哪个haskell库会让我将2D数组/矢量保存到png / jpg / gif ...文件?

时间:2022-02-09 05:00:21

I am playing around with haskell, starting with simple plotting programs to wet my feet. I need a library that will let me save a 2D array/vector to an image file. I don't want to write a list of colors. I want to use containers that are meant for array/vector like computations and can be (well, almost) automagically parallelized.


EDIT Ability to store color images is a must.


4 个解决方案



I'd start with PGM library. This is a very simple uncompressed graymap format. Almost no additinal dependencies. You can convert PGM to other formats with ImageMagick or other tools.


PGM supports generic IArray interface, and should work with most of the standard Haskell arrays. You can easily parallelize array computations with Control.Parallel.Strategies.


PGM usage example:


ghci> :m + Data.Array Graphics.Pgm 
ghci> let a = accumArray (+) 0 ((0::Int,0::Int),(127,127)) [ ((i,i), 1.0::Double) | i <- [0..127] ]
ghci> arrayToFile "t.pgm" (fmap round a)

And this is the image:


哪个haskell库会让我将2D数组/矢量保存到png / jpg / gif ...文件?

Otherwise you may use Codec-Image-DevIL which can save unboxed arrays to many of the image formats. You'll need DevIL library too. And you'll need to convert all arrays to that particular type of them (UArray (Int, Int, Int) Word8).


Finally, if you want bleeding edge, you may consider repa parallel arrays and corresponding repa-io library, which can write them to BMP images. Unfortunately, today repa is not yet buildable with the new GHC 7.0.2 and doesn't give performance advantages on old GHC 6.12.

最后,如果你想要前沿,你可以考虑修复并行数组和相应的repa-io库,它们可以将它们写入BMP图像。不幸的是,今天使用新的GHC 7.0.2尚未建立修复,并且在旧的GHC 6.12上没有性能优势。



A new combination is:


  • repa; for n-dimensional arrays, plus
  • repA的;对于n维数组,加上
  • repa-devil, for image loading in dozens of formats.
  • repa-devil,用于数十种格式的图像加载。

Repa is the only widely used array library that is automatically parallelized.


An example, from the repa tutorial, using readImage and writeImage, to read an image, rotate it, and write it back out, in whatever format:


import System.Environment
import Data.Word
import Data.Array.Repa hiding ((++))
import Data.Array.Repa.IO.DevIL

main = do
    [f] <- getArgs
    runIL $ do
        v   <- readImage f
        writeImage ("flip-"++f) (rot180 v)

rot180 :: Array DIM3 Word8 -> Array DIM3 Word8
rot180 g = backpermute e flop g
        e@(Z :. x :. y :. _)   = extent g

        flop (Z :. i         :. j         :. k) =
             (Z :. x - i - 1 :. y - j - 1 :. k)



The more recent JuicyPixels library let you save image to Jpg/Png/Tiff easily, you can use it in combination with Repa with the JuicyPixels-repa library.

最近的JuicyPixels库让您可以轻松地将图像保存到Jpg / Png / Tiff,您可以将它与使用JuicyPixels-repa库的Repa结合使用。



You might also want to check out Diagrams


Example code for the dragon fractal:


{- Heighway dragon.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_curve. -}
module Main where

import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe

dragonStr :: Int -> String
dragonStr 0 = "FX"
dragonStr n = concatMap rules $ dragonStr (n-1)
  where rules 'X' = "X+YF+"
        rules 'Y' = "-FX-Y"
        rules c = [c]

strToPath :: String -> Path
strToPath s = pathFromVectors . catMaybes $ evalState c (0,-1)
  where c        = mapM exec s
        exec 'F' = Just `fmap` get
        exec '-' = modify left >> return Nothing
        exec '+' = modify right >> return Nothing
        exec _   = return Nothing
        left (x,y)  = (-y,x)
        right (x,y) = (y,-x)

dragon :: Int -> Diagram
dragon = lc red . curved 0.8 . strToPath . dragonStr

main = renderAs PNG "dragon.png" (Width 300) (dragon 12)



I'd start with PGM library. This is a very simple uncompressed graymap format. Almost no additinal dependencies. You can convert PGM to other formats with ImageMagick or other tools.


PGM supports generic IArray interface, and should work with most of the standard Haskell arrays. You can easily parallelize array computations with Control.Parallel.Strategies.


PGM usage example:


ghci> :m + Data.Array Graphics.Pgm 
ghci> let a = accumArray (+) 0 ((0::Int,0::Int),(127,127)) [ ((i,i), 1.0::Double) | i <- [0..127] ]
ghci> arrayToFile "t.pgm" (fmap round a)

And this is the image:


哪个haskell库会让我将2D数组/矢量保存到png / jpg / gif ...文件?

Otherwise you may use Codec-Image-DevIL which can save unboxed arrays to many of the image formats. You'll need DevIL library too. And you'll need to convert all arrays to that particular type of them (UArray (Int, Int, Int) Word8).


Finally, if you want bleeding edge, you may consider repa parallel arrays and corresponding repa-io library, which can write them to BMP images. Unfortunately, today repa is not yet buildable with the new GHC 7.0.2 and doesn't give performance advantages on old GHC 6.12.

最后,如果你想要前沿,你可以考虑修复并行数组和相应的repa-io库,它们可以将它们写入BMP图像。不幸的是,今天使用新的GHC 7.0.2尚未建立修复,并且在旧的GHC 6.12上没有性能优势。



A new combination is:


  • repa; for n-dimensional arrays, plus
  • repA的;对于n维数组,加上
  • repa-devil, for image loading in dozens of formats.
  • repa-devil,用于数十种格式的图像加载。

Repa is the only widely used array library that is automatically parallelized.


An example, from the repa tutorial, using readImage and writeImage, to read an image, rotate it, and write it back out, in whatever format:


import System.Environment
import Data.Word
import Data.Array.Repa hiding ((++))
import Data.Array.Repa.IO.DevIL

main = do
    [f] <- getArgs
    runIL $ do
        v   <- readImage f
        writeImage ("flip-"++f) (rot180 v)

rot180 :: Array DIM3 Word8 -> Array DIM3 Word8
rot180 g = backpermute e flop g
        e@(Z :. x :. y :. _)   = extent g

        flop (Z :. i         :. j         :. k) =
             (Z :. x - i - 1 :. y - j - 1 :. k)



The more recent JuicyPixels library let you save image to Jpg/Png/Tiff easily, you can use it in combination with Repa with the JuicyPixels-repa library.

最近的JuicyPixels库让您可以轻松地将图像保存到Jpg / Png / Tiff,您可以将它与使用JuicyPixels-repa库的Repa结合使用。



You might also want to check out Diagrams


Example code for the dragon fractal:


{- Heighway dragon.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_curve. -}
module Main where

import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe

dragonStr :: Int -> String
dragonStr 0 = "FX"
dragonStr n = concatMap rules $ dragonStr (n-1)
  where rules 'X' = "X+YF+"
        rules 'Y' = "-FX-Y"
        rules c = [c]

strToPath :: String -> Path
strToPath s = pathFromVectors . catMaybes $ evalState c (0,-1)
  where c        = mapM exec s
        exec 'F' = Just `fmap` get
        exec '-' = modify left >> return Nothing
        exec '+' = modify right >> return Nothing
        exec _   = return Nothing
        left (x,y)  = (-y,x)
        right (x,y) = (y,-x)

dragon :: Int -> Diagram
dragon = lc red . curved 0.8 . strToPath . dragonStr

main = renderAs PNG "dragon.png" (Width 300) (dragon 12)