
时间:2022-05-18 23:52:28

I am preparing for a phone interview. I came upon these questions on the internet. Can anyone tell me some good answers for these?


  1. Suppose I give you a text file and ask you a to write a program that will return a random line from the file (all lines must have equal probability to be returned)


  2. Same as part 1, except this time the entire text file cannot fit into main memory


  3. Same as part 2, except now you have a stream instead of a file.


Please help.


Ok...@Everyone, I really had a few ideas in my mintod before asking this...Seeing the relentless attack by my fellow SOers, I am posting my answers. Please feel free to attack them too...

好吧……@ everybody,在问这个问题之前,我真的有一些想法。看到我的同伴无情的攻击,我把我的答案张贴出来。请随意攻击他们……

1: Count the number of '\n' in the file. Generate a random number between 1 and the number and return the line after the number-1 '\n'.

1:计算文件中“\n”的数目。在1和数字之间生成一个随机数,并在数字1 '\n'之后返回行。

2: Bring the file into main memory part by part and follow the above procedure.


3: I dont have much idea about this and would appreciate any inputs.


Its wonderful that you guys really give an inspiration to push forward.....


4 个解决方案



  1. Read all lines into an array, return a random line in the range of 1 and the amount of lines.


  2. Most simple: Count the lines, choose a line number at random, go through the file a second time and return it.


  3. You just have to remember one line. Each new line has a probability of 1/N (N being lines read).




    i = 1
    chosen_line = ""
    for line in lines:
        if random() < 1/i:    # random returns a uniform random number in [0,1)
            chosen_line = line
        i += 1
    return chosen_line

Algorithm number 3 could be used for 1 and 2 too.




You can do this without having to read all the lines in memory, thus working well for huge files. Pseudocode:


linenum := 0
ret := ''
while more lines to read:
    line := readline()
    linenum := linenum + 1
    r := uniform_random(0, linenum)
    if r < 1:
        ret := line

return ret

Proof: We begin by noting that we always save the first line in ret. If the file has one line, you are going to choose it, and you're done.


For two-line file, ret will save the first line 100% of the times, and the second line will be saved in ret 50% of the time during the second iteration of the loop. Thus, each line has a probability of 0.5 of being selected.


Now, let's assume that this method works for files of ≤N lines. To prove that this means it works for N+1, in the (N+1)th iteration of the loop, there is a probability of 1/(N+1) that the last line will be selected (random(0, N+1) < 1 has that probability). Thus, the last line has 1/(N+1) probability of being selected. The probability of all other lines being selected is still going to be equal to each other, let's call this x. Then, N*x + 1/(N+1) == 1, which means that x = 1/(N+1).

现在,让我们假设这个方法适用于文件≤N行。为了证明它适用于N+1,在循环的(N+1)次迭代中,有一个概率是1/(N+1)最后一行被选中(随机(0,N+1) < 1有这个概率)。因此,最后一行有1/(N+1)被选中的概率。所有其它被选择的线的概率仍然是相等的,我们称它为x,然后N*x +1 /(N+1) = 1,这意味着x = 1/(N+1)

Proof by induction is complete.


Edit: Oops, didn't see the first answer's third method before replying. Still, I will keep this post here if only for the proof, and the opportunity for other people to correct it if there are any errors in it.




Re 1: Use solution to 2

Re 1:使用解决方案2

Re 2: You would want to scan the whole file using a RandomAccessFile access to count the number of lines and (possibly) cache the file pointers for each start of line. Then you could choose one at random (I'm assuming this question is not about how to generate random numbers) and move back to that start point, read the line and return it. If you want it fast then make sure you are buffering the reads (raf is v slow otherwise).

Re 2:您可能希望使用RandomAccessFile访问来扫描整个文件,以计数行数,(可能)缓存每行开头的文件指针。然后你可以随机选择一个(我假设这个问题不是关于如何生成随机数)然后返回到起始点,读取一行并返回它。如果您想要它快,那么请确保您正在缓冲读(raf是v慢速的,否则)。

Re 3: If the stream doesn't fit in memory (i.e. you cannot cache the whole thing) and you don't know how many lines are in the stream without reading the whole stream (assuming you only get to read it once) then I cannot see a solution. I too wait for answers...




#3: write the stream to a file on disk and use solution 2. Not the most efficient solution, of course, but very simple.




  1. Read all lines into an array, return a random line in the range of 1 and the amount of lines.


  2. Most simple: Count the lines, choose a line number at random, go through the file a second time and return it.


  3. You just have to remember one line. Each new line has a probability of 1/N (N being lines read).




    i = 1
    chosen_line = ""
    for line in lines:
        if random() < 1/i:    # random returns a uniform random number in [0,1)
            chosen_line = line
        i += 1
    return chosen_line

Algorithm number 3 could be used for 1 and 2 too.




You can do this without having to read all the lines in memory, thus working well for huge files. Pseudocode:


linenum := 0
ret := ''
while more lines to read:
    line := readline()
    linenum := linenum + 1
    r := uniform_random(0, linenum)
    if r < 1:
        ret := line

return ret

Proof: We begin by noting that we always save the first line in ret. If the file has one line, you are going to choose it, and you're done.


For two-line file, ret will save the first line 100% of the times, and the second line will be saved in ret 50% of the time during the second iteration of the loop. Thus, each line has a probability of 0.5 of being selected.


Now, let's assume that this method works for files of ≤N lines. To prove that this means it works for N+1, in the (N+1)th iteration of the loop, there is a probability of 1/(N+1) that the last line will be selected (random(0, N+1) < 1 has that probability). Thus, the last line has 1/(N+1) probability of being selected. The probability of all other lines being selected is still going to be equal to each other, let's call this x. Then, N*x + 1/(N+1) == 1, which means that x = 1/(N+1).

现在,让我们假设这个方法适用于文件≤N行。为了证明它适用于N+1,在循环的(N+1)次迭代中,有一个概率是1/(N+1)最后一行被选中(随机(0,N+1) < 1有这个概率)。因此,最后一行有1/(N+1)被选中的概率。所有其它被选择的线的概率仍然是相等的,我们称它为x,然后N*x +1 /(N+1) = 1,这意味着x = 1/(N+1)

Proof by induction is complete.


Edit: Oops, didn't see the first answer's third method before replying. Still, I will keep this post here if only for the proof, and the opportunity for other people to correct it if there are any errors in it.




Re 1: Use solution to 2

Re 1:使用解决方案2

Re 2: You would want to scan the whole file using a RandomAccessFile access to count the number of lines and (possibly) cache the file pointers for each start of line. Then you could choose one at random (I'm assuming this question is not about how to generate random numbers) and move back to that start point, read the line and return it. If you want it fast then make sure you are buffering the reads (raf is v slow otherwise).

Re 2:您可能希望使用RandomAccessFile访问来扫描整个文件,以计数行数,(可能)缓存每行开头的文件指针。然后你可以随机选择一个(我假设这个问题不是关于如何生成随机数)然后返回到起始点,读取一行并返回它。如果您想要它快,那么请确保您正在缓冲读(raf是v慢速的,否则)。

Re 3: If the stream doesn't fit in memory (i.e. you cannot cache the whole thing) and you don't know how many lines are in the stream without reading the whole stream (assuming you only get to read it once) then I cannot see a solution. I too wait for answers...




#3: write the stream to a file on disk and use solution 2. Not the most efficient solution, of course, but very simple.
