
时间:2022-03-07 05:53:11

I loaded an object in Three.js with the AssimpJSONLoader. The object cube_cone is a simple 3D model which contains a cube which has a cone on top of it.


var loader1 = new THREE.AssimpJSONLoader(); 
loader1.load( 'models/assimp/cube_cone.json', function ( object ) {
        object.scale.multiplyScalar( 1 );
        scene.add( object );

}, onProgress, onError );

First of all I want to change the color of the object. How do I do it? I tried it with: "object.material.color.setHex(...);".


Second of all I only want to manipulate the color of a child object, e.g. just the cone. The test_cone.json object has "children" with "name": "3DSMesh_0" and "name": "3DSMesh_1". How can I access them to manipulate just a part of the object and not the whole?

其次,我只想操纵子对象的颜色,例如,只是锥形。 test_cone.json对象具有带“name”的“children”:“3DSMesh_0”和“name”:“3DSMesh_1”。我怎样才能访问它们来操纵对象的一部分而不是整个?

I would be very thankful if you can help me because I am a beginner in Javascript.


1 个解决方案



Better to make an example as an answer for your last comment.


var myObj = new THREE.Group(); //global variable
var loader1 = new THREE.AssimpJSONLoader(); 
loader1.load( 'models/assimp/cube_cone.json', function ( object ) {//onLoad callback
    myObj = object; //assign object to the global variable inside the callback
}, onProgress, onError );
function animate(){
    myObj.rotation.y += 0.1;// using the global variable in your animation function

also you can assign a child of an object, for example


myObj = object.getObjectByName("3DSMesh_1", true);



Better to make an example as an answer for your last comment.


var myObj = new THREE.Group(); //global variable
var loader1 = new THREE.AssimpJSONLoader(); 
loader1.load( 'models/assimp/cube_cone.json', function ( object ) {//onLoad callback
    myObj = object; //assign object to the global variable inside the callback
}, onProgress, onError );
function animate(){
    myObj.rotation.y += 0.1;// using the global variable in your animation function

also you can assign a child of an object, for example


myObj = object.getObjectByName("3DSMesh_1", true);