
时间:2022-02-20 09:20:42

What good IDEs are there for R in Linux?

在Linux中R有什么好的ide ?

I've tried Rcmdr and Eclipse, but neither seems to have the same usability as Tinn-R in Windows. Are there any other options?

我尝试过Rcmdr和Eclipse,但它们在Windows中的可用性似乎都不如tin - r。还有其他选择吗?

17 个解决方案



A newcomer to the scene, which IMO looks very promising - and downright baller - relative to other existing IDEs like Rattle and JGR, is RStudio. It's free software, is cross-platform, looks very polished, and even has features like automatic refactoring.


Update 2012-04-12: I've been running it for a bit on our DB server, and I love that it's a web app that saves your sessions, resume-able from anywhere else. Plotting requires not only no X tunneling or png-writing but is easier to use than out-of-the-box R. Extremely easy to get up and running, and it comes with packages for Debian/Ubuntu (which I use).

更新2012-04-12:我已经在我们的DB服务器上运行了一段时间了,我喜欢它是一个可以保存你的会话的web应用程序,可以从其他任何地方复制。绘图不仅不需要X隧道或pg - write,而且比开箱即用的r更容易使用。非常容易启动和运行,它还附带Debian/Ubuntu的包(我使用的)。

The company/development is moving pretty fast, aiming to be the de facto standard IDE for all R users. If I'm gushing, it's probably because I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the IDE after a long time of using sub-par IDEs, not just for R but for plenty of other languages. So this was a bit out of the blue. I still need more time to really dig into it but I like what I'm seeing so far.




JGR isn't bad:


Most people I know rave about Emacs + ESS:

我认识的大多数人都喜欢Emacs + ESS:

But it's not quite the same thing as Tinn-R.


Along different lines ...


If you're looking at a high level functions for data mining, then Rattle is an option:


and another high level app for interactive plotting:




I have found that the Emacs-ESS combination is well worth the learning curve. I enjoy being able to:


  • have code and R console side by side
  • 有代码和R控制台并排吗
  • send the current line, paragraph, file, or function to the R console without touching the mouse
  • 将当前行、段落、文件或函数发送到R控制台而不需要触摸鼠标
  • easily interact with R sessions on remote computers
  • 容易与远程计算机上的R会话交互
  • enjoy all the editing abilities of Emacs
  • 享受Emacs的所有编辑能力。

Here's the website for the project: http://ess.r-project.org/

这是这个项目的网站:http://ess.r project.org/

Here's a helpful document about ESS in particular: http://www.demog.berkeley.edu/Refs/ess.pdf




Brand new IDE out there (as of Feb 2011) is http://www.rstudio.org/. Seems very promising from what I've seen so far.




Although Eclipse was mentioned by the OP, I do not know if he ment it with the StatET plugin.


Eclipse with StatET is a really great IDE besides e.g. EmacsSpeaksStatistics (ESS), but as in other environments the user have to learn it's the basic usage first. The only handicap of this IDE could be the relatively high resources requirements as based on Java, but this makes the program OS independent of course.

除了EmacsSpeaksStatistics (ESS)之外,带有StatET的Eclipse是一个非常好的IDE,但与其他环境一样,用户必须首先了解它的基本用法。这个IDE的唯一缺陷可能是基于Java的相对较高的资源需求,但是这使得程序操作系统当然是独立的。

Why I really would suggest to take the time to learn use StatET efficiently (cauction: very subjective list!):

为什么我真的建议花时间去学习如何有效地使用StatET (cauction:非常主观的列表):

  • be able to run your code really fast and easily with comfigurable shortcuts (by Ctrl+r by default),
  • 能够运行您的代码非常快速和轻松的快捷方式(通过Ctrl+r默认),
  • thanks to the script editor and running environment is heavily integrated, debuging and reviewing your code cannot be easier,
  • 由于脚本编辑器和运行环境被大量集成,所以调试和检查代码并不容易,
  • configurabled environments by default (e.g.: R scripts),
  • 默认情况下可配置的环境(例如:R脚本),
  • you may define templates for frequent commands and those's environment (e.g.: loop, if conditions etc),
  • 您可以为频繁的命令和这些命令的环境定义模板(例如:loop, if conditions等),
  • highly customizable syntax highlight,
  • 高度可定制的语法突出显示,
  • TeXlipse integrated to view and edit tex code with ease (LaTeX support for Eclipse),
  • TeXlipse集成以方便地查看和编辑tex代码(对Eclipse的乳胶支持),
  • Roxygen support for literate programming (very handy at package development to automatically generate Rd files (manuals) from inline comments),
  • Roxygen支持读写编程(在包开发中非常方便,可以从内联注释自动生成Rd文件(手册)),
  • easily extendable with othet Eclipse plugins (e.g.: spell checking, (SQL) database management, image viewer, running external programs like Sweave).
  • 易于扩展的othet Eclipse插件(例如:拼写检查,(SQL)数据库管理,图像查看器,运行外部程序如Sweave)。

A nice guide to read is A Guide to Eclipse and the R plug-in StatET by Longhow Lam.

