
时间:2021-08-14 00:31:57

I am trying to get my head around the changes in .NET 4.5, mainly the async features. To get my head around it I thought i would create a little app for archiving my massive photo collection. I learn best by doing so the application serves a double purpose.

我想了解一下。net 4.5中的变化,主要是异步特性。为了更好地理解它,我想我应该创建一个小应用来保存我的大量照片。通过这样做,我学得最好,应用程序具有双重目的。

I have read plenty MSDN articles on using async but I don't think I have a good enough understanding of it (because it's not working). My intention was to have each photo at a source folder copied to a destination folder based on its date taken (or created if taken meta data is missing). At the same time renaming it to a standard naming convention and showing the image as it is archived in an image box. I wanted the application to keep responding during the work, which is where async comes in. Now the app purpose is unimportant, the entire point was getting my head around async.


What actually happens is the app goes unresponsive, archives all the images as intended but the image box only shows the final picture. Async is kicking off the file transfer then moving on to the next image, kicking off the transfer then moving on etc etc so i end up with hundreds of open file streams rather than it waiting for each to close.


Any pointers in where I am going wrong would be appreciated. My understanding of using Tasks is shakey, returning a task serves what purpose?


imgMain is the imagebox in the XAML file. The async/await is in the archive method but showing all code as it may be relevant.


using System;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;

namespace PhotoArchive
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window

    private string Source 
        get { return txtSource.Text; }
        set { txtSource.Text = value; }

    private string Destination
        get { return txtDestination.Text; }
        set { txtDestination.Text = value; }

    public MainWindow()


    private void btnBrowseDataSource_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var dialogue = new FolderBrowserDialog();
        Source = dialogue.SelectedPath;


    private void btnBrowseDestination_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var dialogue = new FolderBrowserDialog();
        Destination= dialogue.SelectedPath;

    private void btnSort_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var files = Directory.GetFiles(Source, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        var result = from i in files
                     where i.ToLower().Contains(".jpg") || i.ToLower().Contains(".jpeg") || i.ToLower().Contains(".png")
                     select i;

        foreach (string f in result)
            DateTime dest = GetDateTakenFromImage(f);
            Archive(f, Destination, dest);


    private async void Archive(string file, string destination, DateTime taken)

        //Find Destination Path
        var sb = new StringBuilder();

        if (! Directory.Exists(sb.ToString()))

        sb.Append((Directory.GetFiles(destination, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count()));
        string[] extension = file.Split('.');
        sb.Append("." + extension[extension.Length-1]);

        using (FileStream fs = File.Open(file, FileMode.Open))
        using (FileStream ds = File.Create(sb.ToString())) 
            await fs.CopyToAsync(ds);

        ImgMain.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(sb.ToString()));

    //get date info
    private static Regex r = new Regex(":");

    public static DateTime GetDateTakenFromImage(string path)
        using (var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            using (System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs, false, false))
                PropertyItem prop;


                    prop = img.GetPropertyItem(36867);

                catch (Exception)
                    prop = img.GetPropertyItem(306);

                string dateTaken = r.Replace(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(prop.Value), "-", 2);
                return DateTime.Parse(dateTaken);




2 个解决方案



My understanding of using Tasks is shakey, returning a task serves what purpose?


The Task is a representation of the async operation. When the Task completes, it means the operation completed. And you can await the Task, which means you will asynchronously wait for it to complete (not blocking the UI thread).


But if you make your method async void, there is no way to wait for the operation to complete. When the method returns, you know that the async operation was started, but that's it.


What you need to do is to change Archive() to return a Task, so that you can wait for it to complete in your event handler. The Task will be returned automatically, you don't need to (or can) add any returns.


So, change the signature of Archive() to:


private async Task Archive(string file, string destination, DateTime taken)

And then await it in your event handler (which you also need to change to async):


private async void btnSort_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // snip

    foreach (string f in result)
        DateTime dest = GetDateTakenFromImage(f);
        await Archive(f, Destination, dest);

In general, async void methods should be used only for event handlers. All other async methods should be async Task (or async Task<SomeType> if they return some value), so that you can await them.

一般来说,异步void方法只能用于事件处理程序。所有其他异步方法都应该是异步任务(或者异步任务 ,如果它们返回某个值),以便您可以等待它们。



You need to await the Archive method, since you only want a single instance of the Archive method to be running at any single point in time. Note that in your implementation you are starting a lot of Archive instances and not really releasing the UI-thread.


Modifications to your code:


  • Add async to btnSort_Click
  • 添加异步btnSort_Click
  • Add return type Task to Archive
  • 向存档中添加返回类型任务
  • Await Archive in btnSort_Click
  • 等待在btnSort_Click存档

TIP: If the first method called (in your case btnSort_Click) is not async, it will not be seen as async "from the outside", ie your window and UI-thread.




My understanding of using Tasks is shakey, returning a task serves what purpose?


The Task is a representation of the async operation. When the Task completes, it means the operation completed. And you can await the Task, which means you will asynchronously wait for it to complete (not blocking the UI thread).


But if you make your method async void, there is no way to wait for the operation to complete. When the method returns, you know that the async operation was started, but that's it.


What you need to do is to change Archive() to return a Task, so that you can wait for it to complete in your event handler. The Task will be returned automatically, you don't need to (or can) add any returns.


So, change the signature of Archive() to:


private async Task Archive(string file, string destination, DateTime taken)

And then await it in your event handler (which you also need to change to async):


private async void btnSort_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // snip

    foreach (string f in result)
        DateTime dest = GetDateTakenFromImage(f);
        await Archive(f, Destination, dest);

In general, async void methods should be used only for event handlers. All other async methods should be async Task (or async Task<SomeType> if they return some value), so that you can await them.

一般来说,异步void方法只能用于事件处理程序。所有其他异步方法都应该是异步任务(或者异步任务 ,如果它们返回某个值),以便您可以等待它们。



You need to await the Archive method, since you only want a single instance of the Archive method to be running at any single point in time. Note that in your implementation you are starting a lot of Archive instances and not really releasing the UI-thread.


Modifications to your code:


  • Add async to btnSort_Click
  • 添加异步btnSort_Click
  • Add return type Task to Archive
  • 向存档中添加返回类型任务
  • Await Archive in btnSort_Click
  • 等待在btnSort_Click存档

TIP: If the first method called (in your case btnSort_Click) is not async, it will not be seen as async "from the outside", ie your window and UI-thread.
