使用APNS的Apple Push通知免费吗?

时间:2022-04-29 01:34:30

We are planning to develop the push notification service for a telecom operator. But I haven't got any information whether the APNS push service is free of cost or should we make any payment?


My questions are,


  1. Should I pay for using the APNS push service?
  2. 我应该支付使用APNS推送服务的费用吗?
  3. If operator want to sent push notification to millions of subscribers, should we pay to Apple or is it absolutely free? If not free, please share the URL where payment details are available.
  4. 如果运营商希望向数百万用户发送推送通知,我们应该向Apple支付还是完全免费?如果不是免费的,请分享可提供付款详情的网址。
  5. Is there any limit for the number of notification sent or the number of subscribers?
  6. 发送的通知数量或订阅者数量是否有限制?

Please help to get answer for these questions.


5 个解决方案



Apple does not charge a separate fee for utilizing the push notification service.


Your only cost is a server that will be sending the push notifications to Apple. There are third-parties that provide this servers and there is a fee for that.




Answer for your question 1,2 and 3 is: Apple doesn't charge you for APNS - but you have to maintain a server for pushing.

问题1,2和3的答案是:Apple不会向您收取APNS费用 - 但您必须维护服务器以进行推送。

Try these third parties for pushing,


  • PushWizard (https://pushwizard.com), a free and unlimited push service.
  • PushWizard(https://pushwizard.com),一种免费且无限制的推送服务。

It can send 250 million push messages / hour and PushWizard is free for unlimited devices, while other services can be very expensive if you have more, than 1 million users to reach at least ONCE per month.


  • Monopush (http://www.monopush.com), which provides a RESTful API and a lot of free push alerts up-front to handle the server infrastructure for you.
  • Monopush(http://www.monopush.com),提供RESTful API和大量免费推送警报,为您处理服务器基础架构。

You need just copy and paste a few line codes to inside of your application and then magic will be started. After that you can start to watch, analyze, categorize your clients and you can send push messages to them as well as resource messages.




Plz refer the following


  1. APNS is a free service. However, you need to maintain a server to send Push Messages.


    Apple Local and Push Notification Programming Guide


  2. There are many online servers which provide you free push services [for limited pushes/users/devices]. They do have plans depending upon the needs of client. Following are the few ones:


    a. Parse Parse not available anymore. It is now acquired by Facebook. Read More Here

    一个。 Parse Parse不再可用。它现在被Facebook收购。在这里阅读更多

    b. PushWizard


    c. Xtify

    C。 Xtify

    d. SetUp your own push server - this tutroial comprise of complete end to end steps of how to send push messages to iOS Devices.

    d。 SetUp您自己的推送服务器 - 此tutroial包含如何将推送消息发送到iOS设备的完整端到端步骤。

Hope this helps !!!

希望这可以帮助 !!!



As mentioned above, Apple does not charge for the APNS However, you need to maintain a 3rd party server for that, and sending notifications to millions of devices would require a lot of work from you. There are some very good industrial solutions for iOS push notifications service that use APNS:


  • PushApps - free for 1M notifications per month, and unlimited notifications for 19.99 per month - here is the documentation
  • PushApps - 每月免费提供1M通知,每月19.99无限通知 - 这是文档
  • Urban Airship - free up to 1M notifications per month, afterwards you are charged per 1000 notifications
  • Urban Airship - 每月免费提供1M次通知,之后每1000次通知收费
  • PushWoosh - free for 1M devices, premium plans are from 39 EURO
  • PushWoosh - 免费提供1M设备,优惠计划为39欧元

Diclaimer - I work in PushApps and also use their product in my applications for over a year now.

Diclaimer - 我在PushApps工作,并且在我的应用程序中使用他们的产品已有一年多了。



Although push notifications are usually send from 'servers', it is not necessary to own a server or to pay a service. Instead it is also possible to send pushes from your personal computer or mobile device. Especially for testing purposes, this is very useful. Try:




Apple does not charge a separate fee for utilizing the push notification service.


Your only cost is a server that will be sending the push notifications to Apple. There are third-parties that provide this servers and there is a fee for that.




Answer for your question 1,2 and 3 is: Apple doesn't charge you for APNS - but you have to maintain a server for pushing.

问题1,2和3的答案是:Apple不会向您收取APNS费用 - 但您必须维护服务器以进行推送。

Try these third parties for pushing,


  • PushWizard (https://pushwizard.com), a free and unlimited push service.
  • PushWizard(https://pushwizard.com),一种免费且无限制的推送服务。

It can send 250 million push messages / hour and PushWizard is free for unlimited devices, while other services can be very expensive if you have more, than 1 million users to reach at least ONCE per month.


  • Monopush (http://www.monopush.com), which provides a RESTful API and a lot of free push alerts up-front to handle the server infrastructure for you.
  • Monopush(http://www.monopush.com),提供RESTful API和大量免费推送警报,为您处理服务器基础架构。

You need just copy and paste a few line codes to inside of your application and then magic will be started. After that you can start to watch, analyze, categorize your clients and you can send push messages to them as well as resource messages.




Plz refer the following


  1. APNS is a free service. However, you need to maintain a server to send Push Messages.


    Apple Local and Push Notification Programming Guide


  2. There are many online servers which provide you free push services [for limited pushes/users/devices]. They do have plans depending upon the needs of client. Following are the few ones:


    a. Parse Parse not available anymore. It is now acquired by Facebook. Read More Here

    一个。 Parse Parse不再可用。它现在被Facebook收购。在这里阅读更多

    b. PushWizard


    c. Xtify

    C。 Xtify

    d. SetUp your own push server - this tutroial comprise of complete end to end steps of how to send push messages to iOS Devices.

    d。 SetUp您自己的推送服务器 - 此tutroial包含如何将推送消息发送到iOS设备的完整端到端步骤。

Hope this helps !!!

希望这可以帮助 !!!



As mentioned above, Apple does not charge for the APNS However, you need to maintain a 3rd party server for that, and sending notifications to millions of devices would require a lot of work from you. There are some very good industrial solutions for iOS push notifications service that use APNS:


  • PushApps - free for 1M notifications per month, and unlimited notifications for 19.99 per month - here is the documentation
  • PushApps - 每月免费提供1M通知,每月19.99无限通知 - 这是文档
  • Urban Airship - free up to 1M notifications per month, afterwards you are charged per 1000 notifications
  • Urban Airship - 每月免费提供1M次通知,之后每1000次通知收费
  • PushWoosh - free for 1M devices, premium plans are from 39 EURO
  • PushWoosh - 免费提供1M设备,优惠计划为39欧元

Diclaimer - I work in PushApps and also use their product in my applications for over a year now.

Diclaimer - 我在PushApps工作,并且在我的应用程序中使用他们的产品已有一年多了。



Although push notifications are usually send from 'servers', it is not necessary to own a server or to pay a service. Instead it is also possible to send pushes from your personal computer or mobile device. Especially for testing purposes, this is very useful. Try:
