使用LINQ to SQL耗尽数据库连接

时间:2021-11-23 22:56:36

In developing a relatively simple web service, that takes the data provided by a post and records it in a database table, we're getting this error:


Exception caught: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Er or. Stack trace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()


on some servers, but no others. The ones that are getting this are the physical machines, the others are virtual, and obviously the physical servers are far more powerful.


As far as we can tell, the problem is that the DB connections aren't being released back to the pools after each query. I'm using the using pattern below:


                using (VoteDaoDataContext dao = new VoteDaoDataContext())

                    dao.insert_response_and_update_count(answerVal, swid, agent, geo, DateTime.Now, ip);
                    msg += "Thank you for your vote.";

I added the dao.Dispose() call to ensure that connections are released when the method finishes, but I don't know whether or not it's necessary.


Am I using this pattern correctly? Is there something else I need to do to ensure that connections get returned to the pools correctly?



2 个解决方案


Your diagnostic information is not good enough. An HTTP/500 isn't enough detail to really tell if your theory is correct. You're going to need to capture a full stack trace in your logging if you want to get to the problem. I think you've jumped to a conclusion here. And no, you do not need that Dispose() before the end of your using{} block. That's what using{} does.

您的诊断信息不够好。 HTTP / 500不够详细,无法确定您的理论是否正确。如果要解决问题,则需要在日志记录中捕获完整堆栈跟踪。我想你已经在这里得出结论。不,您在使用{}块结束之前不需要Dispose()。这就是使用{}的功能。


I thought that dispose() call was redundant, but I wanted to be sure.


We're seeing the connection pools saturating in the SQL logs (I can't look at the directly, I'm just a developer, and this stuff's running in a prod environment), and my ops guy said he's seeing connections timing out... and once they time out, the server starts running again, until the next time it saturates the connection pool.

我们看到连接池在SQL日志中饱和(我不能直接看,我只是一个开发人员,而且这些东西在prod环境中运行),我的操作人员说他看到连接超时了。 ..一旦超时,服务器再次开始运行,直到下次连接池饱和为止。

We're going through the process of tweaking the connection pool settings at the moment... I wanted to be certain that I wasn't doing anything wrong, since this is my first time using Linq.




Your diagnostic information is not good enough. An HTTP/500 isn't enough detail to really tell if your theory is correct. You're going to need to capture a full stack trace in your logging if you want to get to the problem. I think you've jumped to a conclusion here. And no, you do not need that Dispose() before the end of your using{} block. That's what using{} does.

您的诊断信息不够好。 HTTP / 500不够详细,无法确定您的理论是否正确。如果要解决问题,则需要在日志记录中捕获完整堆栈跟踪。我想你已经在这里得出结论。不,您在使用{}块结束之前不需要Dispose()。这就是使用{}的功能。


I thought that dispose() call was redundant, but I wanted to be sure.


We're seeing the connection pools saturating in the SQL logs (I can't look at the directly, I'm just a developer, and this stuff's running in a prod environment), and my ops guy said he's seeing connections timing out... and once they time out, the server starts running again, until the next time it saturates the connection pool.

我们看到连接池在SQL日志中饱和(我不能直接看,我只是一个开发人员,而且这些东西在prod环境中运行),我的操作人员说他看到连接超时了。 ..一旦超时,服务器再次开始运行,直到下次连接池饱和为止。

We're going through the process of tweaking the connection pool settings at the moment... I wanted to be certain that I wasn't doing anything wrong, since this is my first time using Linq.

