如何在sql server中将对象(表)的标题添加到其名称旁边

时间:2022-03-26 08:26:00

I have multiple database objects in my database constituting tables, views, functions, sp & triggers. They are distributed among different layer of schemas.


For the sake of better documentation, I want to codename them like db001_sch01_obj_01, so I want to add these caption names while creating objects. Is there a way to add an captain to db objects apart from obvious name.


1 个解决方案



Extended Properties is a feature that should serve your purpose. The examples on the docs site even have the hierarchy you are looking to implement:

扩展属性是一个应该满足您的目的的功能。 docs站点上的示例甚至具有您要实现的层次结构:


You can use the stored procedure sp-addextendedproperty or you can manually add or update the properties of each object by right clicking them individually and going to Properties>Extended Properties.


Example Syntax:

USE AdventureWorks2012;  
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty   
@name = N'Caption',   
@value = 'Postal code is a required column.',  
@level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = 'Person',  
@level1type = N'Table',  @level1name = 'Address',  
@level2type = N'Column', @level2name = 'PostalCode';  


For specifying extended properties, the objects in a SQL Server database are classified into three levels: 0, 1, and 2. Level 0 is the highest level and is defined as objects that are contained at the database scope. Level 1 objects are contained in a schema or user scope, and level 2 objects are contained by level 1 objects. Extended properties can be defined for objects at any of these levels.

为了指定扩展属性,SQL Server数据库中的对象分为三个级别:0,1和2.级别0是*别,定义为数据库作用域中包含的对象。 1级对象包含在模式或用户范围中,2级对象包含在1级对象中。可以为任何这些级别的对象定义扩展属性。

References to an object in one level must be qualified with the names of the higher level objects that own or contain them. For example, when you add an extended property to a table column (level 2), you must also specify the table name (level 1) that contains the column and the schema (level 0) that contains the table. +

必须使用拥有或包含它们的更高级别对象的名称限定对一个级别中对象的引用。例如,将扩展属性添加到表列(级别2)时,还必须指定包含列的表名(级别1)和包含该表的架构(级别0)。 +

If all object types and names are null, the property belongs to the current database itself.


Extended properties are not allowed on system objects, objects outside the scope of a user-defined database, or objects not listed in Arguments as valid inputs.


Extended properties are not allowed on memory-optimized tables.




Extended Properties is a feature that should serve your purpose. The examples on the docs site even have the hierarchy you are looking to implement:

扩展属性是一个应该满足您的目的的功能。 docs站点上的示例甚至具有您要实现的层次结构:


You can use the stored procedure sp-addextendedproperty or you can manually add or update the properties of each object by right clicking them individually and going to Properties>Extended Properties.


Example Syntax:

USE AdventureWorks2012;  
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty   
@name = N'Caption',   
@value = 'Postal code is a required column.',  
@level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = 'Person',  
@level1type = N'Table',  @level1name = 'Address',  
@level2type = N'Column', @level2name = 'PostalCode';  


For specifying extended properties, the objects in a SQL Server database are classified into three levels: 0, 1, and 2. Level 0 is the highest level and is defined as objects that are contained at the database scope. Level 1 objects are contained in a schema or user scope, and level 2 objects are contained by level 1 objects. Extended properties can be defined for objects at any of these levels.

为了指定扩展属性,SQL Server数据库中的对象分为三个级别:0,1和2.级别0是*别,定义为数据库作用域中包含的对象。 1级对象包含在模式或用户范围中,2级对象包含在1级对象中。可以为任何这些级别的对象定义扩展属性。

References to an object in one level must be qualified with the names of the higher level objects that own or contain them. For example, when you add an extended property to a table column (level 2), you must also specify the table name (level 1) that contains the column and the schema (level 0) that contains the table. +

必须使用拥有或包含它们的更高级别对象的名称限定对一个级别中对象的引用。例如,将扩展属性添加到表列(级别2)时,还必须指定包含列的表名(级别1)和包含该表的架构(级别0)。 +

If all object types and names are null, the property belongs to the current database itself.


Extended properties are not allowed on system objects, objects outside the scope of a user-defined database, or objects not listed in Arguments as valid inputs.


Extended properties are not allowed on memory-optimized tables.
