
时间:2021-09-01 06:37:14

I want to create and delete entity in core data by coding(no gui-Swift3), is it possible?


4 个解决方案



You can create entities at run time as well as instances, although it's very unusual and has a couple of potential problems to be aware of.


First, you can create instances of NSEntityDescription to create a new entity. Use instances of NSAttributeDescription and NSRelationshipDescription to complete the new entity. Add the new entity to a managed object model by modifying the entities property on your NSManagedObjectModel.


Things you need to know before attempting this:


  1. The model can't be modified after you have loaded a persistent store file. So you must do the above before attempting to access any data with the model. Models are read/write until you load data but read only afterward. Modifying the model after loading data will cause your app to crash.
  2. 加载持久性存储文件后,无法修改模型。因此,在尝试使用模型访问任何数据之前,必须执行上述操作。模型是读/写,直到您加载数据,但之后只读。加载数据后修改模型将导致您的应用崩溃。
  3. You must create the same entity every time you use it with a persistent store file-- unless you perform model migration to reflect the new entity description.
  4. 每次将其与持久性存储文件一起使用时,必须创建相同的实体 - 除非您执行模型迁移以反映新的实体描述。
  5. You can't use NSPersistentContainer, because it hides too many of the details. You'll have to use the older (but still supported) approach where you write your own code to load the model and then use addPersistentStore(ofType:configurationName:at:options:) to load your persistent store file.
  6. 您不能使用NSPersistentContainer,因为它隐藏了太多细节。您必须使用较旧(但仍受支持)的方法,您可以编写自己的代码来加载模型,然后使用addPersistentStore(ofType:configurationName:at:options :)来加载持久性存储文件。



You can create and delete records of an entity, but not the entity itself.


The model cannot be changed at runtime.




I think you can't create/delete entity because model will not be changed run time..You can Create / Update / Delete / Select records from entity.




Three functions to save or delete objects in coredata:


-(BOOL)deleteObjectFromDB:(NSManagedObject *)object eSalva:(BOOL)andSave {

- (BOOL)deleteObjectFromDB:(NSManagedObject *)object eSalva:(BOOL)andSave {

if (!object) {

    NSLog(@"DB Error");
    return NO;


[_managedObjectContext deleteObject:object];

if (andSave)
    return [self saveDB];

return YES;



-(BOOL)saveDB {

- (BOOL)saveDB {

BOOL result;
result = [_managedObjectContext save:nil];

if (!result)
    NSLog(@"DB Error: database saving error");

return result;



deleting all objects


-(void) deleteAllObjects: (NSString *) entityDescription {

- (void)deleteAllObjects:(NSString *)entityDescription {

NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityDescription inManagedObjectContext:_managedObjectContext];

[fetchRequest setEntity:entity];

NSError *error;
NSArray *items = [_managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
[fetchRequest release];

for (NSManagedObject *managedObject in items) {
    [_managedObjectContext deleteObject:managedObject];
    DLog(@"%@ object deleted",entityDescription);
if (![_managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
    DLog(@"Error deleting %@ - error:%@",entityDescription,error);



Returning to your question:


here there is a way to delete entities


hope it helps.




You can create entities at run time as well as instances, although it's very unusual and has a couple of potential problems to be aware of.


First, you can create instances of NSEntityDescription to create a new entity. Use instances of NSAttributeDescription and NSRelationshipDescription to complete the new entity. Add the new entity to a managed object model by modifying the entities property on your NSManagedObjectModel.


Things you need to know before attempting this:


  1. The model can't be modified after you have loaded a persistent store file. So you must do the above before attempting to access any data with the model. Models are read/write until you load data but read only afterward. Modifying the model after loading data will cause your app to crash.
  2. 加载持久性存储文件后,无法修改模型。因此,在尝试使用模型访问任何数据之前,必须执行上述操作。模型是读/写,直到您加载数据,但之后只读。加载数据后修改模型将导致您的应用崩溃。
  3. You must create the same entity every time you use it with a persistent store file-- unless you perform model migration to reflect the new entity description.
  4. 每次将其与持久性存储文件一起使用时,必须创建相同的实体 - 除非您执行模型迁移以反映新的实体描述。
  5. You can't use NSPersistentContainer, because it hides too many of the details. You'll have to use the older (but still supported) approach where you write your own code to load the model and then use addPersistentStore(ofType:configurationName:at:options:) to load your persistent store file.
  6. 您不能使用NSPersistentContainer,因为它隐藏了太多细节。您必须使用较旧(但仍受支持)的方法,您可以编写自己的代码来加载模型,然后使用addPersistentStore(ofType:configurationName:at:options :)来加载持久性存储文件。



You can create and delete records of an entity, but not the entity itself.


The model cannot be changed at runtime.




I think you can't create/delete entity because model will not be changed run time..You can Create / Update / Delete / Select records from entity.




Three functions to save or delete objects in coredata:


-(BOOL)deleteObjectFromDB:(NSManagedObject *)object eSalva:(BOOL)andSave {

- (BOOL)deleteObjectFromDB:(NSManagedObject *)object eSalva:(BOOL)andSave {

if (!object) {

    NSLog(@"DB Error");
    return NO;


[_managedObjectContext deleteObject:object];

if (andSave)
    return [self saveDB];

return YES;



-(BOOL)saveDB {

- (BOOL)saveDB {

BOOL result;
result = [_managedObjectContext save:nil];

if (!result)
    NSLog(@"DB Error: database saving error");

return result;



deleting all objects


-(void) deleteAllObjects: (NSString *) entityDescription {

- (void)deleteAllObjects:(NSString *)entityDescription {

NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityDescription inManagedObjectContext:_managedObjectContext];

[fetchRequest setEntity:entity];

NSError *error;
NSArray *items = [_managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
[fetchRequest release];

for (NSManagedObject *managedObject in items) {
    [_managedObjectContext deleteObject:managedObject];
    DLog(@"%@ object deleted",entityDescription);
if (![_managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
    DLog(@"Error deleting %@ - error:%@",entityDescription,error);



Returning to your question:


here there is a way to delete entities


hope it helps.
