Linq To Sql需要动态Where子句关系表帮助?

时间:2022-04-27 21:11:34

I need Help for dynamic where clause over relational tables (one to many) in LinqToSql.


User select conditions from page. (there is 4 input that user select the clauses)

用户从页面选择条件。 (用户选择条款有4个输入)

For example CompanyName and CompanyTitle from Customer table and OrderDate and ShipCity From Order table.

例如,来自Customer表的CompanyName和CompanyTitle以及OrderDate和ShipCity From Order表。

But user can select one ore many of them from page interface and dynamic query will be generated at codebehind and select From LinqToSql.

但是用户可以从页面界面中选择其中一个,并在代码隐藏时生成动态查询,并选择From LinqToSql。

You can give similar type of example from another web pages.


alt text


4 个解决方案


Are you looking for something like this, where you define the "base" query, and then evaluate parameters to determine if a where clause is appropriate?


var result = (from x in context.X
              select x);

if(some condition)
    result = result.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.companyName == name);
if(some other condition)
    result = result.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.companyTitle == title);

//return result.ToList();
//return result.FirstOrDefault();
//return result.Count(); //etc

I noticed in one of your comments you mentioned your tables are not joined by a foreign key? I'm not sure how you get a one-to-many relationship without some kind of referential integrity or relationship?



Check out ScottGu's blog on the dynamic linq library. I think it will help.


Here is an example of a query that hits both the customers and orders table:


    var query =
    Where("City = @0 and Orders.Count >= @1", "London", 10).
    Select("new(CompanyName as Name, Phone)");

The query above came from the C# samples for Visual Studio. Download and look in the \LinqSamples\DynamicQuery folder and you will find more examples.

上面的查询来自Visual Studio的C#示例。下载并查看\ LinqSamples \ DynamicQuery文件夹,您将找到更多示例。


Depends on how dynamic you want it to be - as others already suggested the System.Linq.Dynamic namespace adds some neat functionality for composing queries where entities/members (tables/columns) involved are not known at design time. In this case it sounds like the entities and members involved are already known and you just need to alternate between different fields as you where clause criteria. Here's an example of that:

取决于您希望它的动态程度 - 正如其他人已经建议的那样,System.Linq.Dynamic命名空间为编写查询添加了一些简洁的功能,其中涉及的实体/成员(表/列)在设计时是未知的。在这种情况下,它听起来像所涉及的实体和成员已知,并且您只需要在where子句标准之间在不同字段之间切换。这是一个例子:

from cust in dc.Customer
join ord in dc.Order on cust.CustomerID equals ord.CustomerID
where (companyName == null || cust.CompanyName == companyName)
  and (companyTitle == null || cust.CompanyTitle == companyTitle)
  and (orderDate == null || ord.OrderDate == orderDate)
  and (shipCity == null || ord.ShipCity == shipCity)
select new {cust, ord}


RobS supplied what I think is the most attractive solution. However, this is the method I was using but then I realized that it is actually performing the first query in full (Linq-To-SQL) and then the subsequent .Where() clauses are performed with just LINQ. So this is not a viable solution as the entire set of data is enumerated and then filtered out aftwerwards in memory.


Please correct me if I'm wrong - but this is what I've noticed.

如果我错了请纠正我 - 但这是我注意到的。


Are you looking for something like this, where you define the "base" query, and then evaluate parameters to determine if a where clause is appropriate?


var result = (from x in context.X
              select x);

if(some condition)
    result = result.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.companyName == name);
if(some other condition)
    result = result.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.companyTitle == title);

//return result.ToList();
//return result.FirstOrDefault();
//return result.Count(); //etc

I noticed in one of your comments you mentioned your tables are not joined by a foreign key? I'm not sure how you get a one-to-many relationship without some kind of referential integrity or relationship?



Check out ScottGu's blog on the dynamic linq library. I think it will help.


Here is an example of a query that hits both the customers and orders table:


    var query =
    Where("City = @0 and Orders.Count >= @1", "London", 10).
    Select("new(CompanyName as Name, Phone)");

The query above came from the C# samples for Visual Studio. Download and look in the \LinqSamples\DynamicQuery folder and you will find more examples.

上面的查询来自Visual Studio的C#示例。下载并查看\ LinqSamples \ DynamicQuery文件夹,您将找到更多示例。


Depends on how dynamic you want it to be - as others already suggested the System.Linq.Dynamic namespace adds some neat functionality for composing queries where entities/members (tables/columns) involved are not known at design time. In this case it sounds like the entities and members involved are already known and you just need to alternate between different fields as you where clause criteria. Here's an example of that:

取决于您希望它的动态程度 - 正如其他人已经建议的那样,System.Linq.Dynamic命名空间为编写查询添加了一些简洁的功能,其中涉及的实体/成员(表/列)在设计时是未知的。在这种情况下,它听起来像所涉及的实体和成员已知,并且您只需要在where子句标准之间在不同字段之间切换。这是一个例子:

from cust in dc.Customer
join ord in dc.Order on cust.CustomerID equals ord.CustomerID
where (companyName == null || cust.CompanyName == companyName)
  and (companyTitle == null || cust.CompanyTitle == companyTitle)
  and (orderDate == null || ord.OrderDate == orderDate)
  and (shipCity == null || ord.ShipCity == shipCity)
select new {cust, ord}


RobS supplied what I think is the most attractive solution. However, this is the method I was using but then I realized that it is actually performing the first query in full (Linq-To-SQL) and then the subsequent .Where() clauses are performed with just LINQ. So this is not a viable solution as the entire set of data is enumerated and then filtered out aftwerwards in memory.


Please correct me if I'm wrong - but this is what I've noticed.

如果我错了请纠正我 - 但这是我注意到的。