开发环境Java 6,Maven 2.x,Eclipse 3.4.x,JBoss 5和JBoss Seam

时间:2022-02-23 02:05:57

I have to organize a development environment where I can run Maven projects with JBoss Seam, IDE eclipse 3.4.x and deploying to JBoss 5. The projects that will run on this environment are based in Java 6, EJB3 and JSF1.2. The environment has to support hot-deploy.

我必须组织一个开发环境,在那里我可以使用JBoss Seam,IDE eclipse 3.4.x运行Maven项目并部署到JBoss 5.将在此环境中运行的项目基于Java 6,EJB3和JSF1.2。环境必须支持热部署。

I used to work in a development environment with Sysdeo Plugin to make Tomcat run all my applications - I've rarely used EJB (only for MDB's). So I would prefer an environment similar to this.

我曾经在Sysdeo插件的开发环境中工作,使Tomcat运行我的所有应用程序 - 我很少使用EJB(仅用于MDB)。所以我更喜欢类似于此的环境。

I'd like to know what you guys use for the kind of architecture (what kind of eclipse plugins - if they work fine, things like that)

我想知道你们用什么样的架构(什么样的eclipse插件 - 如果它们工作正常,那样的东西)

The thing I really didn't get right is why my Maven2 project with SEAM as a dependency packaged as EAR doesn't appear in my server (in Eclipse Ganymede - tab servers) for me to make deploy (right click - option Add and Remove Projects...). Do I have to include an specific project nature to make my Maven2 EAR project visible to my JBoss AS included in my Eclipse Ganymede?

我真正做不到的事情是为什么我的Maven2项目将SEAM作为依赖打包为EAR而不会出现在我的服务器中(在Eclipse Ganymede - tab服务器中)供我进行部署(右键单击 - 选项添加和删除项目...)。我是否必须包含特定的项目性质,以使我的Maven2 EAR项目对我的Eclipse Ganymede中包含的JBoss AS可见?

Seam doesn't appear to go well with Maven2. I'm facing some problems to make they work together - some dependencies appear to be missing and I have to put some extra files in some special places like seam.properties and components.xml with some special contents. I feel like forced to use seam-gen and Ant. Too bad!

Seam似乎与Maven2不太合适。我正面临一些问题让它们一起工作 - 一些依赖项似乎缺失了,我必须在一些特殊的地方放一些额外的文件,比如seam.properties和components.xml以及一些特殊的内容。我觉得*使用seam-gen和Ant。太糟糕了!

2 个解决方案


Not sure if this is helpful to you, but but we run the following


  • eclipse as IDE
  • eclipse作为IDE

  • mercurial for source code management
  • 用于源代码管理的mercurial

  • merclipse mercurial eclipse plugin http://goldenhammers.com/merclipse/
  • merclipse mercurial eclipse插件http://goldenhammers.com/merclipse/

  • maven for builds (and m2eclipse)
  • maven for builds(和m2eclipse)

  • mylyn with bugzilla for issue tracking
  • mylyn与bugzilla进行问题跟踪

  • tomcat as application server
  • tomcat作为应用服务器

  • hudson for continuous integration http://hudson-ci.org/
  • 哈德森持续整合http://hudson-ci.org/

  • reviewboard for code reviews http://www.review-board.org/
  • 代码审查评论板http://www.review-board.org/

  • sonar for code quality metrics http://sonar.codehaus.org/
  • 声纳代码质量指标http://sonar.codehaus.org/

  • proxmox VE for virtualization http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Main_Page
  • 用于虚拟化的proxmox VE http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Main_Page

Most things run on separate virtual machines to keep interference to a minimum. Proxmox VE is a breeze to setup (15 mins and you are running).

大多数东西都在不同的虚拟机上运行,​​以尽量减少干扰。 Proxmox VE设置轻而易举(15分钟即可运行)。

Hudson monitors the repository and automatically builds and tests each push. If the war build is successful it is automatically (re)deployed (using a hudson plugin) into Tomcat and restarted.


I cannot recommend these tools enough.




I am currently working on the same environment you asked for, with the only difference I am running the app on a tomcat 6.0.18. I prefer to use tomcat 'cause it's so faster to run, and I don't use EJB for now.

