【LeetCode】792. Number of Matching Subsequences 解题报告(Python)

时间:2021-10-03 08:51:43

【LeetCode】792. Number of Matching Subsequences 解题报告(Python)

作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



Given string S and a dictionary of words words, find the number of words[i] that is a subsequence of S.

Example :

S = "abcde"
words = ["a", "bb", "acd", "ace"]
Output: 3
Explanation: There are three words in words that are a subsequence of S: "a", "acd", "ace".


  1. All words in words and S will only consists of lowercase letters.
  2. The length of S will be in the range of [1, 50000].
  3. The length of words will be in the range of [1, 5000].
  4. The length of words[i] will be in the range of [1, 50].






对于word的每个位置的字符,同时用个prev变量保存遍历S时已经到达哪个位置了,然后从字典中寻找这个字符是否存在prev 后面出现过。很巧妙。

时间复杂度是O(S) + O(WLlog(S)),空间复杂度是O(S).


class Solution(object):
def numMatchingSubseq(self, S, words):
:type S: str
:type words: List[str]
:rtype: int
m = dict()
def isMatch(word, d):
if word in m:
return m[word]
prev = -1
for w in word:
i = bisect.bisect_left(d[w], prev + 1)
if i == len(d[w]):
return 0
prev = d[w][i]
m[word] = 1
return 1 d = collections.defaultdict(list)
for i, s in enumerate(S):
ans = [isMatch(word, d) for word in words]
return sum(ans)




2018 年 9 月 25 日 —— 美好的一周又开始了,划重点,今天是周二

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