Cognos异常 - CAM-CRP-1064 发生内部错误,无法处理 PKCS #7 数据....

时间:2024-03-24 14:26:29


[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1064 Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because of an internal error. Unable to find the common symmetric key with alias 'GjoNjc0vMe/mRjIFIKCOf4TrLRM=' in the keystore '/u01/app/cognos/configuration/csk/jCSKKeystore'.
The parameter named 'External JMX credential' located in 'Environment' is currently invalid.
[ ERROR ] The parameter named 'Shared secret' located in 'Portal Services' is currently invalid.
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1064 Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because of an internal error. Unable to find the common symmetric key with alias 'GjoNjc0vMe/mRjIFIKCOf4TrLRM=' in the keystore '/u01/app/cognos/configuration/csk/jCSKKeystore'.
The parameter named 'Shared secret' located in 'Portal Services' is currently invalid.
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1064 Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because of an internal error. Unable to find the common symmetric key with alias 'GjoNjc0vMe/mRjIFIKCOf4TrLRM=' in the keystore '/u01/app/cognos/configuration/csk/jCSKKeystore'.
The parameter named 'User ID and password' located in 'cognos' is currently invalid.
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1064 Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because of an internal error. Unable to find the common symmetric key with alias 'GjoNjc0vMe/mRjIFIKCOf4TrLRM=' in the keystore '/u01/app/cognos/configuration/csk/jCSKKeystore'.
The parameter named 'Account and password' located in 'Notification' is currently invalid.








Cognos异常 - CAM-CRP-1064 发生内部错误,无法处理 PKCS #7 数据....



1)打开Cognos Configuration 记录下你做的修改(可以截图)
Cognos异常 - CAM-CRP-1064 发生内部错误,无法处理 PKCS #7 数据....

3)在安装目录:c10\configuration下,将 csk , encryptkeypair , signkeypair 重命名为old,也可直接删除;

Cognos异常 - CAM-CRP-1064 发生内部错误,无法处理 PKCS #7 数据....

4)重新启动Cognos Configuration,重新做你之前的修改,保存,启动,问题解决