Java -类型线程的方法sleep(int)是未定义的

时间:2021-07-09 00:40:29

I'm getting an error: The method sleep(int) is undefined for the type Thread. I thought the sleep method is in the Thread class in Java.


import java.util.Random;

public class Thread implements Runnable {

    String name;
    int time;
    Random r = new Random();

    public Thread(String s){
        name = s;
        time = r.nextInt(999);

    public void run() {
            System.out.printf("%s is sleeping for %d\n", name, time);
            System.out.printf("%s is done", name);
        } catch(Exception e ) {

7 个解决方案



You implemented your own class called Thread and try to call sleep on it, which fails, cause sleep is undefined in your class. Your class basically shadows java's Thread class.


Call your class differently (ie. MyThread or even better MyRunnable, as noted by owlstead) or call java.lang.Thread.sleep() directly.




It's not in your Thread class.


Since you named your class Thread, that's where Java will look for Thread.sleep. If you want the function that's built into Java, try java.lang.Thread.sleep(time);.

既然您给类命名了Thread,那么Java就会在这里查找Thread.sleep。如果您想要构建到Java中的函数,请尝试Java .lang. thread .sleep(time);。



Your class name "Thread" conflicts with the Thread class in Java standard library. Change the name of your class and it will resolve everything.




The reason you're getting this is that you've implemented your own Thread class. In your class there is no sleep method.


First prize would be to avoid using class names that are part of the standard Java libraries.


If you insists to keep the names, use java.lang.Thread.sleep(...) to specify that you want the Thread class that Java provides.

如果您坚持保留名称,请使用Java .lang.Thread.sleep(…)来指定您想要Java提供的线程类。



Fully-qualify Thread since you're trying to use java.lang.Thread, not your own.




The problem is that your class is named Thread, which doesn't have a sleep() method. The sleep method is in java.lana.Thread, which is being hidden by your class.




Answers to this question have already been posted yet one another analogy. It may not be the direct answer but may help you remove your confusion why should avoid reusing the names of platform classes, and never reuse class names from java.lang, because these names are automatically imported everywhere. Programmers are used to seeing these names in their unqualified form and naturally assume that these names refer to the familiar classes from java.lang. If you reuse one of these names, the unqualified name will refer to the new definition any time it is used inside its own package.


One name can be used to refer to multiple classes in different packages. The following simple code snippet explores what happens when you reuse a platform class name. What do you think it does? Look at it. It reuses the String class from the java.lang package. Give it a try.


package test;

final class String
    private final java.lang.String s;

    public String(java.lang.String s)
        this.s = s;

    public java.lang.String toString()
        return s;

final public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = new String("Hello world");

This program looks simple enough, if a bit repulsive. The class String in the unnamed package is simply a wrapper for a java.lang.String instance. It seems the program should print Hello world. If you tried to run the program, though, you found that you could not. The VM emits an error message something like this:

这个程序看起来很简单,如果有点排斥的话。未命名包中的类字符串只是java.lang的包装器。字符串实例。看起来程序应该打印Hello world。如果你试着运行这个程序,你会发现你做不到。VM会发出类似这样的错误消息:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

If you're using the NetBeans IDE, the program would simply be prevented from running. You would receive the message No main classes found.

如果您使用的是NetBeans IDE,那么程序就会被简单地阻止运行。您将收到未找到主类的消息。

The VM can’t find the main method because it isn’t there. Although Main has a method named main, it has the wrong signature. A main method must accept a single argument that is an array of strings. What the VM is struggling to tell us is that Main.main accepts an array of our String class, which has nothing whatsoever to do with java.lang.String.


Conclusion : As mentioned above, always avoid reusing platform class names from the java.lang package.




You implemented your own class called Thread and try to call sleep on it, which fails, cause sleep is undefined in your class. Your class basically shadows java's Thread class.


Call your class differently (ie. MyThread or even better MyRunnable, as noted by owlstead) or call java.lang.Thread.sleep() directly.




It's not in your Thread class.


Since you named your class Thread, that's where Java will look for Thread.sleep. If you want the function that's built into Java, try java.lang.Thread.sleep(time);.

既然您给类命名了Thread,那么Java就会在这里查找Thread.sleep。如果您想要构建到Java中的函数,请尝试Java .lang. thread .sleep(time);。



Your class name "Thread" conflicts with the Thread class in Java standard library. Change the name of your class and it will resolve everything.




The reason you're getting this is that you've implemented your own Thread class. In your class there is no sleep method.


First prize would be to avoid using class names that are part of the standard Java libraries.


If you insists to keep the names, use java.lang.Thread.sleep(...) to specify that you want the Thread class that Java provides.

如果您坚持保留名称,请使用Java .lang.Thread.sleep(…)来指定您想要Java提供的线程类。



Fully-qualify Thread since you're trying to use java.lang.Thread, not your own.




The problem is that your class is named Thread, which doesn't have a sleep() method. The sleep method is in java.lana.Thread, which is being hidden by your class.




Answers to this question have already been posted yet one another analogy. It may not be the direct answer but may help you remove your confusion why should avoid reusing the names of platform classes, and never reuse class names from java.lang, because these names are automatically imported everywhere. Programmers are used to seeing these names in their unqualified form and naturally assume that these names refer to the familiar classes from java.lang. If you reuse one of these names, the unqualified name will refer to the new definition any time it is used inside its own package.


One name can be used to refer to multiple classes in different packages. The following simple code snippet explores what happens when you reuse a platform class name. What do you think it does? Look at it. It reuses the String class from the java.lang package. Give it a try.


package test;

final class String
    private final java.lang.String s;

    public String(java.lang.String s)
        this.s = s;

    public java.lang.String toString()
        return s;

final public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = new String("Hello world");

This program looks simple enough, if a bit repulsive. The class String in the unnamed package is simply a wrapper for a java.lang.String instance. It seems the program should print Hello world. If you tried to run the program, though, you found that you could not. The VM emits an error message something like this:

这个程序看起来很简单,如果有点排斥的话。未命名包中的类字符串只是java.lang的包装器。字符串实例。看起来程序应该打印Hello world。如果你试着运行这个程序,你会发现你做不到。VM会发出类似这样的错误消息:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

If you're using the NetBeans IDE, the program would simply be prevented from running. You would receive the message No main classes found.

如果您使用的是NetBeans IDE,那么程序就会被简单地阻止运行。您将收到未找到主类的消息。

The VM can’t find the main method because it isn’t there. Although Main has a method named main, it has the wrong signature. A main method must accept a single argument that is an array of strings. What the VM is struggling to tell us is that Main.main accepts an array of our String class, which has nothing whatsoever to do with java.lang.String.


Conclusion : As mentioned above, always avoid reusing platform class names from the java.lang package.