一个不错的阅读指南是关于Eclipse和Longhow Lam的R插件StatET的指南。



Gedit + RGedit plugin + Snippets plugin

Gedit + RGedit插件+片段插件。



You've suggested eclipse; there is a plugin called StatEt which work quite well (even Sweave is supported!).




There is a KDE 4 based IDE called RKward. It's nice because of:

有一个KDE 4的IDE叫做RKward。这很好,因为:

  • Workspace Browser
  • 工作空间浏览器
  • Integrating the R console
  • 整合R控制台
  • data.frames editor
  • data.frames编辑器
  • Syntax colored editor
  • 语法彩色编辑器
  • GUI frontend for installing CRAN packages
  • 用于安装CRAN包的GUI前端



If you are used to Eclipse, StatET (mentioned by mbq) is probably the right choice for you.

如果您习惯了Eclipse,那么StatET (mbq提到)可能是您的正确选择。

That being said I have a more exotic choice to offer that you might want to consider, if you like auto suggestion and pure syntax highlighting is not enough for you. At least for me auto completion of R-Code did not work with StatET.


Now I use Komodo Edit with Sciviews-K and R64. Sending Code from editor to R works really well and the editor offers auto-completion for R-Code which is really nice – in particular if you are new to R. I work on a Mac, but it should be easy to setup for Linux too.


I think it has lost some popularity because it wasn't to stable in the past, but at I feel it's much better now and it hardly crashes in my setup. So you might wanna give it a chance too.


EDIT: If you work on Mac Textmate with the corresponding R bundle might be interesting, too. Recently I am about to switch to Textmate. If you don't care about the $45 for textmate, it's probably the most stable choice I tested so far. But it's only available on a Mac. But hey I am really amazed by this editor (and as you can see I like testing setups ;).

编辑:如果你在Mac Textmate与相应的R包可能也很有趣。最近,我即将切换到Textmate。如果你不关心textmate 45美元的价格,它可能是我迄今为止测试的最稳定的选择。但它只能在Mac电脑上使用。嘿,我对这个编辑器感到很惊讶(正如你所看到的,我喜欢测试设置;)

EDIT: I realize this thread is still being read by someone, so I definitely need to mention RStudio. It came out of nowhere and quickly became the choice of a lot of people. And it's well deserved. It still has some bugs (like not being able to stop RSessions) but it has tremendous auto-complete with context help. But at least on my setup (Mac) it's more stable than StatET / Eclipse. Sweave and ROxygen is not really supported yet, but the developers are very active. Definitely worth trying.

编辑:我意识到这个线程仍在被某人阅读,所以我必须提到RStudio。它从无到有,很快就成为许多人的选择。这是合情合理的。它仍然有一些bug(比如无法停止RSessions),但是它有很大的自动补全上下文帮助。但至少在我的安装(Mac)上,它比StatET / Eclipse更稳定。Sweave和ROxygen还没有得到真正的支持,但是开发人员非常活跃。绝对值得一试。

EDIT II: Because it's fun to track this here's another edit. RStudio continues to win more and more users. The combination of RStudio, Roxygen2 and particularly knitr integration has likely been the largest contribution to this development. While Rstudio was rather used by applied users and in teaching and has improved to dramatically that there's isn't many situations in which another IDE / editor is a better choice. Being maried to ESS seems like to only valid reason left to not use it. Also the documentation of its ecosystem is just great. The latest: Package development by Hadley http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/description.html and his advanced programming http://adv-r.had.co.nz/

编辑二:因为追踪这个很有趣,这里有另一个编辑。RStudio继续赢得越来越多的用户。RStudio、Roxygen2、特别是knitr集成的组合可能是这一开发的最大贡献。虽然Rstudio在应用用户和教学中都有很大的应用,但它已经得到了显著的改进,在很多情况下,另一个IDE /编辑器是更好的选择。对ESS而言,似乎只有正当的理由不使用它。同时,它的生态系统的记录也很好。最新的:Hadley http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/description的包开发。html和他的高级编程http://adv-r.had.co.nz/



For my case, I would recommend RKward for linux, it is a KDE. I've been using RStudio in Windows, but when I switched to Ubuntu, I find RKward easy to use, and has a good interface.

