
时间:2022-04-30 00:08:14

I am new to threads,SDL and how graphic work in general. I've been looking through all of LazyFoo's SDL tutorials, and had helped me greatly. But in his tutorials about multi threading, he commented that you should never use video functions in separate threads, or might cause problem. I am curious how it should be done, as I still have a vague understanding of graphics and threads.


As one of my projects is a shoot'em up, I was wondering if I should create one thread that displays all the graphics, one threads receives all the player input for his ship, and another thread for the enemy AI.


If this is NOT how it should be done, (I think it's wrong) does anyone have any advice of how graphics should be implemented with user input and enemy AI with threads?


For the Lazyfoo's tutorials, this is the link: http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/


2 个解决方案


Generally I think it is a good idea to separate the rendering thread from the UI/AI threads. It helps to keep your code more understandable. As there are many games available in source code, why don't you check out how they did it?

一般来说,我认为将渲染线程与UI / AI线程分开是个好主意。它有助于保持代码更易理解。由于源代码中有许多游戏,为什么不查看他们是如何做到的?


It can be a lot easier to separate threads on a responsibilities basis when you're starting out. The more "correct" way of approaching this, which leads to greater scalability, is to use thread pools. There are pre-built thread pool solutions out there, including one for SDL.


If you're using OpenGL or DirectX to do rendering, I doubt that the calls to those APIs will generate much overhead, so you could at least do the (necessarily) sequential parts of your game loop in the main thread: get input, update world model (including using results of ai calcs), render. Then you can have AI, network threads running in parallel. Thus you don't need to worry about a separate rendering thread. There is one exception to this: if you are doing computationally heavy (and I mean as in raycasting/raytracing heavy) rendering in software, then you would be better off somehow performing rendering "logic" on a parallel thread, writing to a framebuffer, and then in your main thread doing the sequence given above, and just blitting your prepared framebuffer using eg. GDI.

如果您使用OpenGL或DirectX进行渲染,我怀疑对这些API的调用会产生很多开销,因此您至少可以在主线程中执行游戏循环的(必要的)顺序部分:获取输入,更新世界模型(包括使用ai计算结果),渲染。然后你可以让AI,网络线程并行运行。因此,您无需担心单独的渲染线程。有一个例外:如果你在软件中进行计算量很大(我的意思是像在光线投射/光线跟踪中那么重)渲染,那么你最好以某种方式在并行线程上执行渲染“逻辑”,写入帧缓冲区,然后在你的主线程中执行上面给出的序列,并使用例如blitting你准备好的帧缓冲区。 GDI。

In regards to rendering, yes AFAIK rendering from only a single thread (the main thread) is (or was) generally a good idea to ensure that eg. with OpenGL you have no problems. Again AFAIK this is no longer an issue on the major platforms. Also, I don't know whether GDI or DirectX separately have the same problems.



Generally I think it is a good idea to separate the rendering thread from the UI/AI threads. It helps to keep your code more understandable. As there are many games available in source code, why don't you check out how they did it?

一般来说,我认为将渲染线程与UI / AI线程分开是个好主意。它有助于保持代码更易理解。由于源代码中有许多游戏,为什么不查看他们是如何做到的?


It can be a lot easier to separate threads on a responsibilities basis when you're starting out. The more "correct" way of approaching this, which leads to greater scalability, is to use thread pools. There are pre-built thread pool solutions out there, including one for SDL.


If you're using OpenGL or DirectX to do rendering, I doubt that the calls to those APIs will generate much overhead, so you could at least do the (necessarily) sequential parts of your game loop in the main thread: get input, update world model (including using results of ai calcs), render. Then you can have AI, network threads running in parallel. Thus you don't need to worry about a separate rendering thread. There is one exception to this: if you are doing computationally heavy (and I mean as in raycasting/raytracing heavy) rendering in software, then you would be better off somehow performing rendering "logic" on a parallel thread, writing to a framebuffer, and then in your main thread doing the sequence given above, and just blitting your prepared framebuffer using eg. GDI.

如果您使用OpenGL或DirectX进行渲染,我怀疑对这些API的调用会产生很多开销,因此您至少可以在主线程中执行游戏循环的(必要的)顺序部分:获取输入,更新世界模型(包括使用ai计算结果),渲染。然后你可以让AI,网络线程并行运行。因此,您无需担心单独的渲染线程。有一个例外:如果你在软件中进行计算量很大(我的意思是像在光线投射/光线跟踪中那么重)渲染,那么你最好以某种方式在并行线程上执行渲染“逻辑”,写入帧缓冲区,然后在你的主线程中执行上面给出的序列,并使用例如blitting你准备好的帧缓冲区。 GDI。

In regards to rendering, yes AFAIK rendering from only a single thread (the main thread) is (or was) generally a good idea to ensure that eg. with OpenGL you have no problems. Again AFAIK this is no longer an issue on the major platforms. Also, I don't know whether GDI or DirectX separately have the same problems.
