candy. You can do desktop switching and Alt-Tab just fine without it. Aside from that, Jeff Atwood's recommendations for good chair, multi-monitors, and simplistic background still apply for me.




I found that the best programming experience comes from having quick access all your tools. This means getting comfortable with basic command line acrobatics and really learning keyboard shortcuts, flags, and little productivity apps.


I find that most of my workflow comes down to just a few apps and commands:


  • Terminator
  • SVN commands - ci, co, status, log, etc.
  • SVN命令 - ci,co,status,log等。

  • Command Line FTP
  • 命令行FTP

  • Vim
  • Basic Command lines operations (cd, rm, mv, cp, touch, grep, and std i/o redirection comprise 80% of my work day)
  • 基本命令行操作(cd,rm,mv,cp,touch,grep和std i / o重定向占我工作日的80%)

Not to say that GUI apps aren't necessary. A few I use:


  • Diffmerge
  • RapidSVN
  • Filezilla
  • VirtualBox
  • GnomeDo (this really should be first)
  • GnomeDo(这真的应该是第一个)

When it comes down to it, the real improvement in programming experience comes from just that - programming experience. Just pick a set of tools and stick with them until you know them inside and out.




If you have half decent 3D acceleration on board, CompizFusion adds attractive desktop effects like mapping your workspaces onto a cube using that to switch between them/move windows between them. Looks pretty and improves general usability - great!

如果你有一半不错的3D加速度,CompizFusion会增加极具吸引力的桌面效果,例如将你的工作空间映射到一个立方体上,用它们在它们之间切换/在它们之间移动窗口。看起来漂亮,提高了一般可用性 - 太棒了!




I've used by Ubuntu desktop for some coding sessions. I haven't settled on an IDE, but if I'm not using gedit, I'll use emacs as my editor. Sometimes I need to ssh to a remote server and edit from there, in which case emacs is preferred. I'm just not the vi(m) type.


Maybe I'll try out Eclipse one day...

也许有一天我会尝试Eclipse ...

I love Compiz, but it does nothing for my coding experience. It's just eye candy. You can do desktop switching and Alt-Tab just fine without it. Aside from that, Jeff Atwood's recommendations for good chair, multi-monitors, and simplistic background still apply for me.




I found that the best programming experience comes from having quick access all your tools. This means getting comfortable with basic command line acrobatics and really learning keyboard shortcuts, flags, and little productivity apps.


I find that most of my workflow comes down to just a few apps and commands:


  • Terminator
  • SVN commands - ci, co, status, log, etc.
  • SVN命令 - ci,co,status,log等。

  • Command Line FTP
  • 命令行FTP

  • Vim
  • Basic Command lines operations (cd, rm, mv, cp, touch, grep, and std i/o redirection comprise 80% of my work day)
  • 基本命令行操作(cd,rm,mv,cp,touch,grep和std i / o重定向占我工作日的80%)

Not to say that GUI apps aren't necessary. A few I use:


  • Diffmerge
  • RapidSVN
  • Filezilla
  • VirtualBox
  • GnomeDo (this really should be first)
  • GnomeDo(这真的应该是第一个)

When it comes down to it, the real improvement in programming experience comes from just that - programming experience. Just pick a set of tools and stick with them until you know them inside and out.




If you have half decent 3D acceleration on board, CompizFusion adds attractive desktop effects like mapping your workspaces onto a cube using that to switch between them/move windows between them. Looks pretty and improves general usability - great!

如果你有一半不错的3D加速度,CompizFusion会增加极具吸引力的桌面效果,例如将你的工作空间映射到一个立方体上,用它们在它们之间切换/在它们之间移动窗口。看起来漂亮,提高了一般可用性 - 太棒了!
