
时间:2022-02-13 10:59:31

following tutorial on Django reusable apps things work fine. But I have some questions on the process of developing and packaging a Django app.


1 - In the tutorial, the app is developed first within a project, then copy-paste'd out in another folder for packaging, and then included again in the project vía pip. Is this the way for developing Django apps? For example, if I have to include new features or fix bugs, Should I make changes in the project and then copy-paste them to the package folder outside the project?

1 - 在教程中,应用程序首先在项目中开发,然后在另一个文件夹中进行复制粘贴以进行打包,然后再次包含在项目中。这是开发Django应用程序的方式吗?例如,如果我必须包含新功能或修复错误,我是否应该在项目中进行更改,然后将它们复制粘贴到项目外的包文件夹中?

2 - Assuming that 1 is not the only way to develop an app, I started creating a package folder for my app with this structure:

2 - 假设1不是开发应用程序的唯一方法,我开始使用以下结构为我的应用程序创建一个包文件夹:

|  |--models
|     |--file1.py
|     |--file2.py

After running python3 setup.py sdist and installing it with pip3 install --user myApp.tar.gz I can successfully import my app from a new Django project shell. But when I run python3 manage.py migrate, tables for models of myApp are not created. I guess it is because there is not migration folder in myApp package, and as far as I know, the only way to create migrations is running makemigrations within a project. Or may I am missing something? Can I generate initial migration module without having the app in a project?

运行python3 setup.py sdist并使用pip3 install -user myApp.tar.gz安装后,我可以从新的Django项目shell成功导入我的应用程序。但是当我运行python3 manage.py migrate时,不会创建myApp模型的表。我想这是因为myApp包中没有迁移文件夹,据我所知,创建迁移的唯一方法是在项目中运行makemigrations。或者我可能错过了什么?我是否可以在项目中没有应用程序的情况下生成初始迁移模块?

3 - Finally, the question is: When developing an app, Should I have to start a project, copy out the app folder for packaging, reincluding it vía installing, and then continue developing in the package folder?

3 - 最后,问题是:在开发应用程序时,我是否必须启动项目,复制app文件夹进行打包,重新安装它,然后继续开发包文件夹?

Thanks in advance for any comment or guidance.


P.D.: Sorry for my English, also comments about it are well-received




An example to highlight my doubt: After finish tutorial, App source code is outside the project and suppose I need to change models. I can change them in app folder, release a new version (e.g. 0.2) and install it. Now, How can I generate migrations for these changes? Should I always have a test project?


3 个解决方案



Additionally, a good workflow during development is to link the reusable app into your Django project. To easily achieve this pip install has the -e, --editable option, which in turn derives from the setuptools Development mode.

此外,开发过程中的良好工作流程是将可重用的应用程序链接到您的Django项目中。要轻松实现此pip安装,请使用-e, - edit选项,该选项又来自setuptools开发模式。

Reusable app:


|  |--models
|     |--file1.py
|     |--file2.py

Django setup:


|  |--settings.py
|  |--urls.py
|  |--wsgi.py
|  |--...

With your virtualenv activated you can now link your reusable app to the project by running:


(myvenv) $ pip install --editable /path/to/django-myApp

Now, every change that you make in django-myApp is automatically reflected in my-django-project without the need to build/package the reusable app first.


This becomes convenient in many use cases. E.g. imagine developing the app to be compatible with Python 2.x and Python 3.x. With linking, you can install the app into two (or more) different Django setups and run your tests.

这在许多用例中变得方便。例如。想象一下开发应用程序以兼容Python 2.x和Python 3.x.通过链接,您可以将应用程序安装到两个(或更多)不同的Django设置中并运行测试。



  1. When you package an app, is because you decided it was worth to use it across several projects and had some value on it's own. You can follow the guidelines to keep your app reusable and package once it is in a good state (minimal functionality working). Ok, you got your app ready, it does what you want, so now you want to separate it from your project? Follow the tutorial you linked for the guidelines on the folder structure and upload it to a repository. Add some tests too, they are a must have. You can now use a couple approaches to get it back into your project.


