
时间:2022-06-18 20:36:52
typedef struct min_heap
struct event** p;
unsigned n, a;
} min_heap_t; static inline void min_heap_ctor_(min_heap_t* s);
static inline void min_heap_dtor_(min_heap_t* s);
static inline void min_heap_elem_init_(struct event* e);
static inline int min_heap_elt_is_top_(const struct event *e);
static inline int min_heap_empty_(min_heap_t* s);
static inline unsigned min_heap_size_(min_heap_t* s);
static inline struct event* min_heap_top_(min_heap_t* s);
static inline int min_heap_reserve_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned n);
static inline int min_heap_push_(min_heap_t* s, struct event* e);
static inline struct event* min_heap_pop_(min_heap_t* s);
static inline int min_heap_adjust_(min_heap_t *s, struct event* e);
static inline int min_heap_erase_(min_heap_t* s, struct event* e);
static inline void min_heap_shift_up_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned hole_index, struct event* e);
static inline void min_heap_shift_up_unconditional_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned hole_index, struct event* e);
static inline void min_heap_shift_down_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned hole_index, struct event* e); #define min_heap_elem_greater(a, b) \
(evutil_timercmp(&(a)->ev_timeout, &(b)->ev_timeout, >)) void min_heap_ctor_(min_heap_t* s) { s->p = ; s->n = ; s->a = ; }
void min_heap_dtor_(min_heap_t* s) { if (s->p) mm_free(s->p); }
void min_heap_elem_init_(struct event* e) { e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = -; }
int min_heap_empty_(min_heap_t* s) { return 0u == s->n; }
unsigned min_heap_size_(min_heap_t* s) { return s->n; }
struct event* min_heap_top_(min_heap_t* s) { return s->n ? *s->p : ; } int min_heap_push_(min_heap_t* s, struct event* e)
if (min_heap_reserve_(s, s->n + ))
return -;
min_heap_shift_up_(s, s->n++, e);
return ;
} struct event* min_heap_pop_(min_heap_t* s)
if (s->n)
struct event* e = *s->p;
min_heap_shift_down_(s, 0u, s->p[--s->n]);
e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = -;
return e;
return ;
} int min_heap_elt_is_top_(const struct event *e)
return e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx == ;
} int min_heap_erase_(min_heap_t* s, struct event* e)
if (- != e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx)
struct event *last = s->p[--s->n];
unsigned parent = (e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx - ) / ;
/* we replace e with the last element in the heap. We might need to
shift it upward if it is less than its parent, or downward if it is
greater than one or both its children. Since the children are known
to be less than the parent, it can't need to shift both up and
down. */
if (e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx > && min_heap_elem_greater(s->p[parent], last))
min_heap_shift_up_unconditional_(s, e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx, last);
min_heap_shift_down_(s, e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx, last);
e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = -;
return ;
return -;
} int min_heap_adjust_(min_heap_t *s, struct event *e)
if (- == e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx) {
return min_heap_push_(s, e);
} else {
unsigned parent = (e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx - ) / ;
/* The position of e has changed; we shift it up or down
* as needed. We can't need to do both. */
if (e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx > && min_heap_elem_greater(s->p[parent], e))
min_heap_shift_up_unconditional_(s, e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx, e);
min_heap_shift_down_(s, e->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx, e);
return ;
return -;
} int min_heap_reserve_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned n)
if (s->a < n)
struct event** p;
unsigned a = s->a ? s->a * : ;
if (a < n)
a = n;
if (!(p = (struct event**)mm_realloc(s->p, a * sizeof *p)))
return -;
s->p = p;
s->a = a;
return ;
void min_heap_shift_up_unconditional_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned hole_index, struct event* e)
unsigned parent = (hole_index - ) / ;
(s->p[hole_index] = s->p[parent])->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = hole_index;
hole_index = parent;
parent = (hole_index - ) / ;
} while (hole_index && min_heap_elem_greater(s->p[parent], e));
(s->p[hole_index] = e)->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = hole_index;
} void min_heap_shift_up_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned hole_index, struct event* e)
unsigned parent = (hole_index - ) / ;
while (hole_index && min_heap_elem_greater(s->p[parent], e))
(s->p[hole_index] = s->p[parent])->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = hole_index;
hole_index = parent;
parent = (hole_index - ) / ;
(s->p[hole_index] = e)->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = hole_index;
} void min_heap_shift_down_(min_heap_t* s, unsigned hole_index, struct event* e)
unsigned min_child = * (hole_index + );
while (min_child <= s->n)
min_child -= min_child == s->n || min_heap_elem_greater(s->p[min_child], s->p[min_child - ]);
if (!(min_heap_elem_greater(e, s->p[min_child])))
(s->p[hole_index] = s->p[min_child])->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = hole_index;
hole_index = min_child;
min_child = * (hole_index + );
(s->p[hole_index] = e)->ev_timeout_pos.min_heap_idx = hole_index;




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