
时间:2022-07-04 01:49:15

In this thread, Pudge601 was so kind as to offer a solution to my problem: Php/MySQL random data (musical pitch) sequences

在这个帖子中,Pudge601非常善于为我的问题提供解决方案:Php / MySQL随机数据(音高)序列

By substituting static values for random ones, I figured out how the while loop works. However, I am still trying to understand this line:


$dist = $dists[$index][array_rand($dists[$index])];

I can understand it when I substitute (for example)


$dist = $dists[$index][0]

Which retrieves the first array value from one of the nested arrays. BUT, I do not see how this portion:



Produces one of the desired values.


It does not seem to corresponds to the description here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-rand.php Perhaps the syntax is different when using the multidimensional array in this context? In any event, I'm just not getting it. If someone could help me make the translation to 'english', I'd be thankful!


2 个解决方案



The code should be read as:


$arr = $dists[$index]; // select array from $dists element at index $index
$key = array_rand($arr); // get key of a random element
$dist = $arr[$key]; // get element value

From the documentation:


If you are picking only one entry, array_rand() returns the key for a random entry.




This same question was later resolved in this discussion: http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=296450

后来在这个讨论中解决了同样的问题:http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t = 296450

Answer: in $dist = $dists[$index][array_rand($dists[$index])];, the first use of $dists[$index] localizes the result to one of the first-nested arrays, and the second use makes sure that it is that same array that the array_rand function is picking from.

答案:在$ dist = $ dists [$ index] [array_rand($ dists [$ index])];中,首次使用$ dists [$ index]将结果本地化为第一个嵌套数组之一,第二个use确保它是array_rand函数从中拾取的相同数组。



The code should be read as:


$arr = $dists[$index]; // select array from $dists element at index $index
$key = array_rand($arr); // get key of a random element
$dist = $arr[$key]; // get element value

From the documentation:


If you are picking only one entry, array_rand() returns the key for a random entry.




This same question was later resolved in this discussion: http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=296450

后来在这个讨论中解决了同样的问题:http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t = 296450

Answer: in $dist = $dists[$index][array_rand($dists[$index])];, the first use of $dists[$index] localizes the result to one of the first-nested arrays, and the second use makes sure that it is that same array that the array_rand function is picking from.

答案:在$ dist = $ dists [$ index] [array_rand($ dists [$ index])];中,首次使用$ dists [$ index]将结果本地化为第一个嵌套数组之一,第二个use确保它是array_rand函数从中拾取的相同数组。