在PDO的预成对语句中,请求使用> 1,这段代码做错了什么。

时间:2022-04-17 20:50:12

My code is...


$select_product_dups = $db->prepare("SELECT products_model FROM products GROUP BY products_model HAVING count( products_model ) > 1");

My editor is barking at me (at least highlighting with little info), so I figured I will check with the community on this. Everything looks to be good otherwise.


Full statement...


$select_product_dups = $db->prepare("SELECT products_model FROM products GROUP BY products_model HAVING count( products_model ) > 1");
while ($select_product_dups_row = $select_product_dups->fetch()){
    $dups[] = $select_product_dups_row['products_model'];

1 个解决方案



Your query looks legit to me.


No idea why your editor might be complaining, but the message you report, "No data sources are configured to run this SQL", doesn't seem related to the particulars of your statement. Have you tried replacing your query with something trivial, like SELECT products_model FROM products LIMIT 1? My guess is that you'll still get the warning.

不知道为什么编辑器可能会抱怨,但是您报告的消息“没有配置为运行SQL的数据源”,这似乎与您的声明的细节无关。您是否尝试过用一些无关紧要的东西替换您的查询,比如从产品限制1中选择products_model ?我猜你还是会得到警告的。

Anyway, editor warnings are just eyeballing it; your SQL engine is the true judge of any query.


Edit: So the warning is indeed unrelated to the content of the query. My guess is that the editor can't see where you initialize the database connection (a "data source" is a database connection). Obviously it works, so I'd just ignore the warning and move on to getting the query to give you exactly what you want.




Your query looks legit to me.


No idea why your editor might be complaining, but the message you report, "No data sources are configured to run this SQL", doesn't seem related to the particulars of your statement. Have you tried replacing your query with something trivial, like SELECT products_model FROM products LIMIT 1? My guess is that you'll still get the warning.

不知道为什么编辑器可能会抱怨,但是您报告的消息“没有配置为运行SQL的数据源”,这似乎与您的声明的细节无关。您是否尝试过用一些无关紧要的东西替换您的查询,比如从产品限制1中选择products_model ?我猜你还是会得到警告的。

Anyway, editor warnings are just eyeballing it; your SQL engine is the true judge of any query.


Edit: So the warning is indeed unrelated to the content of the query. My guess is that the editor can't see where you initialize the database connection (a "data source" is a database connection). Obviously it works, so I'd just ignore the warning and move on to getting the query to give you exactly what you want.
