
时间:2021-10-19 00:36:16

I want to have create NIOServer which reads data from client using 1 thread and writes data to the client using another thread. also accepting client connection will be in some other thread.


Is there any online help


Thanks Deepak

3 个解决方案


Why use so many threads, if you do all that more easily with a selector and a single thread? If you want a multithread approach to net I/O, then you should consider plain old, blocking sockets.

如果使用选择器和单个线程更轻松地完成所有操作,为什么要使用这么多线程?如果你想要一个多线程的网络I / O方法,那么你应该考虑普通的旧的阻塞套接字。

BTW, you can do all that with 3 selectors: one accept connections, one reads and one writes. When you accept a connection, you can then register the channel with the other two selectors, with the appropriate interest ops.


Of course, when you've to free the channel, you've to cancel the SelectionKey from both selectors (read and write) or close it.



I suggest you have a look at the sample code which comes the JDK under sample/nio/server

我建议你看一下示例代码,它来自sample / nio / server下的JDK


I would recommend you Apache Mina : very flexible, high level abstraction, high performance, etc.

我建议您使用Apache Mina:非常灵活,高级抽象,高性能等。


Why use so many threads, if you do all that more easily with a selector and a single thread? If you want a multithread approach to net I/O, then you should consider plain old, blocking sockets.

如果使用选择器和单个线程更轻松地完成所有操作,为什么要使用这么多线程?如果你想要一个多线程的网络I / O方法,那么你应该考虑普通的旧的阻塞套接字。

BTW, you can do all that with 3 selectors: one accept connections, one reads and one writes. When you accept a connection, you can then register the channel with the other two selectors, with the appropriate interest ops.


Of course, when you've to free the channel, you've to cancel the SelectionKey from both selectors (read and write) or close it.



I suggest you have a look at the sample code which comes the JDK under sample/nio/server

我建议你看一下示例代码,它来自sample / nio / server下的JDK


I would recommend you Apache Mina : very flexible, high level abstraction, high performance, etc.

我建议您使用Apache Mina:非常灵活,高级抽象,高性能等。