
时间:2021-08-22 06:29:47

I need to take an existing winforms application and drop into an event tracing mode, with hopefully as little friction as possible.


I would like to see every action the user takes as a simple stack trace-looking thing:



and so on.


  • If this was a WPF application, I would do something like filter all events of type WClientInputMessage in ETW.
  • 如果这是一个WPF应用程序,我会做一些事情,比如在ETW中过滤WClientInputMessage类型的所有事件。

  • I can't simply dump a stack trace, because that doesn't capture the user's prior actions.
  • 我不能简单地转储堆栈跟踪,因为这不会捕获用户的先前操作。

  • I could add logging to every single event [with the recommended practices from this discussion], but this is an extant application with far too many events. Plus, I'm lazy. Gotta be a better way.
  • 我可以为每个事件添加日志记录[使用本讨论中推荐的做法],但这是一个现存的应用程序,其中包含太多事件。另外,我很懒。必须是一个更好的方式。

  • I can't attach a debugger, I want to get this information automatically attached to bug reports from testing users in the field because [it turns out...] nobody can accurately remember exactly what the sequence of things they clicked on was.
  • 我无法附加调试器,我希望自动将这些信息附加到测试用户的bug报告中,因为[事实证明......]没有人能够准确地记住他们点击的内容序列是什么。

So I'm wondering if anyone has any good tricks, using subclassing or reflection perhaps, to latch on to the UI events.


Performance is not really a concern. And if I can get a hook into every event, that's good enough; I can filter them down to the relevant set fairly easily.


2 个解决方案


How about an observer pattern? Create an EventLogger class with a bunch of overloaded Log methods (one for each event method signature) that do the logging. Instantiate it on application start and subscribe it to each of the UI events.


It should even be possible to do the subscribing automatically with reflection - though I would think it is more effort to set that up than to do it manually for any reasonably sized application. Also you would still have to ensure that your EventLogger class has a Log method for every possible event handler method signature.

甚至可以通过反射自动进行订阅 - 尽管我认为设置它比为任何合理大小的应用程序手动执行更加努力。此外,您仍然必须确保您的EventLogger类具有每个可能的事件处理程序方法签名的Log方法。


How many different control types do you have? If you only have a handful of control types that you are looking to trace with, it may be worthwhile to subclass them and do a find and replace on your project to change them to your subclass. This should only take a minute or two.


In your subclassed controls, you could override a small section of the methods, adding tracing before calling the base method.



How about an observer pattern? Create an EventLogger class with a bunch of overloaded Log methods (one for each event method signature) that do the logging. Instantiate it on application start and subscribe it to each of the UI events.


It should even be possible to do the subscribing automatically with reflection - though I would think it is more effort to set that up than to do it manually for any reasonably sized application. Also you would still have to ensure that your EventLogger class has a Log method for every possible event handler method signature.

甚至可以通过反射自动进行订阅 - 尽管我认为设置它比为任何合理大小的应用程序手动执行更加努力。此外,您仍然必须确保您的EventLogger类具有每个可能的事件处理程序方法签名的Log方法。


How many different control types do you have? If you only have a handful of control types that you are looking to trace with, it may be worthwhile to subclass them and do a find and replace on your project to change them to your subclass. This should only take a minute or two.


In your subclassed controls, you could override a small section of the methods, adding tracing before calling the base method.
