
时间:2022-03-07 01:48:06

I have a string that I'd like to split in an array that has (for example) 3 words per index. What I'd also like it to do is if it encounters a new line character in that string that it will "skip" the 3 words limit and put that in a new index and start adding words in that new index until it reaches 3 again. example

我有一个字符串,我想分成一个数组,每个索引有(例如)3个单词。我还想要它做的是,如果它遇到该字符串中的新行字符,它将“跳过”3个字的限制并将其放入新索引并开始在该新索引中添加单词,直到它再次达到3 。例

var text = "this is some text that I'm typing here \n yes I really am"

var array = text.split(magic)

array == ["this is some", "text that I'm", "typing here", "yes I really", "am"]

I've tried looking into regular expressions, but so far I can't really make sense of the syntax that is used in regex.


I have written a way to complicated function that splits my string into lines of 3 by first splitting it into an array of separate words using .split(" "); and then using a loop to add add it per 3 into another array. But with that I can't take the new line character into account.


5 个解决方案



You can try with this pattern:


var result = text.match(/\b[\w']+(?:[^\w\n]+[\w']+){0,2}\b/g);

since the quantifier {0,2} is greedy by default, it will take a value less than 2 (N-1) only if a newline is found (since newlines are not allowed here: [^\w\n]+) or if you are a the end of the string.

因为量词{0,2}默认是贪婪的,所以只有在找到换行符时才会取小于2(N-1)的值(因为这里不允许换行:[^ \ w \ n] +)或如果你是字符串的结尾。



If you're interested in a regexp solution, it goes like this:


   text.match(/(\S+ \S+ \S+)|(\S+ \S+)(?= *\n|$)|\S+/g)
   // result ["this is some", "text that I'm", "typing here", "yes I really", "am"]

Explanation: match either three space separated words, or two words followed by spaces + newline, or just one word (a "word" being simply a sequence of non-spaces).


For any number of words, try this:


text.match(/((\S+ ){N-1}\S+)|(\S+( \S+)*)(?= *\n|$)|\S+/g)

(replace N-1 with a number).




Try something like this:


words = "this is some text that I'm typing here \n yes I really am".split(" ");
result = [];
temp = "";

for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
  if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0) {
    result.push(temp + words[i] + " ");
    temp = "";
  } else if (i == words.length - 1) {
    result.push(temp + words[i]);
  } else {
    temp += words[i] + " ";


Basically what this does is splits the string by words, then loops through each word. Every third word it gets to, it adds that along with what is stored in temp into the array, otherwise it adds the word to temp.




Only if you know there are no words 'left', so the number of words is always a multiple of 3:


"this is some text that I'm typing here \n yes I really am".match(/\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+/g)
=> ["this is some", "text that I'm", "typing here \n yes", "I really am"]

but if you add a word:


"this is some text that I'm typing here \n yes I really am FOO".match(/\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+/g)

the result will be exactly the same, so "FOO" is missing.




here one more way: use this pattern ((?:(?:\S+\s){3})|(?:.+)(?=\n|$))

还有一种方法:使用这种模式((?:(?:\ S + \ s){3})|(?:。+)(?= \ n | $))演示



You can try with this pattern:


var result = text.match(/\b[\w']+(?:[^\w\n]+[\w']+){0,2}\b/g);

since the quantifier {0,2} is greedy by default, it will take a value less than 2 (N-1) only if a newline is found (since newlines are not allowed here: [^\w\n]+) or if you are a the end of the string.

因为量词{0,2}默认是贪婪的,所以只有在找到换行符时才会取小于2(N-1)的值(因为这里不允许换行:[^ \ w \ n] +)或如果你是字符串的结尾。



If you're interested in a regexp solution, it goes like this:


   text.match(/(\S+ \S+ \S+)|(\S+ \S+)(?= *\n|$)|\S+/g)
   // result ["this is some", "text that I'm", "typing here", "yes I really", "am"]

Explanation: match either three space separated words, or two words followed by spaces + newline, or just one word (a "word" being simply a sequence of non-spaces).


For any number of words, try this:


text.match(/((\S+ ){N-1}\S+)|(\S+( \S+)*)(?= *\n|$)|\S+/g)

(replace N-1 with a number).




Try something like this:


words = "this is some text that I'm typing here \n yes I really am".split(" ");
result = [];
temp = "";

for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
  if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0) {
    result.push(temp + words[i] + " ");
    temp = "";
  } else if (i == words.length - 1) {
    result.push(temp + words[i]);
  } else {
    temp += words[i] + " ";


Basically what this does is splits the string by words, then loops through each word. Every third word it gets to, it adds that along with what is stored in temp into the array, otherwise it adds the word to temp.




Only if you know there are no words 'left', so the number of words is always a multiple of 3:


"this is some text that I'm typing here \n yes I really am".match(/\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+/g)
=> ["this is some", "text that I'm", "typing here \n yes", "I really am"]

but if you add a word:


"this is some text that I'm typing here \n yes I really am FOO".match(/\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+/g)

the result will be exactly the same, so "FOO" is missing.




here one more way: use this pattern ((?:(?:\S+\s){3})|(?:.+)(?=\n|$))

还有一种方法:使用这种模式((?:(?:\ S + \ s){3})|(?:。+)(?= \ n | $))演示