
时间:2022-05-11 00:28:43

I need to add the var in array


Public Sub Testprog()

Dim test As Variant
Dim iCounter As Integer

If test = Empty Then
    iCounter = 0
    test(iCounter) = "test"
    iCounter = UBound(test)
End If
End Sub

Getting error at test(iCounter) = "test"


Please suggest some solution


7 个解决方案



Generally, you should declare variables of a specific type, rather than Variant. In this example, the test variable should be of type String.


And, because it's an array, you need to indicate that specifically when you declare the variable. There are two ways of declaring array variables:


  1. If you know the size of the array (the number of elements that it should contain) when you write the program, you can specify that number in parentheses in the declaration:


    Dim test(1) As String   'declares an array with 2 elements that holds strings

    This type of array is referred to as a static array, as its size is fixed, or static.


  2. If you do not know the size of the array when you write the application, you can use a dynamic array. A dynamic array is one whose size is not specified in the declaration (Dim statement), but rather is determined later during the execution of the program using the ReDim statement. For example:


    Dim test() As String
    Dim arraySize As Integer
    ' Code to do other things, like calculate the size required for the array
    ' ...
    arraySize = 5
    ReDim test(arraySize)  'size the array to the value of the arraySize variable



Further to Cody Gray's answer, there's a third way (everything there applies her as well):

继Cody Gray的回答之后,还有第三种方式(一切都适用于她):

You can also use a dynamic array that's resized on the fly:


Dim test() as String
Dim arraySize as Integer

Do While someCondition
    arraySize = arraySize + 1
    ReDim Preserve test(arraySize)
    test(arraySize) = newStringValue

Note the Preserve keyword. Without it, redimensioning an array also initializes all the elements.




As pointed out by others, your problem is that you have not declared an array


Below I've tried to recreate your program so that it works as you intended. I tried to leave as much as possible as it was (such as leaving your array as a variant)


Public Sub Testprog()
    '"test()" is an array, "test" is not
    Dim test() As Variant
    'I am assuming that iCounter is the array size
    Dim iCounter As Integer

    '"On Error Resume Next" just makes us skip over a section that throws the error
    On Error Resume Next

    'if test() has not been assigned a UBound or LBound yet, calling either will throw an error
    '   without an LBound and UBound an array won't hold anything (we will assign them later)

    'Array size can be determined by (UBound(test) - LBound(test)) + 1
    If (UBound(test) - LBound(test)) + 1 > 0 Then
        iCounter = (UBound(test) - LBound(test)) + 1

        'So that we don't run the code that deals with UBound(test) throwing an error
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'All the code below here will run if UBound(test)/LBound(test) threw an error
    iCounter = 0

    'This makes LBound(test) = 0
    '   and UBound(test) = iCounter where iCounter is 0
    '   Which gives us one element at test(0)
    ReDim Preserve test(0 To iCounter)

    test(iCounter) = "test"
End Sub



Further to RolandTumble's answer to Cody Gray's answer, both fine answers, here is another very simple and flexible way, when you know all of the array contents at coding time - e.g. you just want to build an array that contains 1, 10, 20 and 50. This also uses variant declaration, but doesn't use ReDim. Like in Roland's answer, the enumerated count of the number of array elements need not be specifically known, but is obtainable by using uBound.

继RolandTumble对Cody Gray答案的回答之后,两个很好的答案,这是另一种非常简单灵活的方式,当您在编码时知道所有阵列内容时 - 例如你只想构建一个包含1,10,20和50的数组。这也使用变量声明,但不使用ReDim。就像在Roland的回答中一样,数组元素数量的枚举计数不需要具体知道,但可以通过使用uBound获得。

sub Demo_array()
    Dim MyArray as Variant, MyArray2 as Variant, i as Long

    MyArray = Array(1, 10, 20, 50)  'The key - the powerful Array() statement
    MyArray2 = Array("Apple", "Pear", "Orange") 'strings work too

    For i = 0 to UBound(MyArray)
        Debug.Print i, MyArray(i)
    Next i
    For i = 0 to UBound(MyArray2)
        Debug.Print i, MyArray2(i)
    Next i
End Sub

I love this more than any of the other ways to create arrays. What's great is that you can add or subtract members of the array right there in the Array statement, and nothing else need be done to code. To add Egg to your 3 element food array, you just type


, "Egg"

, “蛋”

in the appropriate place, and you're done. Your food array now has the 4 elements, and nothing had to be modified in the Dim, and ReDim is omitted entirely.


If a 0-based array is not desired - i.e., using MyArray(0) - one solution is just to jam a 0 or "" for that first element.

如果不需要基于0的阵列 - 即,使用MyArray(0) - 一种解决方案就是为第一个元素堵塞0或“”。

Note, this might be regarded badly by some coding purists; one fair objection would be that "hard data" should be in Const statements, not code statements in routines. Another beef might be that, if you stick 36 elements into an array, you should set a const to 36, rather than code in ignorance of that. The latter objection is debatable, because it imposes a requirement to maintain the Const with 36 rather than relying on uBound. If you add a 37th element but leave the Const at 36, trouble is possible.




You have to declare the array variable as an array:


Dim test(10) As Variant



David, Error comes Microsoft Office Excel has stopped working. Two options check online for a solution and close the programme and other option Close the program I am sure error is in my array but I am reading everything and seem this is way to define arrays.

大卫,错误来自Microsoft Office Excel已停止工作。两个选项在线检查解决方案并关闭程序和其他选项关闭程序我确定错误在我的数组中,但我正在阅读所有内容,似乎这是定义数组的方法。



The Array index only accepts a long value.


