
时间:2022-03-02 01:00:18

I have an iphone app that I built based off a tutorial (for a different framework so I had to modify things a bit) that uses a TabBar and a NavigationBar on the same View that also contains a UITable populated from an SQLite db. I built it last night and when you select an item in the UITable it was redirecting to a view that displayed the detail of my item (at that point, just a city name). I went in and tried to modify that DetailView...and nothing I change works. So I have a few questions/problems: 1) Why is it that my CityDetailView.xib looks like this in Interface Builder:

我有一个基于教程构建的iphone应用程序(针对不同的框架,所以我必须稍微修改一下)在同一个View上使用TabBar和NavigationBar,它还包含一个从SQLite数据库填充的UITable。我昨晚制作了它,当你在UITable中选择一个项目时,它被重定向到一个显示我的项目细节的视图(此时,只是一个城市名称)。我进去并试图修改DetailView ......并且我没有改变任何工作。所以我有一些问题/问题:1)为什么我的CityDetailView.xib在Interface Builder中看起来像这样:

alt text http://www.jamespwright.com/images/public/detailviewinterfacebuilder.jpg

alt text http://www.jamespwright.com/images/public/detailviewinterfacebuilder.jpg

But looks like this when the app is run:


alt text http://www.jamespwright.com/images/public/wrongdetailview.jpg


I am new to iPhone development, so I'm not even sure where to begin looking for this problem. I know that the TableViewController is set to CitiesTableViewController and within that controller code in my didSelectRowAtIndexPath I run this code:


MyAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
 City *city = (City *)[appDelegate.cities objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

 // Initialize a new CityDetailView if there isn't one already
 if (self.cityView == nil) {
  CityDetailViewController *viewController = [[CityDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"CityDetailViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];

  self.cityView = viewController;
  [viewController release];

 [appDelegate.citiesNavController pushViewController:cityView animated:YES];
 self.cityView.city = city;
 self.cityView.title = city.name;
 [self.cityView.cityName setText:city.name];
 [self.cityView.stateName setText:city.state];
 [self.cityView.population setText:city.population];

And I have the labels linked up in Interface Builder to the properties in the Controller. I also have the CityDetailView.xib class identity set to CityDetailViewController which has all the properties correctly declared. One thing I can't figure out, if I rename CityDetailView.xib to "CityDetailView.xib1" the program still runs the same, but if I change [self.cityView.title = city.name]; to [self.cityView.title = @"Bob's Your Uncle!"]; it displays that change within the program.

我将Interface Builder中的标签链接到Controller中的属性。我还将CityDetailView.xib类标识设置为CityDetailViewController,它具有正确声明的所有属性。有一点我无法弄清楚,如果我将CityDetailView.xib重命名为“CityDetailView.xib1”,程序仍然运行相同,但如果我改变[self.cityView.title = city.name]; to [self.cityView.title = @“Bob's Your Uncle!”];它显示程序内的变化。

On a completely unrelated note, on my TableView (my 2nd tab) I have this odd bar at the bottom that I don't know what it is or how to get rid of it, I'm pretty sure it has to do with the NavigationController but I don't know why or how it's there. It is this one:


alt text http://www.jamespwright.com/images/public/tabandnavigationview.jpg


Can anyone offer me any advice on these problems?


2 个解决方案



When "nothing happens" when you change source files, there are usually only a few things you're doing:


  • Dates are screwed up somewhere and you need to clean (Build → Clean)
  • 日期被搞砸了,你需要清理(Build→Clean)

  • You're editing the wrong file
  • 你正在编辑错误的文件

  • You're building the wrong target
  • 你正在构建错误的目标

  • No, seriously, you're editing the wrong file, or building the wrong target
  • 不,严重的是,您正在编辑错误的文件,或构建错误的目标

Cleaning is definitely the first thing to try. Especially if you can rename the XIB and everything still cheerfully goes on.




The simplest explanation is that self.cityView.stateName and the subsequent labels are not hooked up in interface builder. The controller must have a hooked up outlet to each label in order to populate it. Objective-C won't raise an error if you send a message to an object it can't find.




When "nothing happens" when you change source files, there are usually only a few things you're doing:


  • Dates are screwed up somewhere and you need to clean (Build → Clean)
  • 日期被搞砸了,你需要清理(Build→Clean)

  • You're editing the wrong file
  • 你正在编辑错误的文件

  • You're building the wrong target
  • 你正在构建错误的目标

  • No, seriously, you're editing the wrong file, or building the wrong target
  • 不,严重的是,您正在编辑错误的文件,或构建错误的目标

Cleaning is definitely the first thing to try. Especially if you can rename the XIB and everything still cheerfully goes on.




The simplest explanation is that self.cityView.stateName and the subsequent labels are not hooked up in interface builder. The controller must have a hooked up outlet to each label in order to populate it. Objective-C won't raise an error if you send a message to an object it can't find.
