如何在VS 2008中创建MSI以将证书安装到客户端计算机上的Trusted Publisher存储中?

时间:2022-03-18 22:15:56

What are the steps needed to create a VS 2008 MSI setup and deployment file to install a custom created certificate/key onto a client's machine?

创建VS 2008 MSI设置和部署文件以将自定义创建的证书/密钥安装到客户端计算机上需要执行哪些步骤?

1 个解决方案


  1. The proper way is to use Wix3 instead of Visual Studio Deployment Project, Wix has the Certificate element which is pretty robust.
  2. 正确的方法是使用Wix3而不是Visual Studio部署项目,Wix具有非常强大的Certificate元素。

  3. If you still want to use Visual Studio Deploy Project then take a look at this answer on how to install certificates using C#. You will need to warp this code inside an Installer class and sequence it inside the deploy project.
  4. 如果您仍想使用Visual Studio Deploy Project,请查看有关如何使用C#安装证书的答案。您需要在Installer类中扭曲此代码并在deploy项目中对其进行排序。


  1. The proper way is to use Wix3 instead of Visual Studio Deployment Project, Wix has the Certificate element which is pretty robust.
  2. 正确的方法是使用Wix3而不是Visual Studio部署项目,Wix具有非常强大的Certificate元素。

  3. If you still want to use Visual Studio Deploy Project then take a look at this answer on how to install certificates using C#. You will need to warp this code inside an Installer class and sequence it inside the deploy project.
  4. 如果您仍想使用Visual Studio Deploy Project,请查看有关如何使用C#安装证书的答案。您需要在Installer类中扭曲此代码并在deploy项目中对其进行排序。