github出现Your account has been flagged.导致账号无法公开的解决办法

时间:2024-04-06 15:42:20

github出现Your account has been flagged.导致账号无法公开的解决办法


please help me review my account status(flagged due to some mistake

Dear sir or madam:
  I am writing to seek your help,My Github account has been flagged this morining and my profile is hidden from public.It brings me a whole lot of trouble cos my tutor and friends on Github cannot see my open source project in my github warehouse .i doubt whether this porblem has something to do with my recent network flutuation.I would appreciate your help if you unlock the hiddden profile as soon as possible for I've left my open  source project unfinished and my tutor is about to check them immediately.Thank you so much.

github出现Your account has been flagged.导致账号无法公开的解决办法