
时间:2021-10-01 01:52:29

1 分析英文文本

 1 from wordcloud import WordCloud  2 import os  3 
 4 cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)  5 
 6 with open(os.path.join(cur_path, 'love_en.txt')) as fp:  7     txt = fp.read()  8     # print(txt)
 9     wordcloud = WordCloud().generate(txt) 10     image = wordcloud.to_image() 11     image.show()

发生错误,错误类型:OSError: cannot open resource



 1 from wordcloud import WordCloud  2 import os  3 
 4 cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)  5 
 6 with open(os.path.join(cur_path, 'love_en.txt')) as fp:  7     txt = fp.read()  8     # print(txt)
 9     wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path = 'FZLTXIHK.TTF').generate(txt) 10     image = wordcloud.to_image() 11     image.show()


 1 from wordcloud import WordCloud  2 import os  3 
 4 cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)  5 
 6 with open(os.path.join(cur_path, 'love_en.txt')) as fp:  7     txt = fp.read()  8     # print(txt)
 9     wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path = 'FZLTXIHK.TTF', # 字体
10                           background_color = 'black', # 背景色
11                           max_words = 30, # 最大显示单词数
12                           max_font_size = 60 # 频率最大单词字体大小
13  ).generate(txt) 14     image = wordcloud.to_image() 15     image.show()



2 分析中文文本

 1 import jieba  2 from wordcloud import WordCloud  3 import os  4 
 5 cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)  6 
 7 def chinese_jieba(txt):  8     wordlist_jieba = jieba.cut(txt) # 将文本分割,返回列表
 9     txt_jieba = " ".join(wordlist_jieba) # 将列表拼接为以空格为间断的字符串
10     return txt_jieba 11 
12 stopwords = {'这些':0, '那些':0, '因为':0, '所以':0} # 噪声词
14 with open(os.path.join(cur_path, '择天记.txt')) as fp: 15     txt = fp.read() 16     txt = chinese_jieba(txt) 17     # print(txt)
18     wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path = 'FZLTXIHK.TTF', # 字体
19                           background_color = 'black', # 背景色
20                           max_words = 30, # 最大显示单词数
21                           max_font_size = 60, # 频率最大单词字体大小
22                           stopwords = stopwords # 过滤噪声词
23  ).generate(txt) 24     image = wordcloud.to_image() 25     image.show()



3 进一步优化显示效果

 1 import jieba  2 from wordcloud import WordCloud  3 import os  4 import numpy  5 import PIL.Image as Image  6 
 7 cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)  8 
 9 def chinese_jieba(txt): 10     wordlist_jieba = jieba.cut(txt) # 将文本分割,返回列表
11     txt_jieba = " ".join(wordlist_jieba) # 将列表拼接为以空格为间断的字符串
12     return txt_jieba 13 
14 stopwords = {'这些':0, '那些':0, '因为':0, '所以':0} # 噪声词
15 mask_pic = numpy.array(Image.open(os.path.join(cur_path, 'love.jpg'))) 16 
17 with open(os.path.join(cur_path, '择天记.txt')) as fp: 18     txt = fp.read() 19     txt = chinese_jieba(txt) 20     # print(txt)
21     wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path = 'FZLTXIHK.TTF', # 字体
22                           background_color = 'white', # 背景色
23                           max_words = 100, # 最大显示单词数
24                           max_font_size = 60, # 频率最大单词字体大小
25                           stopwords = stopwords, # 过滤噪声词
26                           mask = mask_pic # 自定义显示的效果图
27  ).generate(txt) 28     image = wordcloud.to_image() 29     image.show()
