
时间:2021-07-11 01:48:48

I know that to declare a string in VB I would use the line


Dim ExString As String

And to declare a global string I'd use


Public Shared Property ExString As String

Which I'd access using (assuming it was saved in a class called GlobalVars)



I also know that to declare a string array it's


Dim ExString(3) As String

However declaring a public array doesn't seem to work the same, the line:


Public Shared Property ExString(3) As String

Doesn't seem to work.
I was wondering how I go about declaring a public array of strings in visual basic?
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 if that makes a difference.

似乎没有工作。我想知道如何在visual basic中声明一个公共字符串数组?如果这有什么不同的话,我用的是Visual Studio 2010。

Thanks in advance


2 个解决方案



You cannot add the length (3) to your variable, because Visual Studio will nag:

不能将长度(3)添加到变量中,因为Visual Studio会唠叨:

Identifier expected.


But you can do something like:


Public Shared Property MyString As String() = New String() { "abc", "def", "ghi"}



If you want only one instance of the variable, you need a static member. Static members belong to the class, not an individual object. VB calls them Shared members because you can imagine the same variable is shared between all of the instances:


Public Class Form1

Public Shared ShuffleArray() As Integer

End Class

ReDim Form1.ShuffleArray(52)
Form1.ShuffleArray(0) = 10

Alternatively, you can create a module that contains the variable. Modules are a special type of class where two magic things happen. First, all of the members are in the global namespace so you don't need the module name to access them. Second, all members are automatically static.


Module GlobalConstants

Public ShuffleArray() As Integer

End Module

ReDim ShuffleArray(51)
GlobalConstants.ShuffleArray(0) = 10
Console.WriteLine(ShuffleArray(0)) ' output : 10

I think this will serve your purpose in case you do not want to fix your 5 values.




You cannot add the length (3) to your variable, because Visual Studio will nag:

不能将长度(3)添加到变量中,因为Visual Studio会唠叨:

Identifier expected.


But you can do something like:


Public Shared Property MyString As String() = New String() { "abc", "def", "ghi"}



If you want only one instance of the variable, you need a static member. Static members belong to the class, not an individual object. VB calls them Shared members because you can imagine the same variable is shared between all of the instances:


Public Class Form1

Public Shared ShuffleArray() As Integer

End Class

ReDim Form1.ShuffleArray(52)
Form1.ShuffleArray(0) = 10

Alternatively, you can create a module that contains the variable. Modules are a special type of class where two magic things happen. First, all of the members are in the global namespace so you don't need the module name to access them. Second, all members are automatically static.


Module GlobalConstants

Public ShuffleArray() As Integer

End Module

ReDim ShuffleArray(51)
GlobalConstants.ShuffleArray(0) = 10
Console.WriteLine(ShuffleArray(0)) ' output : 10

I think this will serve your purpose in case you do not want to fix your 5 values.
