
时间:2021-10-03 22:54:35

This question already has an answer here:


I'm looking for a Pythonic way to count the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of a positive integer n (which will indicate the highest power of 2 which divides n without remainder).


A simple solution:


def CountZeros(n):
    c = 0
    while (n % 2) == 0:
        n /= 2
        c += 1
    return c

But in order to do it in a more Pythonic manner, I think that I can make use of:


  • bin(n)[2:], which gives the binary representation of n
  • bin(n)[2:],给出n的二进制表示
  • bin(n)[:1:-1], which gives the reversed binary representation of n
  • bin(n)[:1:-1],它给出n的反向二进制表示

So my question can be reduced to counting the number of trailing zeros in a string.


Is there any single-statement way to do this?


My ultimate goal is a Pythonic way for computing the highest power of 2 which divides n without remainder, so any ways to do this not by counting the trailing zeros in a string are also appreciated.


4 个解决方案



You could use str.rstrip:


def trailing(s):
    return len(s) - len(s.rstrip('0'))



This might do.


def trailing_zeros(n):
    s = str(n)
    return len(s)-len(s.rstrip('0'))



I'm not sure if this is the fastest solution, but it look like the most logical to me:


def trailing_zeros(n):
    for i in range(20):
        if n % (2<<i) != 0:
            return i

Since you asked for a single-line statement, here's one, but I don't think it's very legible (and its efficiency is worse than the other one):


max(i+1 for i in range(20) if n%(2<<i) == 0)



Definitely use bit-pushing operations, if you are concerned specifically with the underlying binary representation of the number. Divide and modulo-divide are the most costly operations, and relate to arithmetic not hardware bits. So (untested code)


def fnzb( n):
    " return position of first non-zero bit in n"
    if n==0:
        # edge case, there ARE no nonzero bits
        return None
    for po2 in range(0, 128) # or whatever larger upper limit is desired
        if a & ( 1 << po2) != 0: return po2
    # edge case, n too large
    raise ValueError,  "'impossibly' large integer argument encountered"

If these integers might often be extremely large with very many trailing zeros (for cryptographical values of "large") it might make an important difference to efficiency to initialize test=1 and right-shift it one place every trip around the loop, rather than starting with 1 and shifting it po2 places.

如果这些整数可能通常非常大且有很多尾随零(对于“大”的密码值),那么初始化test = 1并将其每次绕行一次右移到效率可能会对效率产生重要影响,而不是从1开始并将它转移到po2位置。



You could use str.rstrip:


def trailing(s):
    return len(s) - len(s.rstrip('0'))



This might do.


def trailing_zeros(n):
    s = str(n)
    return len(s)-len(s.rstrip('0'))



I'm not sure if this is the fastest solution, but it look like the most logical to me:


def trailing_zeros(n):
    for i in range(20):
        if n % (2<<i) != 0:
            return i

Since you asked for a single-line statement, here's one, but I don't think it's very legible (and its efficiency is worse than the other one):


max(i+1 for i in range(20) if n%(2<<i) == 0)



Definitely use bit-pushing operations, if you are concerned specifically with the underlying binary representation of the number. Divide and modulo-divide are the most costly operations, and relate to arithmetic not hardware bits. So (untested code)


def fnzb( n):
    " return position of first non-zero bit in n"
    if n==0:
        # edge case, there ARE no nonzero bits
        return None
    for po2 in range(0, 128) # or whatever larger upper limit is desired
        if a & ( 1 << po2) != 0: return po2
    # edge case, n too large
    raise ValueError,  "'impossibly' large integer argument encountered"

If these integers might often be extremely large with very many trailing zeros (for cryptographical values of "large") it might make an important difference to efficiency to initialize test=1 and right-shift it one place every trip around the loop, rather than starting with 1 and shifting it po2 places.

如果这些整数可能通常非常大且有很多尾随零(对于“大”的密码值),那么初始化test = 1并将其每次绕行一次右移到效率可能会对效率产生重要影响,而不是从1开始并将它转移到po2位置。