我目前正在处理你所要求的相同环境,唯一的区别是我在tomcat 6.0.18上运行应用程序。我更喜欢使用tomcat,因为它的运行速度更快,而且我现在不使用EJB。

Eclipse plugins :


  • maven : m2eclipse.codehaus.org
  • maven:m2eclipse.codehaus.org

  • jboss tools : www.jboss.org/tools
  • jboss工具:www.jboss.org/tools

  • web tools platform for hot deploying : www.eclipse.org/webtools/
  • 用于热部署的Web工具平台:www.eclipse.org/webtools/

I took the Eclipse Java EE version, I don't use seam-gen to create the basic architecture.

我使用了Eclipse Java EE版本,我没有使用seam-gen来创建基本架构。

I don't have so many problems with this environment, sometimes the hot-deploy doesn't work and I have to manually clean files. The only problem I had was with the separation of my app in two modules : eclipse wasn't doing the job well (not taking the last package of one module while building the other one), and I discover the option "disable workspace resolution", which works fine now.

我对这个环境没有太多问题,有时热部署不起作用,我必须手动清理文件。我遇到的唯一问题是将我的应用程序分成两个模块:eclipse没有很好地完成工作(在构建另一个模块时没有采用一个模块的最后一个包),我发现选项“禁用工作空间分辨率” ,现在工作正常。

Works fine. Hope it will for you.



Not sure if this is helpful to you, but but we run the following


  • eclipse as IDE
  • eclipse作为IDE

  • mercurial for source code management
  • 用于源代码管理的mercurial

  • merclipse mercurial eclipse plugin http://goldenhammers.com/merclipse/
  • merclipse mercurial eclipse插件http://goldenhammers.com/merclipse/

  • maven for builds (and m2eclipse)
  • maven for builds(和m2eclipse)

  • mylyn with bugzilla for issue tracking
  • mylyn与bugzilla进行问题跟踪

  • tomcat as application server
  • tomcat作为应用服务器

  • hudson for continuous integration http://hudson-ci.org/
  • 哈德森持续整合http://hudson-ci.org/

  • reviewboard for code reviews http://www.review-board.org/
  • 代码审查评论板http://www.review-board.org/

  • sonar for code quality metrics http://sonar.codehaus.org/
  • 声纳代码质量指标http://sonar.codehaus.org/

  • proxmox VE for virtualization http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Main_Page
  • 用于虚拟化的proxmox VE http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Main_Page

Most things run on separate virtual machines to keep interference to a minimum. Proxmox VE is a breeze to setup (15 mins and you are running).

大多数东西都在不同的虚拟机上运行,​​以尽量减少干扰。 Proxmox VE设置轻而易举(15分钟即可运行)。

Hudson monitors the repository and automatically builds and tests each push. If the war build is successful it is automatically (re)deployed (using a hudson plugin) into Tomcat and restarted.


I cannot recommend these tools enough.




I am currently working on the same environment you asked for, with the only difference I am running the app on a tomcat 6.0.18. I prefer to use tomcat 'cause it's so faster to run, and I don't use EJB for now.

我目前正在处理你所要求的相同环境,唯一的区别是我在tomcat 6.0.18上运行应用程序。我更喜欢使用tomcat,因为它的运行速度更快,而且我现在不使用EJB。

Eclipse plugins :


  • maven : m2eclipse.codehaus.org
  • maven:m2eclipse.codehaus.org

  • jboss tools : www.jboss.org/tools
  • jboss工具:www.jboss.org/tools

  • web tools platform for hot deploying : www.eclipse.org/webtools/
  • 用于热部署的Web工具平台:www.eclipse.org/webtools/

I took the Eclipse Java EE version, I don't use seam-gen to create the basic architecture.

我使用了Eclipse Java EE版本,我没有使用seam-gen来创建基本架构。

I don't have so many problems with this environment, sometimes the hot-deploy doesn't work and I have to manually clean files. The only problem I had was with the separation of my app in two modules : eclipse wasn't doing the job well (not taking the last package of one module while building the other one), and I discover the option "disable workspace resolution", which works fine now.

我对这个环境没有太多问题,有时热部署不起作用,我必须手动清理文件。我遇到的唯一问题是将我的应用程序分成两个模块:eclipse没有很好地完成工作(在构建另一个模块时没有采用一个模块的最后一个包),我发现选项“禁用工作空间分辨率” ,现在工作正常。

Works fine. Hope it will for you.
