
时间:2022-06-24 05:54:44

I read some articles and don't managed solved my problem, My problem is in the moment when I try obtain the value of the controls (CheckBox and ComboBox) added dynamically into Windows Form, I need know when the CheckBox is checked (or unchecked) and if the ComboBox is empty (or not) when I press a button, this button call a method in which I validate if all components are empty, I add the controls the following way:

我读了一些文章并且没有管理解决了我的问题,我的问题是在我尝试获取动态添加到Windows窗体中的控件(CheckBox和ComboBox)的值时,我需要知道何时选中CheckBox(或取消选中) )当按下按钮时,如果ComboBox为空(或不是),则此按钮调用一种方法,在该方法中我验证所有组件是否为空,我按以下方式添加控件:

 CheckBox box;
 ComboBox cmBox;
 for (int i = 1; i <= sumOfRegisters; i++)
    box = new CheckBox();
    box.Name = "CheckBox" + i;
    box.Text = "Some text";
    box.AutoSize = true;
    box.Location = new Point(10, i * 25); //vertical

    cmBox = new ComboBox();
    cmBox.Name = "ComboBox" + i;
    cmBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(302, 21);
    cmBox.TabIndex = i;
    cmBox.Text = "Some Text";
    cmBox.Location = new Point(270, i * 25);


"I add the values from database in the case of the ComboBox, I omitted this part."


I try obtain the value with a foreach:


foreach (Control ctrl in groupBox.Controls)

The problem is I don't have idea how to know if the Control (CheckBox and ComboBox) is checked or empty (as the case).


Really thanks for any help, I appreciate your time.


5 个解决方案


You could use the as operator, like so:


foreach (Control ctrl in groupBox.Controls)
    CheckBox checkBox = ctrl as CheckBox;
    ComboBox comboBox = ctrl as ComboBox;

    if (checkBox != null)   // Control is a CheckBox
        if (checkBox.Checked)
            // CheckBox is checked
            // CheckBox is not checked
    else if (comboBox != null)  // Control is a ComboBox
        if (comboBox.Items.Count == 0)
            // ComboBox is empty
            // ComboBox isn't empty


You are throwing away your reference to each dynamically allocated control after adding it to grbMateias.


One option is certainly to store those references, for example in a List<Control>.

一种选择当然是存储这些引用,例如在List 中。

List<ComboBox> comboBoxes = new List<ComboBox>();

for (int i = 1; i <= sumOfRegisters; i++)
    box = new CheckBox();
    // etc.

You can however just iterate the controls in grbMateias


 foreach(Control ctl in grbMateias.Controls)
     if (ctl is CheckBox)
         // Use the checkbox
     else if (ctl is ComboBox)
         // Use the ComboBox

or using Linq


var comboBoxes = grbMateias.Controls.OfType<ComboBox>();
var checkBoxes = grbMateias.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>();


Since you're giving each control a name within the loop, it's easy to use it to recognize each individual control, as long as names are unique. For example, to obtain the third checkbox you can use something like this:


Control control = groupBox.Controls.Single(x => x.Name == "CheckBox3");
Checkbox thirdCheckBox = (CheckBox)control;
bool checkBoxCheched = thirdCheckBox.Checked;


First you need to know what control you're currently working with when iterating, then you can cast it and use that specific control's methods.


foreach(Control c in groupBox.Controls)
    if(c is ComboBox)
         if((ComboBox) c).SelectedItem == null)
            //handle nothing entered
    else if(c is CheckBox)
        if((CheckBox) c).Checked)
            //handle checked

In the above snippit we check using the is keyword what type of Control it is. Then if it's of a control that we know how to handle we cast it and check if empty or checked.



I need know when the CheckBox is checked (or unchecked) and if the ComboBox is empty (or not).


To get the states of your checkboxes and comboboxes, including the index you used to create them, you can do the following:


var checkBoxStates = groupBox.Controls
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("CheckBox"))
    .Select(x => new {
        Index = Int.Parse(x.Name.Substring("CheckBox".Length)), 
        IsChecked = x.Checked

var comboBoxStates = groupBox.Controls
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("ComboBox"))
    .Select(x => new {
        Index = Int.Parse(x.Name.Substring("ComboBox".Length)), 
        IsEmpty = x.Items.Count == 0


You could use the as operator, like so:


foreach (Control ctrl in groupBox.Controls)
    CheckBox checkBox = ctrl as CheckBox;
    ComboBox comboBox = ctrl as ComboBox;

    if (checkBox != null)   // Control is a CheckBox
        if (checkBox.Checked)
            // CheckBox is checked
            // CheckBox is not checked
    else if (comboBox != null)  // Control is a ComboBox
        if (comboBox.Items.Count == 0)
            // ComboBox is empty
            // ComboBox isn't empty


You are throwing away your reference to each dynamically allocated control after adding it to grbMateias.


One option is certainly to store those references, for example in a List<Control>.

一种选择当然是存储这些引用,例如在List 中。

List<ComboBox> comboBoxes = new List<ComboBox>();

for (int i = 1; i <= sumOfRegisters; i++)
    box = new CheckBox();
    // etc.

You can however just iterate the controls in grbMateias


 foreach(Control ctl in grbMateias.Controls)
     if (ctl is CheckBox)
         // Use the checkbox
     else if (ctl is ComboBox)
         // Use the ComboBox

or using Linq


var comboBoxes = grbMateias.Controls.OfType<ComboBox>();
var checkBoxes = grbMateias.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>();


Since you're giving each control a name within the loop, it's easy to use it to recognize each individual control, as long as names are unique. For example, to obtain the third checkbox you can use something like this:


Control control = groupBox.Controls.Single(x => x.Name == "CheckBox3");
Checkbox thirdCheckBox = (CheckBox)control;
bool checkBoxCheched = thirdCheckBox.Checked;


First you need to know what control you're currently working with when iterating, then you can cast it and use that specific control's methods.


foreach(Control c in groupBox.Controls)
    if(c is ComboBox)
         if((ComboBox) c).SelectedItem == null)
            //handle nothing entered
    else if(c is CheckBox)
        if((CheckBox) c).Checked)
            //handle checked

In the above snippit we check using the is keyword what type of Control it is. Then if it's of a control that we know how to handle we cast it and check if empty or checked.



I need know when the CheckBox is checked (or unchecked) and if the ComboBox is empty (or not).


To get the states of your checkboxes and comboboxes, including the index you used to create them, you can do the following:


var checkBoxStates = groupBox.Controls
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("CheckBox"))
    .Select(x => new {
        Index = Int.Parse(x.Name.Substring("CheckBox".Length)), 
        IsChecked = x.Checked

var comboBoxStates = groupBox.Controls
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("ComboBox"))
    .Select(x => new {
        Index = Int.Parse(x.Name.Substring("ComboBox".Length)), 
        IsEmpty = x.Items.Count == 0