Android 14 vold 分析(3)vold和mount service通信

时间:2024-04-13 18:08:46

vold和mount service都是binder service,并不是mount service只调用vold,vold也会调用mount service,这是双向的,这里解答上一章的问题

思考, vold比mount service启动的早,那开机时vold获取到的listener为空,也就是说虽然disk创建了但是不会mount,那什么时候才会mount呢?

这里通过mount service 的分析解释上面的问题
1. mount service在SystemServer->startOtherServices() 可以看出这个service对android来说不是至关重要的,至少他不是bootstrap、core service
private void startOtherServices(@NonNull TimingsTraceAndSlog t) {
1788                      mSystemServiceManager.startService(STORAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE_CLASS);
1789                      storageManager = IStorageManager.Stub.asInterface(
1790                              ServiceManager.getService("mount"));

2. onStart()
231          public void onStart() {
232              mStorageManagerService = new StorageManagerService(getContext());  ----> 创建StorageManagerService实例
233              publishBinderService("mount", mStorageManagerService);   -----> 添加mount到ServiceManager里
234              mStorageManagerService.start();   -
235          }
3. 两件事: connectStoraged() 和 connectVold()
1926      private void start() {
1927          connectStoraged();
1928          connectVold();
1929      }
1931      private void connectStoraged() {
1932          IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("storaged");
1933          if (binder != null) {
1934              try {
1935                  binder.linkToDeath(new DeathRecipient() {
1936                      @Override
1937                      public void binderDied() {
1938                          Slog.w(TAG, "storaged died; reconnecting");
1939                          mStoraged = null;
1940                          connectStoraged();
1941                      }
1942                  }, 0);
1943              } catch (RemoteException e) {
1944                  binder = null;
1945              }
1946          }
1948          if (binder != null) {
1949              mStoraged = IStoraged.Stub.asInterface(binder);
1950          } else {
1951              Slog.w(TAG, "storaged not found; trying again");
1952          }
1954          if (mStoraged == null) {
1955              BackgroundThread.getHandler().postDelayed(() -> {
1956                  connectStoraged();
1957              }, DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS);
1958          } else {
1959              onDaemonConnected();
1960          }
1961      }
1963      private void connectVold() {
1964          IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("vold");
1965          if (binder != null) {
1966              try {
1967                  binder.linkToDeath(new DeathRecipient() {
1968                      @Override
1969                      public void binderDied() {
1970                          Slog.w(TAG, "vold died; reconnecting");
1971                          mVold = null;
1972                          connectVold();
1973                      }
1974                  }, 0);
1975              } catch (RemoteException e) {
1976                  binder = null;
1977              }
1978          }
1980          if (binder != null) {
1981              mVold = IVold.Stub.asInterface(binder);
1982              try {
1983                  mVold.setListener(mListener);   ---------->  连上vold 后把listener设置到了vold中
1984              } catch (RemoteException e) {
1985                  mVold = null;
1986                  Slog.w(TAG, "vold listener rejected; trying again", e);
1987              }
1988          } else {
1989              Slog.w(TAG, "vold not found; trying again");
1990          }
1992          if (mVold == null) {
1993              BackgroundThread.getHandler().postDelayed(() -> {
1994                  connectVold();
1995              }, DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS);
1996          } else {
1997              restoreLocalUnlockedUsers();
1998              onDaemonConnected();
1999          }
2000      }
3. onDaemonConnected()
1313      public void onDaemonConnected() {
1314          mDaemonConnected = true;
1315          mHandler.obtainMessage(H_DAEMON_CONNECTED).sendToTarget();
1316      }
1318      private void handleDaemonConnected() {
1319          resetIfBootedAndConnected();
1320      }

4. resetIfBootedAndConnected() 这里就是上一章提出的问题的原因函数
1056      private void resetIfBootedAndConnected() {
1057          Slog.d(TAG, "Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=" + mBootCompleted
1058                  + ", mDaemonConnected=" + mDaemonConnected);
1059          if (mBootCompleted && mDaemonConnected) {              -------->  只有两个条件同时满足,才会执行reset操作
1060              final UserManager userManager = mContext.getSystemService(UserManager.class);
1061              final List<UserInfo> users = userManager.getUsers();
1063              mStorageSessionController.onReset(mVold, () -> {
1064                  mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);
1065              });
1067              final int[] systemUnlockedUsers;
1068              synchronized (mLock) {
1069                  // make copy as sorting can change order
1070                  systemUnlockedUsers = Arrays.copyOf(mSystemUnlockedUsers,
1071                          mSystemUnlockedUsers.length);
1073                  mDisks.clear();
1074                  mVolumes.clear();
1076                  addInternalVolumeLocked();
1077              }
1079              try {
1080                  // Reset vold to tear down existing disks/volumes and start from
1081                  // a clean state.  Exception: already-unlocked user storage will
1082                  // remain unlocked and is not affected by the reset.
1083                  //
1084                  // TODO(b/135341433): Remove cautious logging when FUSE is stable
1085                  Slog.i(TAG, "Resetting vold...");
1086                  mVold.reset();                            ----------->>>>>>>>>> 根源在这里
1087                  Slog.i(TAG, "Reset vold");
1089                  // Tell vold about all existing and started users
1090                  for (UserInfo user : users) {
1091                      if (user.isCloneProfile()) {
1092                          mVold.onUserAdded(, user.serialNumber, user.profileGroupId);
1093                      } else {
1094                          mVold.onUserAdded(, user.serialNumber, -1);
1095                      }
1096                  }
1097                  for (int userId : systemUnlockedUsers) {
1098                      mVold.onUserStarted(userId);
1099                      mStoraged.onUserStarted(userId);
1100                  }
1101                  restoreSystemUnlockedUsers(userManager, users, systemUnlockedUsers);
1102                  mVold.onSecureKeyguardStateChanged(mSecureKeyguardShowing);
1103                  mStorageManagerInternal.onReset(mVold);
1104              } catch (Exception e) {
1105        , e);
1106              }
1107          }
1108      }

