
时间:2022-05-27 02:09:21

I’m fairly new to programming and I’m in need your help.


I need to pass an array containing numbers to a Web Service using C# and Soap. And have the Sum of these numbers returned to the console application.


I understand that Array within Soap web services do not work well but I need a solution

我理解Soap web服务中的数组不能很好地工作,但是我需要一个解决方案

1 个解决方案



General info about Webservice: MSDN Web Services

关于Webservice的一般信息:MSDN Web Services

Simple example about how to create SOAP Web services in c#: WebServices c#

关于如何在c#: WebServices c#中创建SOAP Web服务的简单示例

Just change the second example and return an array.


"Via soap" you'll send just an XML document, but if you code the server and the client in c# it's all provided with Visual Studio, you won't even know that you are sending XML, it seems that you are sending objects.

“通过soap”,您将只发送一个XML文档,但是如果您用c#对服务器和客户端进行编码,它们都是由Visual Studio提供的,您甚至不会知道您正在发送XML,似乎您正在发送对象。



General info about Webservice: MSDN Web Services

关于Webservice的一般信息:MSDN Web Services

Simple example about how to create SOAP Web services in c#: WebServices c#

关于如何在c#: WebServices c#中创建SOAP Web服务的简单示例

Just change the second example and return an array.


"Via soap" you'll send just an XML document, but if you code the server and the client in c# it's all provided with Visual Studio, you won't even know that you are sending XML, it seems that you are sending objects.

“通过soap”,您将只发送一个XML文档,但是如果您用c#对服务器和客户端进行编码,它们都是由Visual Studio提供的,您甚至不会知道您正在发送XML,似乎您正在发送对象。