对于我的案例,我推荐RKward linux,它是一个KDE。我一直在Windows中使用RStudio,但是当我切换到Ubuntu时,我发现RKward很容易使用,并且有很好的界面。


You can create a data frame without coding it with data.frame() function.





I strongly recommend learning emacs+ess, but for a more modern-looking interface you can try RKward: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/rkward/index.php?title=Main_Page.

我强烈推荐学习emacs+ess,但是对于更现代的界面,您可以试试RKward: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/rkward/index.php?



I use Geany in combination with R. Geany provides a terminal in which one can start an R session and shortcuts an be defined in order to send highlighted text to the terminal.

我结合使用Geany和R. Geany提供了一个终端,可以在其中启动一个R会话,并定义快捷键an,以便向终端发送突出显示的文本。





RGedit, great tool if you're keen on GNOME default text editor. Lacks autocompletion in script mode, though... but you can define snippets in a separate plugin (Snippets)... You can send code directly to R session running in the terminal window, tabbed multiple R sesions, there are several GUI templates for common data analysis (t-test, correlation), long story short, take a look at:

RGedit,如果你喜欢GNOME默认的文本编辑器。在脚本模式中缺少自动完成,尽管…但是您可以在一个单独的插件(片段)中定义代码片段…您可以直接将代码发送到正在终端窗口中运行的R会话,设置多个R sesions,有几个用于通用数据分析的GUI模板(t-test, correlation),长话短说,请看:



Few months ago (when I gave my blogging skills a try), I wrote a review for RGedit, here's a link (and a little bit of self-advertising): http://psy-stat.com/?p=12


Oh, and you can use Geany and set it up so you can send code chunks to R session... I've never done it, but I know it's manageable!


EDIT #2:
here's a helpful link: http://sgsong.blogspot.com/2010/08/integrating-r-with-geany.html




This might be what you're looking for. It integrated Komodo and the SciViews package. I found it a bit too fiddley (I prefer vi) but if you're looking for a full blown IDE/editor for R in Linux it's pretty close to Tinn-R for Windows and it's written by the same guys!


Link: http://www.sciviews.org/SciViews-K/index.html




Rattle: http://rattle.togaware.com/




Emacs with ESS. Probably not as polished as Eclipse, but I do like it.

用ESS Emacs。也许没有Eclipse那么精致,但我确实喜欢它。



Personnaly, I use gedit and my console. It works great :)




A newcomer to the scene, which IMO looks very promising - and downright baller - relative to other existing IDEs like Rattle and JGR, is RStudio. It's free software, is cross-platform, looks very polished, and even has features like automatic refactoring.


Update 2012-04-12: I've been running it for a bit on our DB server, and I love that it's a web app that saves your sessions, resume-able from anywhere else. Plotting requires not only no X tunneling or png-writing but is easier to use than out-of-the-box R. Extremely easy to get up and running, and it comes with packages for Debian/Ubuntu (which I use).

更新2012-04-12:我已经在我们的DB服务器上运行了一段时间了,我喜欢它是一个可以保存你的会话的web应用程序,可以从其他任何地方复制。绘图不仅不需要X隧道或pg - write,而且比开箱即用的r更容易使用。非常容易启动和运行,它还附带Debian/Ubuntu的包(我使用的)。

The company/development is moving pretty fast, aiming to be the de facto standard IDE for all R users. If I'm gushing, it's probably because I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the IDE after a long time of using sub-par IDEs, not just for R but for plenty of other languages. So this was a bit out of the blue. I still need more time to really dig into it but I like what I'm seeing so far.




JGR isn't bad:


Most people I know rave about Emacs + ESS:

我认识的大多数人都喜欢Emacs + ESS:

But it's not quite the same thing as Tinn-R.


Along different lines ...


If you're looking at a high level functions for data mining, then Rattle is an option:


and another high level app for interactive plotting:




I have found that the Emacs-ESS combination is well worth the learning curve. I enjoy being able to:


  • have code and R console side by side
  • 有代码和R控制台并排吗
  • send the current line, paragraph, file, or function to the R console without touching the mouse
  • 将当前行、段落、文件或函数发送到R控制台而不需要触摸鼠标
  • easily interact with R sessions on remote computers
  • 容易与远程计算机上的R会话交互
  • enjoy all the editing abilities of Emacs
  • 享受Emacs的所有编辑能力。

Here's the website for the project: http://ess.r-project.org/

这是这个项目的网站:http://ess.r project.org/

Here's a helpful document about ESS in particular: http://www.demog.berkeley.edu/Refs/ess.pdf




Brand new IDE out there (as of Feb 2011) is http://www.rstudio.org/. Seems very promising from what I've seen so far.




