
时间:2022-02-08 07:26:34

I want to prevent the value of the dropdown list when it is already in the database file so that theres no multiple input in the Database ,


I hope someone can Help me with this problem ,


I'm using MVC 3 and Kendo UI

我正在使用MVC 3和Kendo UI

is that possible to handle it via Jquery or a Linq Statement in the Controller ?


Thanks :)

谢谢 :)

                @Html.DropDownList("ddlDay", new SelectList(ViewBag.DayList, "ID", "Display_Value", PersonDay), "[Please Select]",
          new Dictionary<string, object>
                    {"class","validate[required] inputLong"}

This Dropdown Show Monday to Sunday , i have 2 of this drop down that shows availability But i like to know that if i save Monday to Wednesday , Monday to Wednesday is removed on the two dropdowns ,


private void GetDayList()
            var dayList = (from a in db.Lookups
                              where a.Domain == "DAYSTATUS"
                              select a).ToList();

            ViewBag.DayList = dayList ;

1 个解决方案



You can solve this in many ways, it will depend on how your interaction is done.


You could use LINQ, adding a Where() or Except() statement to filter the full list:


var fromDayList = dayList.Where(day => day.Name != selectedFromDay).ToList();
// or if multiple selected days, assuming it is of the same type:
var validDayList = dayList.Except(selectedDayList).ToList();

If you allow them to change the selected days client side and are using AJAX (which is how you usually use Kendo UI) then you won't want to filter server side. Instead you should wrap your DayList in a kendo.DataSource and apply a filter based on selected days in your JavaScript. You haven't provided enough information for me to supply any sample code for this.

如果您允许他们更改所选日期客户端并使用AJAX(这是您通常使用Kendo UI的方式),那么您不希望过滤服务器端。相反,您应该将您的DayList包装在kendo.DataSource中,并根据JavaScript中的选定日期应用过滤器。您没有提供足够的信息来为我提供任何示例代码。



You can solve this in many ways, it will depend on how your interaction is done.


You could use LINQ, adding a Where() or Except() statement to filter the full list:


var fromDayList = dayList.Where(day => day.Name != selectedFromDay).ToList();
// or if multiple selected days, assuming it is of the same type:
var validDayList = dayList.Except(selectedDayList).ToList();

If you allow them to change the selected days client side and are using AJAX (which is how you usually use Kendo UI) then you won't want to filter server side. Instead you should wrap your DayList in a kendo.DataSource and apply a filter based on selected days in your JavaScript. You haven't provided enough information for me to supply any sample code for this.

如果您允许他们更改所选日期客户端并使用AJAX(这是您通常使用Kendo UI的方式),那么您不希望过滤服务器端。相反,您应该将您的DayList包装在kendo.DataSource中,并根据JavaScript中的选定日期应用过滤器。您没有提供足够的信息来为我提供任何示例代码。