
时间:2021-12-07 07:59:30

I have a table that contains photos. One photo and its description in each record. I want to create a temp table that has two photos/descriptions per record. So, I need to create a report that has photos displayed in two columns.


This is what I have:


 1  Photo1, Description1
 2  Photo2, Description2
 3  Photo3, Description3
 4  Photo4, Description4

Here is what I am expecting:


 Photo1, Description1, Photo2, Description2
 Photo3, Description3, Photo4, Description4

How can I get there using a stored procedure in SQL Server 2012?

如何使用SQL Server 2012中的存储过程到达那里?

2 个解决方案



You didn't provide a lot of details here but here is a possibility. The first cte adds a row number to every row so we can ensure we have a consistent numbering pattern. Then we have a cte to retrieve the odd numbers followed by another cte to get the even numbers. Then we just join them together.


with NumberedPhotos as
    select Photo
        , Description
        , ROW_NUMBER() over(order by PhotoID) as RowNum
    from SomeTable
, OddNumbers as
    select Photo
        , Description
        , RowNum
    from NumberedPhotos
    where RowNum % 2 = 1
, EvenNumbers as
    select Photo
        , Description
        , RowNum
    from NumberedPhotos
    where RowNum % 2 = 0
select o.Photo
    , o.Description
    , e.Photo
    , e.Description
from OddNumbers o 
left join EvenNumbers e on o.RowNum = e.RowNum - 1



You could use Modulo like @Sean Lange mentioned, but you will want to join back to your table something like this:

你可以像@Sean Lange一样使用Modulo,但你会想要加入到你的桌面,如下所示:

;WITH NumberedPhotos
AS (
    SELECT photo_name
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            ORDER BY Photo_ID
            ) AS RowNum
    FROM photo_info

FROM NumberedPhotos n
LEFT JOIN NumberedPhotos AS t ON n.rownum = t.rownum + 1
WHERE n.rownum % 2 = 0;

SQL Fiddle Demo




You didn't provide a lot of details here but here is a possibility. The first cte adds a row number to every row so we can ensure we have a consistent numbering pattern. Then we have a cte to retrieve the odd numbers followed by another cte to get the even numbers. Then we just join them together.


with NumberedPhotos as
    select Photo
        , Description
        , ROW_NUMBER() over(order by PhotoID) as RowNum
    from SomeTable
, OddNumbers as
    select Photo
        , Description
        , RowNum
    from NumberedPhotos
    where RowNum % 2 = 1
, EvenNumbers as
    select Photo
        , Description
        , RowNum
    from NumberedPhotos
    where RowNum % 2 = 0
select o.Photo
    , o.Description
    , e.Photo
    , e.Description
from OddNumbers o 
left join EvenNumbers e on o.RowNum = e.RowNum - 1



You could use Modulo like @Sean Lange mentioned, but you will want to join back to your table something like this:

你可以像@Sean Lange一样使用Modulo,但你会想要加入到你的桌面,如下所示:

;WITH NumberedPhotos
AS (
    SELECT photo_name
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            ORDER BY Photo_ID
            ) AS RowNum
    FROM photo_info

FROM NumberedPhotos n
LEFT JOIN NumberedPhotos AS t ON n.rownum = t.rownum + 1
WHERE n.rownum % 2 = 0;

SQL Fiddle Demo