    • Package it and install it from the tar.gz via pip (or directly from repository)
    • 打包并通过pip(或直接从存储库)从tar.gz安装它
    • Clone your repository as a submodule
    • 将您的存储库克隆为子模块
    • Keep a copy in your project and update changes manually in the repository
    • 在项目中保留一份副本,并在存储库中手动更新更改

I am not a fan of third one. Second option has its caveats but it can work. I definitely prefer first one.


Create a test project around your new app and use it to develop it's new features (with just the minimum requirements to test it), update your repository and finally update the app in your project via pip. Your app is now something that doesn't depend on your project, so don't tie your app to it.


  1. Did you add it to your INSTALLED_APPS? If you did, check that your models.py is accesible...try with the django shell. Try creating the migrations module to see if it works, that doesn't take long anyway.

    你有没有把它添加到你的INSTALLED_APPS?如果你这样做,请检查你的models.py是否可访问...尝试使用django shell。尝试创建迁移模块以查看它是否有效,无论如何都不需要很长时间。

  2. Finally the answer: No, your app is a different project on it's own now, you continue developing on a repository like you would do with any other project and then update like you would do with any other app that got a new version released. You don't need (nor should) touch your virtualenv's folders at all.


These are the steps for an update in your app:


  • You found a nasty bug or thought of some nice feature
  • 你发现了一个讨厌的bug或想到了一些不错的功能
  • You added the tests to cover it
  • 您添加了测试以覆盖它
  • You updated your code to enhance your app
  • 您更新了代码以增强您的应用
  • You repeat the last couple steps until your app is stable again
  • 您重复最后几步,直到您的应用再次稳定
  • If your app is in Pypi, you release a new package and update it from there, otherwise you update it from the repository.
  • 如果您的应用程序位于Pypi中,则会发布新软件包并从那里进行更新,否则您将从存储库更新它。

This obviously takes longer than developing an app inside of your project, but doing it this way helps ensuring a good quality and that it won't introduce problems to your projects.




I ran into a similar situation while developing this library (django-nsync).


I "solved" the issue by creating a makemigrations.py script that sets up a minimal Django settings to include the 'app' and then makes a call to the makemigrations command.


The script looks like this:


def make_migrations():
    from django.core.management import call_command
    call_command('makemigrations', '<YOUR APP NAME>')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    # I need to add the 'src' folder to PYTHON PATH

        from django.conf import settings

                '<ANY APPS YOUR APP DEPENDS ON>',
                '<YOUR APP NAME>',

        import django

    except ImportError:
        import traceback
        raise ImportError('To fix this error, sort out the imports')


This script does not require a separate project in order to create the migrations.


NB: I tried to hook this into the setup.py stuff so that whenever you try to build (or more importantly release) the library it checks that the migrations are up to date / in source control. However, I gave up because:


  1. I hopefully won't have to do it much for the NSync library.
  2. 我希望不必为NSync库做很多事情。
  3. It got messy quickly (like checking how many files in the migrations folder, then running the migrations, then checking again, then deleting the files? or leaving them? should I enforce this at release time? should I check with Git like bumpversion does? blah....)
  4. 它很快就乱了(比如检查迁移文件夹中有多少文件,然后运行迁移,然后再次检查,然后删除文件?或者离开它们?我应该在发布时强制执行吗?我应该像Git一样检查颠倒吗?等等....)



Additionally, a good workflow during development is to link the reusable app into your Django project. To easily achieve this pip install has the -e, --editable option, which in turn derives from the setuptools Development mode.

此外,开发过程中的良好工作流程是将可重用的应用程序链接到您的Django项目中。要轻松实现此pip安装,请使用-e, - edit选项,该选项又来自setuptools开发模式。

Reusable app:


|  |--models
|     |--file1.py
|     |--file2.py

Django setup:


|  |--settings.py
|  |--urls.py
|  |--wsgi.py
|  |--...

With your virtualenv activated you can now link your reusable app to the project by running:


(myvenv) $ pip install --editable /path/to/django-myApp

Now, every change that you make in django-myApp is automatically reflected in my-django-project without the need to build/package the reusable app first.


