Google Play 违反欺骗行为被下架,如何解决?

时间:2024-03-23 21:06:24

在Google Play上架的时候,有些开发者会收到APP被下架或暂停的邮件通知,登录开发者后台,看到应用已经被下架。需要重新建立新的APP才可以继续上架。我们先看下,大多数收到的邮件内容。


Hi Developers at 『开发者名称』, After a recent review, 『应用标题』 (『应用包名』) has been removed from Google Play.

 Publishing Status

Publishing status: Suspended

Your app has been suspended and removed due to a policy violation.

Reasons of violation

Issue: Violation of Deceptive Behavior policy

We don't allow apps that attempt to deceive users or enable dishonest behavior. Apps must provide accurate disclosure of their functionality and should perform as reasonably expected by the user. Apps must not attempt to mimic functionality or warnings from the operating system or other apps. Any changes to device settings must be made with the user's knowledge and consent and be easily reversible by the user.

Next steps: Publish a new compliant version of your app

1. Review the Deceptive Behavior policy. If it's possible to bring your app into compliance, make appropriate changes to your app. Specifically, make sure that the app's title and description do not misrepresent the function of the app.

2. Make sure that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies. Additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy violations.

3. Sign in to your Play Console and submit the policy compliant app using a new package name and a new app name.

Additional suspensions of any nature may result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you.

If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. We’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

Please help us improve the developer experience by completing this two question survey.


Google Play 违反欺骗行为被下架,如何解决?遇到这个问题,多数原因是因为描述、APP名称、截图、标题出了问题。比如宣传射击游戏,但是里面是消除游戏。比如宣传棋牌,但是内容包含**。我们可以看一下Google Play的欺骗及隐私权政策。大家可以前往查看官方说明:最新开发者政策







2、App中存在误导用户的行为,被用户举报;被用户举报,这一点主要看问题是否严重。如果问题很严重,比如给用户造成了经济损失或者其它损失,而Google的审核人员复核后问题确实存在,那么被下架是在所难免的。这个时候,一种方式就是联系用户,并联系Google 进行申诉。

3、资质不全,涉及敏感行业;在Google Play上,很多领域属于敏感行业。涉及到就会被下架,或者需要有*资质牌照才可以上架。比如很多地区的金融借贷、**、色情等,世界上某些国家/地区是允许上架的,但是需要资质。这个时候,如果APP上架,没有提交资质证明材料,被审核人员发现,那么肯定是会被下架的。严重甚至会被封号。

4、马甲包;国内开发者习惯使用马甲包上架,同样的包,改LOGO和说明在不同的账号上架。这种情况下也会出现被欺骗性政策下架的情况。建议就是尽量避免使用马甲包,而且Google的账号关联政策非常严格,如果某一个账号被中了封号,很容易导致相关账号被封。关于账号关联,大家可以参考另外一篇文章《谷歌开发者账号关联问题,如何有效避免Google Play账号关联问题》



2019年7月份之前,上架Google Play基本都是2个小时内审核通过并上架,7月份之后,审核时间延长到了3天。但是依然还是机器审核,我们的判断是Google Play审核估计卡时间。但是Google Play一直存在事后审核的情况,所谓事后审核,其实就是人工抽查。有时候APP在线时间很长,可能是没有被抽查到,或者抽查的时候审核人员没有仔细查看!

如果有Google Play上架应用的开发者。扫描下方二维码,加我为微信好友(微信号:evaaso)入群,一起避坑进步。

Google Play 违反欺骗行为被下架,如何解决?