覆盖Django中的特定admin css文件

时间:2022-03-24 20:58:04

Overriding admin templates is as easy as creating a folder admin in your templates directory and copying whatever template files you'd like to override into it. I simply want to play with the admin style sheets however, so I made a folder admin in my static files folder and put css/base.css into it. Unlike the templates solution, this doesn't seem to work.

覆盖管理模板就像在模板目录中创建文件夹管理员一样简单,并将要覆盖的模板文件复制到其中。我只是想玩管理样式表,所以我在我的静态文件夹中创建了一个文件夹admin并将css / base.css放入其中。与模板解决方案不同,这似乎不起作用。

So is there any way to override individual css files for django.contrib.admin in the same way that you can override templates? If nay, what would be the best solution for overriding css files? I'm looking for a solution short of copying all the admin media files into my project and changing admin's static directory


3 个解决方案



I'm looking for a solution short of copying all the admin media files into my project and changing admin's static directory


I don't think there is really an alternative. You copy the media files into a new directory and while you start the server pass the adminmedia command line argument, like


python manage.py runserver --adminmedia=./myadminmedia

In any case, when you run it on production server, the admin media has to be served from a good static serving server, for which, you can point this new path.


Reference from the Docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/ref/django-admin/#django-admin-option---adminmedia




What I'm doing to achieve that is to override base_site.html template like this:


{% block blockbots %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/media/css/my_admin.css" />
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}

I put the CSS in blockbotsinstead of extrahead to be sure that is loaded at the end, so it will override all others CSS.




Probably you can hack your urls.py file and point only a single media URL to be served from a local folder while the others are served from the Django directory(in development mode).




I'm looking for a solution short of copying all the admin media files into my project and changing admin's static directory


I don't think there is really an alternative. You copy the media files into a new directory and while you start the server pass the adminmedia command line argument, like


python manage.py runserver --adminmedia=./myadminmedia

In any case, when you run it on production server, the admin media has to be served from a good static serving server, for which, you can point this new path.


Reference from the Docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/ref/django-admin/#django-admin-option---adminmedia




What I'm doing to achieve that is to override base_site.html template like this:


{% block blockbots %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/media/css/my_admin.css" />
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}

I put the CSS in blockbotsinstead of extrahead to be sure that is loaded at the end, so it will override all others CSS.




Probably you can hack your urls.py file and point only a single media URL to be served from a local folder while the others are served from the Django directory(in development mode).