Although Eclipse was mentioned by the OP, I do not know if he ment it with the StatET plugin.


Eclipse with StatET is a really great IDE besides e.g. EmacsSpeaksStatistics (ESS), but as in other environments the user have to learn it's the basic usage first. The only handicap of this IDE could be the relatively high resources requirements as based on Java, but this makes the program OS independent of course.

除了EmacsSpeaksStatistics (ESS)之外,带有StatET的Eclipse是一个非常好的IDE,但与其他环境一样,用户必须首先了解它的基本用法。这个IDE的唯一缺陷可能是基于Java的相对较高的资源需求,但是这使得程序操作系统当然是独立的。

Why I really would suggest to take the time to learn use StatET efficiently (cauction: very subjective list!):

为什么我真的建议花时间去学习如何有效地使用StatET (cauction:非常主观的列表):

  • be able to run your code really fast and easily with comfigurable shortcuts (by Ctrl+r by default),
  • 能够运行您的代码非常快速和轻松的快捷方式(通过Ctrl+r默认),
  • thanks to the script editor and running environment is heavily integrated, debuging and reviewing your code cannot be easier,
  • 由于脚本编辑器和运行环境被大量集成,所以调试和检查代码并不容易,
  • configurabled environments by default (e.g.: R scripts),
  • 默认情况下可配置的环境(例如:R脚本),
  • you may define templates for frequent commands and those's environment (e.g.: loop, if conditions etc),
  • 您可以为频繁的命令和这些命令的环境定义模板(例如:loop, if conditions等),
  • highly customizable syntax highlight,
  • 高度可定制的语法突出显示,
  • TeXlipse integrated to view and edit tex code with ease (LaTeX support for Eclipse),
  • TeXlipse集成以方便地查看和编辑tex代码(对Eclipse的乳胶支持),
  • Roxygen support for literate programming (very handy at package development to automatically generate Rd files (manuals) from inline comments),
  • Roxygen支持读写编程(在包开发中非常方便,可以从内联注释自动生成Rd文件(手册)),
  • easily extendable with othet Eclipse plugins (e.g.: spell checking, (SQL) database management, image viewer, running external programs like Sweave).
  • 易于扩展的othet Eclipse插件(例如:拼写检查,(SQL)数据库管理,图像查看器,运行外部程序如Sweave)。

A nice guide to read is A Guide to Eclipse and the R plug-in StatET by Longhow Lam.

一个不错的阅读指南是关于Eclipse和Longhow Lam的R插件StatET的指南。



Gedit + RGedit plugin + Snippets plugin

Gedit + RGedit插件+片段插件。



You've suggested eclipse; there is a plugin called StatEt which work quite well (even Sweave is supported!).




There is a KDE 4 based IDE called RKward. It's nice because of:

有一个KDE 4的IDE叫做RKward。这很好,因为:

  • Workspace Browser
  • 工作空间浏览器
  • Integrating the R console
  • 整合R控制台
  • data.frames editor
  • data.frames编辑器
  • Syntax colored editor
  • 语法彩色编辑器
  • GUI frontend for installing CRAN packages
  • 用于安装CRAN包的GUI前端



If you are used to Eclipse, StatET (mentioned by mbq) is probably the right choice for you.

如果您习惯了Eclipse,那么StatET (mbq提到)可能是您的正确选择。

That being said I have a more exotic choice to offer that you might want to consider, if you like auto suggestion and pure syntax highlighting is not enough for you. At least for me auto completion of R-Code did not work with StatET.


Now I use Komodo Edit with Sciviews-K and R64. Sending Code from editor to R works really well and the editor offers auto-completion for R-Code which is really nice – in particular if you are new to R. I work on a Mac, but it should be easy to setup for Linux too.


I think it has lost some popularity because it wasn't to stable in the past, but at I feel it's much better now and it hardly crashes in my setup. So you might wanna give it a chance too.


EDIT: If you work on Mac Textmate with the corresponding R bundle might be interesting, too. Recently I am about to switch to Textmate. If you don't care about the $45 for textmate, it's probably the most stable choice I tested so far. But it's only available on a Mac. But hey I am really amazed by this editor (and as you can see I like testing setups ;).