You declared iCounter as an integer. You should declare it as a long.




Generally, you should declare variables of a specific type, rather than Variant. In this example, the test variable should be of type String.


And, because it's an array, you need to indicate that specifically when you declare the variable. There are two ways of declaring array variables:


  1. If you know the size of the array (the number of elements that it should contain) when you write the program, you can specify that number in parentheses in the declaration:


    Dim test(1) As String   'declares an array with 2 elements that holds strings

    This type of array is referred to as a static array, as its size is fixed, or static.


  2. If you do not know the size of the array when you write the application, you can use a dynamic array. A dynamic array is one whose size is not specified in the declaration (Dim statement), but rather is determined later during the execution of the program using the ReDim statement. For example:


    Dim test() As String
    Dim arraySize As Integer
    ' Code to do other things, like calculate the size required for the array
    ' ...
    arraySize = 5
    ReDim test(arraySize)  'size the array to the value of the arraySize variable



Further to Cody Gray's answer, there's a third way (everything there applies her as well):

继Cody Gray的回答之后,还有第三种方式(一切都适用于她):

You can also use a dynamic array that's resized on the fly:


Dim test() as String
Dim arraySize as Integer

Do While someCondition
    arraySize = arraySize + 1
    ReDim Preserve test(arraySize)
    test(arraySize) = newStringValue

Note the Preserve keyword. Without it, redimensioning an array also initializes all the elements.




As pointed out by others, your problem is that you have not declared an array


Below I've tried to recreate your program so that it works as you intended. I tried to leave as much as possible as it was (such as leaving your array as a variant)


Public Sub Testprog()
    '"test()" is an array, "test" is not
    Dim test() As Variant
    'I am assuming that iCounter is the array size
    Dim iCounter As Integer

    '"On Error Resume Next" just makes us skip over a section that throws the error
    On Error Resume Next

    'if test() has not been assigned a UBound or LBound yet, calling either will throw an error
    '   without an LBound and UBound an array won't hold anything (we will assign them later)

    'Array size can be determined by (UBound(test) - LBound(test)) + 1
    If (UBound(test) - LBound(test)) + 1 > 0 Then
        iCounter = (UBound(test) - LBound(test)) + 1

        'So that we don't run the code that deals with UBound(test) throwing an error
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'All the code below here will run if UBound(test)/LBound(test) threw an error
    iCounter = 0

    'This makes LBound(test) = 0
    '   and UBound(test) = iCounter where iCounter is 0
    '   Which gives us one element at test(0)
    ReDim Preserve test(0 To iCounter)

    test(iCounter) = "test"
End Sub



Further to RolandTumble's answer to Cody Gray's answer, both fine answers, here is another very simple and flexible way, when you know all of the array contents at coding time - e.g. you just want to build an array that contains 1, 10, 20 and 50. This also uses variant declaration, but doesn't use ReDim. Like in Roland's answer, the enumerated count of the number of array elements need not be specifically known, but is obtainable by using uBound.

继RolandTumble对Cody Gray答案的回答之后,两个很好的答案,这是另一种非常简单灵活的方式,当您在编码时知道所有阵列内容时 - 例如你只想构建一个包含1,10,20和50的数组。这也使用变量声明,但不使用ReDim。就像在Roland的回答中一样,数组元素数量的枚举计数不需要具体知道,但可以通过使用uBound获得。

sub Demo_array()
    Dim MyArray as Variant, MyArray2 as Variant, i as Long

    MyArray = Array(1, 10, 20, 50)  'The key - the powerful Array() statement
    MyArray2 = Array("Apple", "Pear", "Orange") 'strings work too

    For i = 0 to UBound(MyArray)
        Debug.Print i, MyArray(i)
    Next i
    For i = 0 to UBound(MyArray2)
        Debug.Print i, MyArray2(i)
    Next i
End Sub

I love this more than any of the other ways to create arrays. What's great is that you can add or subtract members of the array right there in the Array statement, and nothing else need be done to code. To add Egg to your 3 element food array, you just type


, "Egg"

, “蛋”

in the appropriate place, and you're done. Your food array now has the 4 elements, and nothing had to be modified in the Dim, and ReDim is omitted entirely.


If a 0-based array is not desired - i.e., using MyArray(0) - one solution is just to jam a 0 or "" for that first element.

如果不需要基于0的阵列 - 即,使用MyArray(0) - 一种解决方案就是为第一个元素堵塞0或“”。

Note, this might be regarded badly by some coding purists; one fair objection would be that "hard data" should be in Const statements, not code statements in routines. Another beef might be that, if you stick 36 elements into an array, you should set a const to 36, rather than code in ignorance of that. The latter objection is debatable, because it imposes a requirement to maintain the Const with 36 rather than relying on uBound. If you add a 37th element but leave the Const at 36, trouble is possible.




You have to declare the array variable as an array:


Dim test(10) As Variant



David, Error comes Microsoft Office Excel has stopped working. Two options check online for a solution and close the programme and other option Close the program I am sure error is in my array but I am reading everything and seem this is way to define arrays.

大卫,错误来自Microsoft Office Excel已停止工作。两个选项在线检查解决方案并关闭程序和其他选项关闭程序我确定错误在我的数组中,但我正在阅读所有内容,似乎这是定义数组的方法。



The Array index only accepts a long value.


You declared iCounter as an integer. You should declare it as a long.
