如何在表中的TR中获得TD的竞争价值? [重复]

时间:2022-06-09 09:20:30

This question already has an answer here:


I want to get the value of the td I click I have a table ,in this table I have many tr and td I want to get the value of the td I selected


如何在表中的TR中获得TD的竞争价值? [重复]

<table id="table" class="table" style="margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto" >
        <th>Numero demande</th>
        <th>Date prelevement</th>
        <th>Um executante</th>
        <th>Id preleveur</th>


@foreach(var dem in @Model) 

        <td><a id="lienFicheDemande"> @dem.DPR</a></td>
        <td>@dem.Dateprelevement  </td>
        <td>@dem.UM  </td>
        <td>@dem.PRELEVEUR.NOMCOMPLET </td>
        <td id="iddem" hidden="hidden">@dem.DPR<</td>

<script type="text/javascript" >

        $(document).ready(function (e) {

            $('#lienFicheDemande').click(function (e) {


                window.open("Appli/Home/FicheDemande?iddem=" + $('#iddem').value, "nom_popup", " menubar=no");



i want to pass the value of dem_dpr into the link in javascript


2 个解决方案



 $(document).ready(function () {
  $('td').click(function () {
   window.open("Appli/Home/FicheDemande?iddem=" + $(this).text(), "nom_popup"," menubar=no");

For every TD, bind click function in each of them. .text() function will get only the text in TD out from it. It is best if you could put ID for the table. So if you have added ID to the table. The solution would be like this:

对于每个TD,在每个TD中绑定单击功能。 .text()函数只能获取TD中的文本。最好是你可以为表格放置ID。因此,如果您已向表中添加了ID。解决方案是这样的:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('#table_id td').click(function () {
   window.open("Appli/Home/FicheDemande?iddem=" + $(this).text(), "nom_popup"," menubar=no");



First of all, you cannot use IDs this way. They need to be unique per document. Use class instead of IDs. Then, you can use .closest('.iddem') to grab the element closest to the link you clicked and use .html() or .text() to grab it's value.



<table id="table" class="table" style="margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto" >
        <th>Numero demande</th>
        <th>Date prelevement</th>
        <th>Um executante</th>
        <th>Id preleveur</th>


@foreach(var dem in @Model) 

        <td><a class="lienFicheDemande"> @dem.DPR</a></td>
        <td>@dem.Dateprelevement  </td>
        <td>@dem.UM  </td>
        <td>@dem.PRELEVEUR.NOMCOMPLET </td>
        <td class="iddem" hidden="hidden">@dem.DPR<</td>

<script type="text/javascript" >

        $(document).ready(function (e) {

            $('.lienFicheDemande').click(function (e) {


                window.open("Appli/Home/FicheDemande?iddem=" + $(this).closest('.iddem').html(), "nom_popup", " menubar=no");





 $(document).ready(function () {
  $('td').click(function () {
   window.open("Appli/Home/FicheDemande?iddem=" + $(this).text(), "nom_popup"," menubar=no");

For every TD, bind click function in each of them. .text() function will get only the text in TD out from it. It is best if you could put ID for the table. So if you have added ID to the table. The solution would be like this:

对于每个TD,在每个TD中绑定单击功能。 .text()函数只能获取TD中的文本。最好是你可以为表格放置ID。因此,如果您已向表中添加了ID。解决方案是这样的:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('#table_id td').click(function () {
   window.open("Appli/Home/FicheDemande?iddem=" + $(this).text(), "nom_popup"," menubar=no");



First of all, you cannot use IDs this way. They need to be unique per document. Use class instead of IDs. Then, you can use .closest('.iddem') to grab the element closest to the link you clicked and use .html() or .text() to grab it's value.



<table id="table" class="table" style="margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto" >
        <th>Numero demande</th>
        <th>Date prelevement</th>
        <th>Um executante</th>
        <th>Id preleveur</th>


@foreach(var dem in @Model) 

        <td><a class="lienFicheDemande"> @dem.DPR</a></td>
        <td>@dem.Dateprelevement  </td>
        <td>@dem.UM  </td>
        <td>@dem.PRELEVEUR.NOMCOMPLET </td>
        <td class="iddem" hidden="hidden">@dem.DPR<</td>

<script type="text/javascript" >

        $(document).ready(function (e) {

            $('.lienFicheDemande').click(function (e) {


                window.open("Appli/Home/FicheDemande?iddem=" + $(this).closest('.iddem').html(), "nom_popup", " menubar=no");

