
时间:2022-01-26 19:34:18

I have fluentd working perfectly fine and is able to publish data to elastic search. I modified the fluentd config file to tail a file, get the data and publish. Below is the source:


  @type tail
  format /^\[(?<logtime>[^\]]*)\] (?<name>[^ ]*) (?<title>[^ ]*) (?<id>\d*)$/
  time_key logtime
  time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z
  path /home/user/file
  tag first

If input is below data:


[2013-02-28 12:00:00 +0900] alice engineer 1

This is getting read by fluentd perfectly and is also published to elasticsearch.


I then modified the regex pattern to accept json data:


  @type tail
  format /(?:"Name":")(.*?)(?:")/ #CHANGE HERE
  time_key logtime
  time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z
  path /home/user/file
  tag first

So if input is:



Then there is no data on elasticsearch. Even the logs of the fluentd doesnt show any error or warning message. Is the regex pattern wrong. How can I resolve it.?




1 个解决方案



It seems you want to get data out of json into elasticsearch. You may use a JSON parser to do the heavy lifting for you, see the Getting Data From Json Into Elasticsearch Using Fluentd with the necessary details to get you started.


If you want to fix the regex approach you have, use


format /"Name"\s*:\s*"(?<name>[^"]*)"/

Note that (?<name>...) is a named capturing group that are used in Elastic Search to create fields with the same names. The pattern matches

注意(? …)是一个命名捕获组,用于弹性搜索以创建具有相同名称的字段。模式匹配

  • "Name" - a literal "Name" substring
  • “Name”——一个字面的“Name”子字符串
  • \s*:\s* - a colon enclosed with 0+ whitespace chars
  • \s*:\s* -一个带有0+空格字符的冒号。
  • " - a double quote
  • ——双重引用
  • (?<name>[^"]*) - Group "name" matching 0+ chars other than "
  • (? <名称> [^ "]*)——集团”的名字“匹配0 +以外的字符”
  • " - a double quote (not necessary though).
  • ——重复引用(虽然不是必需的)。

If you want to have Type as well in the same field, you may use


format /"(?:Name|Type)"\s*:\s*"(?<name>[^"]*)"/

where (?:Name|Type) is a non-capturing group matching either Name or Type substring (| is an alternation operator).




It seems you want to get data out of json into elasticsearch. You may use a JSON parser to do the heavy lifting for you, see the Getting Data From Json Into Elasticsearch Using Fluentd with the necessary details to get you started.


If you want to fix the regex approach you have, use


format /"Name"\s*:\s*"(?<name>[^"]*)"/

Note that (?<name>...) is a named capturing group that are used in Elastic Search to create fields with the same names. The pattern matches

注意(? …)是一个命名捕获组,用于弹性搜索以创建具有相同名称的字段。模式匹配

  • "Name" - a literal "Name" substring
  • “Name”——一个字面的“Name”子字符串
  • \s*:\s* - a colon enclosed with 0+ whitespace chars
  • \s*:\s* -一个带有0+空格字符的冒号。
  • " - a double quote
  • ——双重引用
  • (?<name>[^"]*) - Group "name" matching 0+ chars other than "
  • (? <名称> [^ "]*)——集团”的名字“匹配0 +以外的字符”
  • " - a double quote (not necessary though).
  • ——重复引用(虽然不是必需的)。

If you want to have Type as well in the same field, you may use


format /"(?:Name|Type)"\s*:\s*"(?<name>[^"]*)"/

where (?:Name|Type) is a non-capturing group matching either Name or Type substring (| is an alternation operator).
