
时间:2024-03-03 10:14:41

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最近做网站,听说雅黑有版权不能用,但是使用了黑体 网站又贼丑无比,惨不忍睹

资深架构师搜了个这个文章, 分享给大家




在 CSS 中使用 body{ font-family: ‘microsoft yahei’ } 是在合法的使用范围内,

但是不容许的是在CSS 中使用 @font-face 的方式引入字体文件。





sofish 在知乎提了这么一个问题:

如果在网站的字体中使用 “微软雅黑”,在 CSS font-family 中(也就是说只有在系统默认有的时候才显示),不用在图片和外观设计上,会不会侵权?


在微软雅黑字体文件的属性里,我们可以 EULA (最终用户许可协议)描述为:
You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.


你可以依照包含这款字体的产品的 EULA 来使用此字体用来显示或打印内容。


没有提到在网页上使用CSS 定义字体的情况,在 google 上了了一下,微软对于微软雅黑字体授权方面的一个网页,其中提供了一个联系方式可以询问对字体许可方面的疑问,于是就发了邮件询问。


Thank you for your inquiry. You should refer to your Windows license to understand the what rights Microsoft grants in their fonts.

Generally the license would allow you to use the font to use the font on workstations for your own personal or business use. The major restrictions in the EULA limit the fonts to be used on a certain number of workstations, prevent the fonts from being installed and used on a server, the fonts cannot be used with @font-face CSS, the font data cannot be modified and the font data cannot be distributed as part of a software or hardware product. You would need an additional license for these activities.

You can see the web fonts we offer at the link below:

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you want to extend the license for any of these uses.

Best regards,

Steve Kuhlman
Monotype Imaging



EULA 中主要的限制是不允许将字体安装在服务器上,不能使用 CSS 的 @font-face 的方式调用,及字体文件不能被修改或者作为软件一部分进行分发。这些都需要单独获得相应授权。


网上可以找到一篇 Adobe 的文章 Understanding Web Font Licensing ,其中讲了 Adobe 对字体也有相似的使用规定。


所以,我们在 CSS 中使用 body{ font-family: ‘microsoft yahei’ } 是在合法的使用范围内,不容许的是在CSS 中使用 @font-face 的方式引入字体文件。


这也提醒我们,通过 CSS3 的 @font-face 在网页上引入 Web 字体是有风险的,尤其对于商业性网站。

对于个人站点,如果想使用有合法授权的 Web字体,可以访问这些:



3/29 更新:

Dear Haiyang,

Thanks a lot for your enquiry. Sorry for keep you waiting.
After checking, you actually do not need a license to include the font name in your CSS, because it is only calling on the system font already existing in the end user’s computer, which does not need any extra license.

However, if you wish to know more about the licensing of this font, you need to contact Microsoft because they own the copyright of Yahei.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Janet Lau
Sales Executive



经过核查,你不必担心在CSS 中使用字体名称,因为它仅仅是调用了终端用户自身系统中已经存在的字体,这不需要任何额外的授权许可。