Anaconda 安装seaborn报错:The current user does not have write permissions to the target environment

时间:2024-03-18 18:27:53

Anaconda 安装seaborn报错:The current user does not have write permissions to the target environment

情景:Anaconda 安装seaborn
终端输入:conda install seaborn
报错:The current user does not have write permissions to the target environment

sudo chmod 777 -R anaconda3
结果:未解决 (sudo是linux系统的命令)
Anaconda 安装seaborn报错:The current user does not have write permissions to the target environmentAnaconda 安装seaborn报错:The current user does not have write permissions to the target environment结果:未解决


Anaconda-右键-更多-以管理员身份运行-输入:conda install seaborn-出现Proceed([y]/n)?时候输入y
Anaconda 安装seaborn报错:The current user does not have write permissions to the target environmentAnaconda 安装seaborn报错:The current user does not have write permissions to the target environment成功!