net pipe WCF服务在具有相同端点名称的不同用户会话中运行

时间:2021-01-07 19:33:40

Based on everything I've read about WCF services using net pipes I expected to be able to use the address net.pipe://localhost/service/ on different user sessions as WCF does not use the name but a GUID.

基于我所读到的有关使用网络管道的WCF服务的所有内容,我希望能够在不同的用户会话上使用地址net.pipe:// localhost / service /,因为WCF不使用名称而是使用GUID。

Anyway when I launch several services I get a AddressAlreadyInUseException with the message:


Cannot listen on pipe name 'net.pipe://localhost/service/' because another pipe endpoint is already listening on that name.

Is there a way to limit the scope of every WCF service to the user session? Connections will come always from the same user session.


1 个解决方案



What we have found is that Administrator users can see named piped between sessions while normal users do not see them. So we ended up running the application without admin rights and that was it.


What I don't know if this behavior is something that can be changed or if it is fixed in Windows.




What we have found is that Administrator users can see named piped between sessions while normal users do not see them. So we ended up running the application without admin rights and that was it.


What I don't know if this behavior is something that can be changed or if it is fixed in Windows.
