使用system()函数时,“stty: stdin不是终端”

时间:2022-02-16 23:47:34

We're reading a file from stdin into file_buffer, and then stepping into a method more.


As soon as we use system("stty cbreak -echo");, the output prints "stty: stdin isn't a terminal" and doesn't set our terminal to the settings we asked for.

一旦我们使用system(“stty cbreak -echo”),输出将打印“stty: stdin不是终端”,并且不会将我们的终端设置为我们需要的设置。

This problem only exists when we use standard in. If we use a file argument, the program works fine -- the terminal settings get set, and there is no error message.

这个问题只存在于我们使用standard in时。如果我们使用一个文件参数,程序可以正常工作——终端设置设置设置,并且没有错误消息。

So, this is okay: myprogram file1.txt

好的,myprogram file1.txt

But this is not: myprogram < file1.txt

但这不是:myprogram < file1.txt

Either way the contents are being read into file_buffer before being used at all. What the heck is wrong with using stty if we're taking input from stdin??


2 个解决方案



When the standard input is a file, it isn't a terminal, so setting terminal attributes on stty's standard input won't work.


It sounds daft at first, but you will probably find that you can use either stdout or stderr as the input for stty and it will adjust the terminal. Therefore:


system("stty cbreak -echo <&2");

is likely to set the terminal characteristics. If you have a GNU version of stty, you could also use:


system("stty -F /dev/stderr cbreak -echo");

or substitute /dev/stdout or /dev/tty for /dev/stderr. You could also use any of the named devices instead of the &2 in the redirection in the first variant.




If you use input redirection or pipes, then stdin is not a TTY.


You can use isatty to check for that.




When the standard input is a file, it isn't a terminal, so setting terminal attributes on stty's standard input won't work.


It sounds daft at first, but you will probably find that you can use either stdout or stderr as the input for stty and it will adjust the terminal. Therefore:


system("stty cbreak -echo <&2");

is likely to set the terminal characteristics. If you have a GNU version of stty, you could also use:


system("stty -F /dev/stderr cbreak -echo");

or substitute /dev/stdout or /dev/tty for /dev/stderr. You could also use any of the named devices instead of the &2 in the redirection in the first variant.




If you use input redirection or pipes, then stdin is not a TTY.


You can use isatty to check for that.