5.bootCompleted() 这里才会真正的执行到reset
238          public void onBootPhase(int phase) {
239              if (phase == SystemService.PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY) {
240                  mStorageManagerService.servicesReady();
241              } else if (phase == SystemService.PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY) {
242                  mStorageManagerService.systemReady();
243              } else if (phase == SystemService.PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED) {
244                  mStorageManagerService.bootCompleted();
245              }

2088      private void bootCompleted() {
2089          mBootCompleted = true;
2090          mHandler.obtainMessage(H_BOOT_COMPLETED).sendToTarget();
2091      }

2093      private void handleBootCompleted() {
2094          resetIfBootedAndConnected();
2095      }

log: 第三次才会执行reset

04-09 15:27:35.006  2112  3684 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true
04-09 15:27:35.012  2112  3684 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true
04-09 15:27:37.854  2112  3684 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=true, mDaemonConnected=true

6. vold reset 就是执行的是VolumeManager::reset() 这里就不赘述了
904  int VolumeManager::reset() {
905      // Tear down all existing disks/volumes and start from a blank slate so
906      // newly connected framework hears all events.
907      for (const auto& vol : mInternalEmulatedVolumes) {
908          vol->destroy();
909      }
910      mInternalEmulatedVolumes.clear();                      
912      // Destroy and recreate all disks except that StubVolume disks are just
913      // destroyed and removed from both mDisks and mPendingDisks.
914      // StubVolumes are managed from outside Android (e.g. from Chrome OS) and
915      // their disk recreation on reset events should be handled from outside by
916      // calling createStubVolume() again.
917      for (const auto& disk : mDisks) {
918          disk->destroy();
919          if (!disk->isStub()) {
920              disk->create();    -------------> 所有的disks 重新create一遍, 这回listener不会为空了
921          }
922      }
923      const auto isStub = [](const auto& disk) { return disk->isStub(); };
924      mDisks.remove_if(isStub);
925      mPendingDisks.remove_if(isStub);
927      updateVirtualDisk();
928      mAddedUsers.clear();
929      mStartedUsers.clear();
930      mSharedStorageUser.clear();
932      // Abort all FUSE connections to avoid deadlocks if the FUSE daemon was killed
933      // with FUSE fds open.
934      abortFuse();
935      return 0;
936  }

7. onVolumeCreated()
181  status_t VolumeBase::create() {
182      CHECK(!mCreated);
184      mCreated = true;
185      status_t res = doCreate();
187      auto listener = getListener();
188      if (listener) {
189          listener->onVolumeCreated(getId(), static_cast<int32_t>(mType), mDiskId, mPartGuid,
190                                    mMountUserId);
191      }
193      setState(State::kUnmounted);
194      return res;
195  }

8. onVolumeCreatedLocked()

1373          public void onVolumeCreated(String volId, int type, String diskId, String partGuid,
1374                  int userId) {
1375              synchronized (mLock) {
1376                  final DiskInfo disk = mDisks.get(diskId);
1377                  final VolumeInfo vol = new VolumeInfo(volId, type, disk, partGuid);
1378                  vol.mountUserId = userId;
1379                  mVolumes.put(volId, vol);
1380                  onVolumeCreatedLocked(vol);
1381              }
1382          }

9. onVolumeCreatedLocked()
1523          } else if (vol.type == VolumeInfo.TYPE_PUBLIC) {
1524              // TODO: only look at first public partition
1525              if (Objects.equals(StorageManager.UUID_PRIMARY_PHYSICAL, mPrimaryStorageUuid)
1526                      && vol.disk.isDefaultPrimary()) {
1527                  Slog.v(TAG, "Found primary storage at " + vol);
1528                  vol.mountFlags |= VolumeInfo.MOUNT_FLAG_PRIMARY;
1529                  vol.mountFlags |= VolumeInfo.MOUNT_FLAG_VISIBLE_FOR_WRITE;
1530              }
1532              // Adoptable public disks are visible to apps, since they meet
1533              // public API requirement of being in a stable location.
1534              // If FBE is enabled, sdcard is no longer considered adoptable,
1535              // make sdcard visible.
1536              if (vol.disk.isAdoptable() || (vol.disk.isSd() && !vol.disk.label.equals("Virtual"))) {
1537                  vol.mountFlags |= VolumeInfo.MOUNT_FLAG_VISIBLE_FOR_WRITE;
1538              }
1540              vol.mountUserId = mCurrentUserId;
1541              mHandler.obtainMessage(H_VOLUME_MOUNT, vol).sendToTarget();  ------->  执行mount
1543          }

740                  case H_VOLUME_MOUNT: {
741                      final VolumeInfo vol = (VolumeInfo) msg.obj;
742                      if (isMountDisallowed(vol)) {
743                          Slog.i(TAG, "Ignoring mount " + vol.getId() + " due to policy");
744                          break;
745                      }
747                      mount(vol);
748                      brea