This becomes convenient in many use cases. E.g. imagine developing the app to be compatible with Python 2.x and Python 3.x. With linking, you can install the app into two (or more) different Django setups and run your tests.

这在许多用例中变得方便。例如。想象一下开发应用程序以兼容Python 2.x和Python 3.x.通过链接,您可以将应用程序安装到两个(或更多)不同的Django设置中并运行测试。



  1. When you package an app, is because you decided it was worth to use it across several projects and had some value on it's own. You can follow the guidelines to keep your app reusable and package once it is in a good state (minimal functionality working). Ok, you got your app ready, it does what you want, so now you want to separate it from your project? Follow the tutorial you linked for the guidelines on the folder structure and upload it to a repository. Add some tests too, they are a must have. You can now use a couple approaches to get it back into your project.


    • Package it and install it from the tar.gz via pip (or directly from repository)
    • 打包并通过pip(或直接从存储库)从tar.gz安装它
    • Clone your repository as a submodule
    • 将您的存储库克隆为子模块
    • Keep a copy in your project and update changes manually in the repository
    • 在项目中保留一份副本,并在存储库中手动更新更改

I am not a fan of third one. Second option has its caveats but it can work. I definitely prefer first one.


Create a test project around your new app and use it to develop it's new features (with just the minimum requirements to test it), update your repository and finally update the app in your project via pip. Your app is now something that doesn't depend on your project, so don't tie your app to it.


  1. Did you add it to your INSTALLED_APPS? If you did, check that your models.py is accesible...try with the django shell. Try creating the migrations module to see if it works, that doesn't take long anyway.

    你有没有把它添加到你的INSTALLED_APPS?如果你这样做,请检查你的models.py是否可访问...尝试使用django shell。尝试创建迁移模块以查看它是否有效,无论如何都不需要很长时间。

  2. Finally the answer: No, your app is a different project on it's own now, you continue developing on a repository like you would do with any other project and then update like you would do with any other app that got a new version released. You don't need (nor should) touch your virtualenv's folders at all.


These are the steps for an update in your app:


  • You found a nasty bug or thought of some nice feature
  • 你发现了一个讨厌的bug或想到了一些不错的功能
  • You added the tests to cover it
  • 您添加了测试以覆盖它
  • You updated your code to enhance your app
  • 您更新了代码以增强您的应用
  • You repeat the last couple steps until your app is stable again
  • 您重复最后几步,直到您的应用再次稳定
  • If your app is in Pypi, you release a new package and update it from there, otherwise you update it from the repository.
  • 如果您的应用程序位于Pypi中,则会发布新软件包并从那里进行更新,否则您将从存储库更新它。

This obviously takes longer than developing an app inside of your project, but doing it this way helps ensuring a good quality and that it won't introduce problems to your projects.




I ran into a similar situation while developing this library (django-nsync).


I "solved" the issue by creating a makemigrations.py script that sets up a minimal Django settings to include the 'app' and then makes a call to the makemigrations command.


The script looks like this:


def make_migrations():
    from django.core.management import call_command
    call_command('makemigrations', '<YOUR APP NAME>')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    # I need to add the 'src' folder to PYTHON PATH

        from django.conf import settings

                '<ANY APPS YOUR APP DEPENDS ON>',
                '<YOUR APP NAME>',

        import django

    except ImportError:
        import traceback
        raise ImportError('To fix this error, sort out the imports')


This script does not require a separate project in order to create the migrations.


NB: I tried to hook this into the setup.py stuff so that whenever you try to build (or more importantly release) the library it checks that the migrations are up to date / in source control. However, I gave up because:


  1. I hopefully won't have to do it much for the NSync library.
  2. 我希望不必为NSync库做很多事情。
  3. It got messy quickly (like checking how many files in the migrations folder, then running the migrations, then checking again, then deleting the files? or leaving them? should I enforce this at release time? should I check with Git like bumpversion does? blah....)
  4. 它很快就乱了(比如检查迁移文件夹中有多少文件,然后运行迁移,然后再次检查,然后删除文件?或者离开它们?我应该在发布时强制执行吗?我应该像Git一样检查颠倒吗?等等....)