编辑:如果你在Mac Textmate与相应的R包可能也很有趣。最近,我即将切换到Textmate。如果你不关心textmate 45美元的价格,它可能是我迄今为止测试的最稳定的选择。但它只能在Mac电脑上使用。嘿,我对这个编辑器感到很惊讶(正如你所看到的,我喜欢测试设置;)

EDIT: I realize this thread is still being read by someone, so I definitely need to mention RStudio. It came out of nowhere and quickly became the choice of a lot of people. And it's well deserved. It still has some bugs (like not being able to stop RSessions) but it has tremendous auto-complete with context help. But at least on my setup (Mac) it's more stable than StatET / Eclipse. Sweave and ROxygen is not really supported yet, but the developers are very active. Definitely worth trying.

编辑:我意识到这个线程仍在被某人阅读,所以我必须提到RStudio。它从无到有,很快就成为许多人的选择。这是合情合理的。它仍然有一些bug(比如无法停止RSessions),但是它有很大的自动补全上下文帮助。但至少在我的安装(Mac)上,它比StatET / Eclipse更稳定。Sweave和ROxygen还没有得到真正的支持,但是开发人员非常活跃。绝对值得一试。

EDIT II: Because it's fun to track this here's another edit. RStudio continues to win more and more users. The combination of RStudio, Roxygen2 and particularly knitr integration has likely been the largest contribution to this development. While Rstudio was rather used by applied users and in teaching and has improved to dramatically that there's isn't many situations in which another IDE / editor is a better choice. Being maried to ESS seems like to only valid reason left to not use it. Also the documentation of its ecosystem is just great. The latest: Package development by Hadley http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/description.html and his advanced programming http://adv-r.had.co.nz/

编辑二:因为追踪这个很有趣,这里有另一个编辑。RStudio继续赢得越来越多的用户。RStudio、Roxygen2、特别是knitr集成的组合可能是这一开发的最大贡献。虽然Rstudio在应用用户和教学中都有很大的应用,但它已经得到了显著的改进,在很多情况下,另一个IDE /编辑器是更好的选择。对ESS而言,似乎只有正当的理由不使用它。同时,它的生态系统的记录也很好。最新的:Hadley http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/description的包开发。html和他的高级编程http://adv-r.had.co.nz/



For my case, I would recommend RKward for linux, it is a KDE. I've been using RStudio in Windows, but when I switched to Ubuntu, I find RKward easy to use, and has a good interface.

对于我的案例,我推荐RKward linux,它是一个KDE。我一直在Windows中使用RStudio,但是当我切换到Ubuntu时,我发现RKward很容易使用,并且有很好的界面。


You can create a data frame without coding it with data.frame() function.





I strongly recommend learning emacs+ess, but for a more modern-looking interface you can try RKward: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/rkward/index.php?title=Main_Page.

我强烈推荐学习emacs+ess,但是对于更现代的界面,您可以试试RKward: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/rkward/index.php?



I use Geany in combination with R. Geany provides a terminal in which one can start an R session and shortcuts an be defined in order to send highlighted text to the terminal.

我结合使用Geany和R. Geany提供了一个终端,可以在其中启动一个R会话,并定义快捷键an,以便向终端发送突出显示的文本。





RGedit, great tool if you're keen on GNOME default text editor. Lacks autocompletion in script mode, though... but you can define snippets in a separate plugin (Snippets)... You can send code directly to R session running in the terminal window, tabbed multiple R sesions, there are several GUI templates for common data analysis (t-test, correlation), long story short, take a look at:

RGedit,如果你喜欢GNOME默认的文本编辑器。在脚本模式中缺少自动完成,尽管…但是您可以在一个单独的插件(片段)中定义代码片段…您可以直接将代码发送到正在终端窗口中运行的R会话,设置多个R sesions,有几个用于通用数据分析的GUI模板(t-test, correlation),长话短说,请看:



Few months ago (when I gave my blogging skills a try), I wrote a review for RGedit, here's a link (and a little bit of self-advertising): http://psy-stat.com/?p=12


Oh, and you can use Geany and set it up so you can send code chunks to R session... I've never done it, but I know it's manageable!


EDIT #2:
here's a helpful link: http://sgsong.blogspot.com/2010/08/integrating-r-with-geany.html




This might be what you're looking for. It integrated Komodo and the SciViews package. I found it a bit too fiddley (I prefer vi) but if you're looking for a full blown IDE/editor for R in Linux it's pretty close to Tinn-R for Windows and it's written by the same guys!


Link: http://www.sciviews.org/SciViews-K/index.html




Rattle: http://rattle.togaware.com/




Emacs with ESS. Probably not as polished as Eclipse, but I do like it.

用ESS Emacs。也许没有Eclipse那么精致,但我确实喜欢它。



Personnaly, I use gedit and my console. It works great :)
