
时间:2021-09-04 23:56:54

I noticed the other day that one of my web pages was looking ugly. The buttons on the page looked totally different, based on whether they contained one line of text or two.


After some digging, I've learned that the typical button uses NSRoundedBezelStyle, but it has a fixed height. So, if the text is going to wrap, Firefox (and Chrome and Safari) will change the button to use NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle which can have a variable height. I'd like to petition the maintainers of these browsers to change this and am researching the best alternative.


After finding the already-filed bug and doing some reading, I suggested that maybe they could use NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle instead. It turns out that in Mavericks it looks almost exactly the same as an NSRoundedBezelStyle button. Same in Yosemite, except that it has no border. Changing setBordered has no effect.


So my question, on behalf of browser developers everywhere: is it possible to draw an NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle button with a border? Or, is there another way around this that all the browser vendors have missed?


1 个解决方案



Rewritten Answer

I'm not seeing an NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle button showing up borderless in Yosemite:



This is a stock button dragged from the palette in Interface Builder. I encourage you to post your code since it's likely you're generating your button in code. Here's my own code for generating the same button:

这是从Interface Builder中的调色板拖动的库存按钮。我鼓励您发布代码,因为您可能正在代码中生成按钮。这是我自己生成相同按钮的代码:

NSButton * anotherButton = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10.0, 10.0, 100.0, 100.0)];
anotherButton.bezelStyle = NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle;
anotherButton.title = @"Line 1\nLine 2";



If you're seeing different results under Yosemite, you'll need to post your code. At a guess, you might be initializing your button with -init instead of -initWithFrame:, which can cause all kinds of drawing issues since NSButton is an NSView and therefore its designated initializer is -initWithFrame:. Just a guess though.




Rewritten Answer

I'm not seeing an NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle button showing up borderless in Yosemite:



This is a stock button dragged from the palette in Interface Builder. I encourage you to post your code since it's likely you're generating your button in code. Here's my own code for generating the same button:

这是从Interface Builder中的调色板拖动的库存按钮。我鼓励您发布代码,因为您可能正在代码中生成按钮。这是我自己生成相同按钮的代码:

NSButton * anotherButton = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10.0, 10.0, 100.0, 100.0)];
anotherButton.bezelStyle = NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle;
anotherButton.title = @"Line 1\nLine 2";



If you're seeing different results under Yosemite, you'll need to post your code. At a guess, you might be initializing your button with -init instead of -initWithFrame:, which can cause all kinds of drawing issues since NSButton is an NSView and therefore its designated initializer is -initWithFrame:. Just a guess though.
